

Research and Implementation of Unified Interface in Cloud Storage for Mobile Devices

【作者】 徐海峰

【导师】 刘芸;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 计算机科学与技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的发展和科技的进步,智能手机、平板电脑等移动设备已经成为人们日常工作和生活中必不可少的组成部分。同时,由于接入互联网的带宽明显改善,以及各种云存储服务的兴起,移动设备可以方便地通过云存储服务接口,将数据存储到各种云存储系统中。但另一方面,对于上层的应用程序来说,这些云存储服务接口往往各不相同,没有提供符合文件系统标准的接口,用户终端无法透明一致地访问远程存储服务,也不能在多个云存储系统间进行数据的共享和同步等操作。因此随着云存储服务的迅速发展,访问接口的差异化给用户开发和使用云存储服务带来越来越大的困难,人们对异构云存储服务接口规范化的需求也日益突出。本文设计并实现了一个支持异构云存储的统一接口服务CSUI,通过对不同云存储接口的转换处理,为移动客户端提供虚拟接口,能够较好地满足各类移动设备通过网络对数据进行无缝存储、管理和使用的需求,也为云存储服务标准化提供了一种解决方案。论文的主要工作包括:1、针对移动设备本身的存储和计算资源不足以及功耗受限的问题,设计并实现CSUI的系统架构,通过虚拟接口层与插件机制,为访问多种异构云存储服务提供统一接口,实现对多种存储服务的透明支持。2、根据移动设备的特点,为减少CSUI系统的网络流量、降低访问延迟并提高系统的性能,设计了一组可动态加载的模块化优化方法,包括基于使用成本的LCU缓存替换算法等缓存管理策略、文件压缩与聚集的流量控制技术等。3、为增强CSUI在主流移动设备上的实用性,针对Linux和Android平台分别设计并实现了相应的客户端程序。由于Android系统默认情况下并不包含FUSE模块,需要重新对Android的系统内核进行配置、编译等操作。4、经过对原型系统的测试结果表明,CSUI有效地实现了对POSIX标准接口的支持,用户可以对云端数据执行各种常用的文件操作命令,与已有的解决方案相比,本方法能够基本保持系统性能不变,但明显简化了客户端的实现并降低对资源的使用要求。

【Abstract】 With the development of economic and technology, mobile devices, such as intelligent mobile phone and tablet PC, have become essential components in people’s daily life and work. At the same time, the bandwidth to access Internet is significantly improved. With the rapid growth of cloud storage services, mobile devices can easily store their data through the interface of cloud storage service in a variety of cloud storage systems.On the other hand, these cloud storage services are different for the upper applications, and they do not provide consistent interface for the file system. User’s mobile devices can’t access remote storage services transparently and consistently, can’t be in more than one system for data sharing and synchrony either. Along with the rapid growth of cloud storage services, differences in the interface of the services affect the usage more than ever before. The demand of interface standardization on heterogeneous cloud storage service is also becoming more and more prominent.This paper designs and implements CSUI, a unified interface service for cloud storage. CSUI can provide mobile devides with virtual interface by conversion processing for different cloud storage interface. The service meets the needs of mobile devices for data management and usage in seamless cloud storage, and also gives a new solution for the cloud storage service standardization. The main work is as follows:Firstly, in order to solve the shortage of local storage and computing resources, and power constrained problem in mobile devices, we design and implement the CSUI system. By using the virtual interface layer and the plugin mechanism, CSUI provide a unified interface and transparently supports for heterogeneous cloud storage services.Secondly, according to the characteristics of mobile equipment, we design a group of optimization methods that can be dynamically loaded to reduce network flow, decrease access delay and improve the performance of the system. These methods include LCU cache replacement algorithm, file compression technology and so on.Thirdly, in order to enhance availability in mobile equipment, we design and implement the CSUI’s client program for Linux and Android operating system. Because the Android system doesn’t contain FUSE module by default, so we need to configure and rebuild the kernel of Android system.Fourthly, we test our system and find that it can support the POSIX standard interface. Compared with the existing solution, CSUI can do as well as the others in the aspect of performance, further more, it simplifies the clients and reduces the requirements of resources.

【关键词】 云存储文件系统接口Android
【Key words】 cloud storagefile systeminterfaceAndroid