

Design of Bilateral Teleoperation System and Research on Performance Optimization

【作者】 李磊

【导师】 韦庆;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 控制科学与工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着科技的发展和人类对太空探索的深入,遥操作技术作为空间机器人的一种重要控制方式,将发挥越来越重要的作用。遥操作有三种方式:预测控制、遥编程控制、双边控制。双边控制由于具有可应用于非结构化、未知从端环境的优点,成为近年来研究的热点。在时延力反馈双边控制系统中,根据主端操作者获取反馈力的方式的不同,将双边控制区分为全闭环方式和半闭环方式。本文针对空间在轨监测任务需求,采用半闭环方式构建力反馈双边控制系统。如何通过定量的评估函数有效地度量双边遥操作系统的操作性能,最终根据环境要求的性能改善双边遥操作系统,使其达到最优工作性能,是一个极具理论价值与现实意义的课题。在前人的研究中,时延力反馈双边控制系统的操作性能指标被概括为稳定性、透明性和跟踪性。透明性和跟踪性是借用电路理论中的阻抗概念定义的,缺乏直观性,定量度量也比较困难。针对现有性能度量指标的不足,本文提出一种综合度量指标,并定义了其度量公式,其特点是容易理解,简单实用。然后根据提出的综合度量指标度量评价了无源性和绝对稳定性两种双边控制方法,结果证明了绝对稳定性的双边控制方法明显优于无源性的方法。作者基于绝对稳定性的控制方法设计了半闭环双边控制器,最后通过半闭环双边控制系统实验验证了系统的稳定性,并根据实验结果综合分析了该系统的操作性能。通过建立的半闭环力反馈双边控制系统模型,本文基于绝对稳定性理论得到保证系统稳定的参数约束方程,设计了双边控制器,分别在单边时延1、4、6秒时进行了仿真实验,运用综合度量指标分析了实验结果,得到系统时延对系统性能的影响规律,为大时延情况下的双边控制器设计提供了指导。在保证系统稳定的基础上进一步研究系统的操作性能,分析了系统输入频率、系统时延与系统性能之间的影响规律,在系统时延增大的情况下,输入频率必须降低,才能保证系统操作性能良好。根据双边控制系统工作原理,搭建了半实物仿真实验系统,包括硬件设计、软件的编写、双边控制算法的设计和时延的模拟。分别在系统单边时延为1、4、6秒的情况下进行实验,验证了系统的稳定性和操作性能。通过分析不同时延下的实验曲线,验证了提出的双边遥操作系统综合度量指标的合理性,最后,本文对所设计系统的性能进行了优化研究。

【Abstract】 With the development of technology and space exploration, teleoperation is an important control method of the space robot, and it will play more and more important function.The teleoperation have three ways: predictive control, teleprogramming, bilateral control. Because bilateral control can apply in non-structure, unknown environment, it becomes research hot in recent years. In the system of bilateral control with force feedback and time delay, according to the difference of obtaining feedback force by operator, the bilateral control method can be divided into half closed loop and closed loop mode. In this paper, aiming at the mission requirements of space-orbit monitoring, we construct the system of bilateral control with force feedback adopting half closed loop method.How to use ration evaluating function to measure the performance of the bilateral teleoperation system, then ameliorate the performance of the system to achieve optimal work efficiency according to the requirement of the environment is a problem full of theoretic value and realistic sense. Based on previous research, the performance index of the system of bilateral control with force feedback and time delay can be summarized as stability, transparency and tracking. Due to using the impedance of circuit theory to define transparency and tracking, it lacks of intuition and is difficult to measure.For the limitation of the current performance index, a new integrated performance index method of the bilateral teleoperation system has been proposed and define its measure formula, which is easy to comprehend and simple to use. Then we measure respectively the bilateral control method based passivity and the bilateral control method based on absolute stability theory by using the presented integrated performance index, the merit of the bilateral control method based on absolute stability theory is testified. A half closed-loop bilateral controller is designed based on the absolute stability theory, later, a bilateral control system is established. Through the half closed loop bilateral control system experiment, the stability of the system is proved and the performance of the system is analyzed using the proposed integrated performance index.A model of bilateral control system of half closed loop is built up. The parameter constraint equations are obtained based on absolute stability theory. Bilateral controllers are designed for simulation experiment with time delay of 1, 4 and 6 seconds. The result of the experiment is analyzed and provides guidelines for design of bilateral control system with large time delay. More study of the manipulation performance of the system is made with the assurance of stability of the system. The rule by which the input frequency and the time delay affect the system performance is analyzed, and find that the input frequency of the system must be decreased when the time delay of the system is increasing. Otherwise, the system performance of manipulation will be getting bad.We build a semi-simulation semi-practicality experiment system based on the principles of the bilateral control system., the scheme of the system includes the design of hardware, software, bilateral control algorithm and the simulation of the time-delay. do the experiment with 1, 4, 6 seconds unilateral delay respectively, validate the stability and manipulation performance of the system. By the analysis of the experiment curves under different time delay, the validity of the proposed integrated performance index is testified.In the end,the paper explore performance optimization based on the experiment system.
