

Provisioning Water in Ecovillage Recycling Water and Provisioning in Extreme Condition

【作者】 陈海星

【导师】 罗杰威;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 生态村这个词最早源于1992年的里约热内卢地球峰会。在1987年世界环境委员会的布兰特蓝报告指出我们面临的危机:全球变暖、缺水、物种灭绝和世界贫困人口增多之后,178个国家的领导人齐聚里约热内卢探讨地球的未来。生态村是生态和村落的组合。它是如合作居住和意图性社区这些微社会项目的一员。生态村的描绘是一个自给自足的项目,种类多样,但有一个共同点即重新给予人类与生态系统下的环境的和谐。其基本原则是人类的索取应小于对自然的给予。然而,人类的行为在任何地方都是相似的。人类需要消耗水这种对于生命至关重要的资源以生存。水是地球上最重要的元素之一。它对于保护生态系统也是必不可少的。但是水是有限的。事实上,地球表面72%是水,但是这些水的97%是咸水,2%被封锁在冰盖下。因此,只有很少一部分能够用以浇灌和饮用。水是二十一世纪最重要的问题之一,它正在一点一点地从这个星球上消失。生态村有两个目标:成为独立的自消耗社区和保护环境。在生态村中创建良好的水管理能够帮助达到这些目标。因此,减少水的浪费、循环用水和良好的水消耗管理是最好的解决方法。

【Abstract】 The word ecovillage first appeared during the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil in 1992. Following the Brundtland report of the world environment commission board produced in 1987, stating alarming facts like global warming, scarcity of water, living species and the increase of poverty in the world, the leaders of 178 countries gathered in Rio to discuss the future of the planet.―Ecovillage‖is a combination of the terms ecology and village. It joins the wave of models of micro-society projects such as co-habitation or intentional communities. An ecovillage having a prospect of self-sufficiency variable from one project to another and where the priority is to re-give more balanced place to Man in harmony with his environment in a respect of present ecosystems. The basic principle is not to take from the Earth more than what we can give back.However, all human activities are the same everywhere. Man needs to consume essential resources like water to live. Water is one of the most important elements on the Earth. It is also necessary to preserve ecosystems. But water is a limited resource. In fact, 72 % of the surface of the Earth is water, but 97 % of this water is salted, 2 % of it locked away in icecaps. Hence only a small percentage of it left for crop irrigation and enable humanity to live. Water is one of the great issues of the 21st century, beginning to disappear little by little in some parts of the planet.Ecovillages have two main goals, in one hand to be independent of consumption society, in the other hand to preserve the environment. To have a good water management in ecovillages is one important way to reach these goals. So, to avoid waste of water, recycling and a good consumption management are the best solution.

【关键词】 生态村可持续循环废水
【Key words】 Ecovillagesustainabilityrecyclingwaste water
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期
  • 【分类号】S277.7
  • 【下载频次】28