

Research on Human Physiological Parameters and Weights Impact under Extreme Hot and Humidity Environment

【作者】 刘佳

【导师】 朱能;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着社会经济水平的不断发展,越来越多的行业需要接触到极端的生产或研究环境。极端环境下工作人员的劳动安全也引起了社会的广泛关注。国外对于极端环境的研究较早,颁布了相关标准和规范,以保障劳动人员的生产安全。我国也相继出台了许多相关的安全规范,目前我国在极端环境方面的研究通常以国外标准为基础,但由于气候、地理、种族、生活习惯等因素存在显著差异,并不是所有指标都适合中国人群,因此建立适合于中国人群的生理指标数据库是非常有必要的。极端环境包括高温、高湿、强辐射、低氧等多方面复杂恶劣环境因素,本实验主要研究高温高湿极端环境。在以往研究中通常环境相对湿度最高设定为80%,本实验则将高湿环境定为90%定值,专门探索相对90%条件下构成的高温高湿环境。研究主要从人体的各项生理参数着手,力求得到更为客观和直接的评价人与热环境之间的关系。实验在天津大学环境学院建立的微气候环境舱中进行,受试样本为健康的在校大学生,环境温湿度分为25℃50%(舒适环境)、30℃90%、35℃90%和40℃90%四组,劳动强度分为轻度、中度和重度三种。实验测量的生理参数包括口腔温度、皮肤温度、鼻腔温度、心率、能量代谢率、血氧饱和度、皮肤电导率。通过实验结果,分析各项生理参数在不同环境工况、不同劳动强度下的变化趋势,确定人体达到热忍耐极限时的生理参数阈值,对于男女差别较大的参数,分别对男性样本和女性样本进行比较,找出其中的区别,最后通过因子分析方法,将除血氧饱和度和皮肤电导率之外的五项生理参数进行权重分析,得到综合生理评价指标。

【Abstract】 environments were more and more prevalent in many industries. Occupational health and safety under extreme environments also were major concerns in society. In foreign countries, many studies had been conducted on extreme environments, and relevant standards and specifications were promulgated in order to guarantee health and safety. Although there were also a number of relevant safety standards introduced in our country, at present the studies in extreme environments usually were based on foreign standards. Because of the significant differences in climate, geography, race, lifestyle and other factors between China and foreign countries, not all indexes were suitable for Chinese people. Therefore, it’s necessary to establish the physiological indexes database for Chinese people.Extreme environments include many complex harsh environmental factors such as high temperatures, high humidity, strong radiation, lack of oxygen, etc. The extreme hot and wet environment was mainly studied. In previous studies the maximum relative humidity was usually set to 80%. But in this research the maximum relative humidity was set to 90% to explore the special extreme hot and humidity environment. Then the physiological indexes were measured to assessment physiological effects of the thermal environment.A climate chamber was built in Tianjin University to simulate the micro-climate. Some health of college students were chosen as test samples. In this experimental research, there were four ambient environments with different temperature and humidity: 25℃50% (as comfortable environment), 30℃90%, 35℃90% and 40℃90%. And 3 kind of labor intensity was mild, moderate and severe. The samples’oral temperature, skin temperature, nasal temperature, heart rate, metabolic rate, blood oxygen saturation, skin conductivity in different ambient environment and labor intensity were measured.Through experimental results, the physiological indexes trends in different ambient environment and labor intensity were analyzed to determine the threshold of physiological indexes at the heat tolerance limits. For the indexes with large difference between men and women, male and female samples were compared respectively to find the differences. Through the factor analysis method, analysis of weight of the physiological indexes, except blood oxygen saturation and skin conductivity, was taken to gain the comprehensive evaluation of physiological indexes finally.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期