

Application Study on Embedded Immobilized Microorganisms Technology Efficient Nitrification Treatment in Industrial Wastewater

【作者】 李尧

【导师】 张振家;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 环境工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 最新颁布的国家“十二五”环境保护规划首次将氨氮列为了重要的减排指标,新建污水处理厂氨氮的达标排放以及旧污水处理厂提高氨氮去除效率的改造都需要高效的氨氮处理技术,本文分别以工业园区综合废水和高氨氮化工废水为研究对象,研究固定化包埋微生物技术在工业废水高效硝化处理中的应用,目的是为污水处理厂提高氨氮去除效率提供新的思路,并推广固定化包埋微生物技术在工业废水中的应用。实验得出的主要结论如下:1.包埋颗粒用模拟废水进行驯化,易于驯化,经过21天的驯化,氨氮去除负荷由8.3mgNH4+-N/L-pellet?h提高到110.2mgNH4+-N/L-pellet?h。2.包埋颗粒与活性污泥的混合体系能够较好的适应工业园区的综合废水,氨氮去除率达97%以上,COD去除率达86%。3.温度对包埋颗粒与活性污泥体系中氨氮去除效率的影响小于传统的活性污泥法,而且随着体系的持续运行,包埋颗粒会慢慢适应低温的环境。4.溶解氧对包埋颗粒与活性污泥体系中氨氮去除效率的影响比较大,为了保证活性污泥和包埋颗粒混合体系中氨氮的去除效率,整个体系的DO应该要大于4mg/L。5.MBBR载体与包埋颗粒的对比实验表明:包埋颗粒的反应器运行稳定后氨氮去除效率为95%,高于MBBR载体的80%;包埋颗粒的反应器TN去除效率达到90%,高于MBBR(移动床生物膜反应器)载体的75%。6.包埋颗粒与A/O工艺结合处理高氨氮化工废水实验表明:在进水碱度和反硝化碳源充足的条件下,氨氮去除率达98%以上、COD去除率达95%以上。出水COD、氨氮达《污水综合排放标准》(GB 8978-1996)一级排放标准的要求。7.向A/O工艺好氧段投加包埋颗粒后,经过22d的驯化,氨氮去除效率由70%提高到98%;达到相同的出水氨氮浓度,HRT由36h降低至20h;投加包埋颗粒后能有效的提高系统的氨氮去除效率,而且载体投加简单易行,适合原有污水厂的升级改造,无需扩建反应池即可使出水氨氮达标。

【Abstract】 The latest national twelfth five planning about environmental protection listed the ammonia nitrogen as the important reduce emissions index at the first time. The efficient ammonia nitrogen treatment technology is required in both new treatment plants and the reconstruction of the old plants. This thesis focuses on treating the mixed industrial wastewater and high ammonia nitrogen chemical wastewater, studies on the application of embedded immobilized microorganisms technology effect on nitrification treatment in industrial wastewater. The purpose of the research is to provide a new thinking for improving ammonia nitrogen removal efficiency and to popularize the embedded immobilized technology application of industrial wastewater. The main conclusions are as follows:1. Embedded pellets is easy to acclimation by synthetic wastewater, 21 days later, the nitrification ability of the embedded pellets is increased from 8.3mgNH4+-N/L-pellet?h to 23.4mgNH4+-N/L-pellet?h.2. The mixed system combined embedded pellets with activity sludge can well adapt to the mixed wastewater. The removal rate of NH4+-N is more than 97% and the removal rate of COD is more than 86%.3. Temperature had a less influence on the removal rate of NH4+-N in mixed system combined embedded pellets with activity sludge than traditional activated sludge process. And with the system continued operated, embedded pellets will be slowly adapted to the low temperature conditions.4. In the mixed system, DO had a great influence on the removal rate of NH4+-N, The removal rate of NH4+-N could meet the requirement when DO>4. 5. Contrast experiment between MBBR carrier and embedded pellets shows that the removal rate of NH4+-N is 95% with the stable embedded pellets mixed system, better than the MBBR(Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor) carrier which is 80%, and removal rate of TN is 90%, better than about MBBR reactor which is 75%.6. The experiment of treating the high ammonia chemical wastewater with immobilized microorganisms combined with A/O process indicated that: on the condition of enough carbon sources and alkalinity, the removal rate of NH4+-N is more than 98% and the removal rate of COD is more than 95%. The effluent meets the first level criteria specified in Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard(GB8978-1996).7. With the Dosing the embedded pellets into the aeration zone of A/O process, the removal rate of NH4+-N is increased from 70% to 98% after 22 days’acclimation and HRT can be decreased from 36h to 24h when meet the same effluent NH4+-N. Dosing the embedded pellets can effectively improve the removal rate of NH4+-N, and carrier additive is simple. It is suitable for the reconstruction of the old plants. The effluent can meet criteria without reconstructing the tank.
