

Studies of Substrate Mini Culture System for Greenhouse Tomato Based on Physiological Analysis and Matter Distribution Simulation

【作者】 崔琳茹

【导师】 牛庆良; 黄丹枫;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 园艺学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 番茄(Solanum lycopersicum)具有较高的营养价值,是世界上最重要的蔬菜之一。针对目前温室番茄栽培中存在的缺少适宜无土栽培系统的问题,本文对新型微小基质栽培系统(Substrate Mini Culture System,SMCS)的研制、温室环境因子(温度、光照、基质水分含量等)及栽培管理措施(灌溉方式和密度)等对番茄生长发育、产量和品质的影响等进行了研究,旨在明确相关机理并优化栽培环节,为实际生产提供技术支持,为温室番茄精准化、数字化生产体系的构建提供数据参考。本文的主要研究结果如下:1.研制开发了微小根域基质栽培系统,基质厚度降至12cm,单株基质用量降低至1.63L。以番茄作为实验材料,分别于2010年秋季和2011年春季研究了其在微小根域基质栽培和盆栽两种栽培系统中的生长及产量品质。结果表明,微小根域基质栽培系统中的番茄植株长势、产量及品质显著优于盆栽;与盆栽(21L)相比,该系统的可节省基质222%、省水40~67%。2.研究了微小根域基质栽培系统中不同灌溉方式和栽培密度对番茄生长、生理特性、产量、品质的影响。结果表明:在该系统中,渗灌处理的番茄植株茎粗和叶面积显著高于滴灌处理,叶绿素含量略高于滴灌处理;低密度处理的番茄植株地下部分,如根体积及表面积优于高密度处理。低密度渗灌处理的单果重最大(185.62g)及单株产量最大(706.86g),果实品质中的含糖量和糖酸比高于其他;高密度渗灌处理的预期公顷产量最高(60.81t)。与盆栽对照相比,微小根域栽培番茄植株地上部分生长较快并显著改善果实品质,植株干物质分配系数差异显著。通过与盆栽对照的比较和从果实产量和品质方面综合考虑,在微小根域低密度(5.2株/m2)基础上进行合理密植的渗灌栽培为生产上的适宜选择。3.研究了不同栽培系统、栽培密度和灌溉方式对番茄光合特性和产量的影响。结果表明:试验四个处理光响应曲线的大小顺序为SFL>SDL>SFH>PDL,且作物产量和最大光合效率呈极显著正相关关系(P<0.01)。四个处理光饱和点大小顺序为SFL>SDL>SFH>PDL,光补偿点大小顺序为PDL>SFH>SDL>SFL,其中SFL处理日光合累计值和日蒸腾累计值最大。4个处理Ci日变化情况为U型曲线(SFL>SDL>SFH>PDL),Ls曲线则相反(PDL>SFH>SDL>SFL),其可能原因为SFL根系温度相对适宜,叶肉细胞光合能力高于其他处理。因此,微小根域渗灌低密度栽培番茄的光合能力和产量优于其他。此外,试验PDL处理水分利用率(A/E)最高,可通过减少微小根域栽培的灌溉量和灌溉次数提高水分利用率。4.以不同栽培系统、灌溉方式和栽培密度的试验资料所测得的叶面积指数和分配系数作为模型的输入参数,构建了不同处理进行了叶面积指数、干物质生产和分配模型,并对不同处理的模拟值和实测值进行比较。结果表明,该模型能较好地模拟不同处理条件下番茄叶面积指数和干物质分配,模拟值和实测值的相关系数均在0.9以上。叶面积指数的大小与植株生长速率和最终产量密切相关。4个处理叶面积指数、总干物质积累量和果实干物质积累量以及相对生长速率大小顺序均为SFH>SFL>SDL>PDL。通过不同处理间比较,发现微小根域高密度渗灌处理下番茄叶面积指数和干物质生产及分配优于3个低密度栽培处理,可为今后番茄工厂化生产中的合理密植及灌溉方式提供理论依据。

【Abstract】 Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), which has high nutritional value, is one of the world’s most important vegetables. In order to solve the problem of lack of feasible soilless cultivation system for tomato in the current greenhouse production, this thesis focused on researching and developing new substrate mini culture system(SMCS), effects of environment factors (temperature, light, water content and matrix) and management of cultivation (irrigation methods and density) on the yield and quality of tomato. Totally, it aims to clearify the mechanism and optimizing cultivation system, providing the technical support for practical production and data reference for the digital and precision tomato cultivation in greenhouse.The main results were followed: 1. A new-style substrate mini cultivation system (SMCS) was developed and was applied to tomato production. The substrate thickness was reduced to 12 cm and substrate dosage for per plant was reduced to 1.63 L with this system. According to the experiments in 2010 and 2011, we could find that SMCS get better results not only on growth and development, but also yield and quality. Compared with potted plants(21L), the system can save up 222% of the substrate and 40 to 67% of water.2. Effects of different irrigation methods and planting density on growth, fruit yield and quality of tomato were studied in the condition of mini cultivation. Results showed that stem diameter and leaf area of those plants watered by Filtration irrigation were significantly higher than that in drip irrigation, chlorophyll content slightly above the plant of drip irrigation; underground parts of plants in low density, such as root volume and surface area gave a better performance than those in high density. Plants of low density and filtration irrigation with the biggest weight (185.62g) of single fruit per plant also had the largest yield (706.86g). Meanwhile, its fruit qualities such as the sugar content and sugar-acid rate were higher than any other. The largest yield (60.81t) per hectare was got in treatment of low density and filtration irrigation. Compared with potting plant, aboveground parts of the plants in mini pot and its fruit quality were better. The difference in dry matter partitioning between the two pot-systems was significant. Compared with growing in potting, together with fruit yields and quality, the advantageous method for production is cultivation in mini pot integrated with filtration irrigation and reasonable close planting based on low density (5.2 plants/m2).3. Effects of different cultivation system, planting density and irrigation methods on the photosynthetic characteristics and tomato yield were studied. Results showed that: the secquence of four photosynthesis curves of light intensity was: SFL > SDL > SFH > PDL, and yields had direct correlativity with maximum photosynthetic efficiency (P < 0.01). The secquence of four treatments with light saturation point was SFL > SFH > SDL > PDL, while the secquence of four treatments with light compensation point was PDL > SFH > SDL > SFL. Photosynthetic accumulative value and transpiration accumulative value got to the peak in treatment SFL. Daily change of Ci appeared as U type curve (SFL > SDL > SFH > PDL) while the daily change of Ls totally different from Ci’s (PDL > SFH > SDL > SFL). The possible reason was that mesophyll cells of SFL plants in photosynthetic capacity were better than the other treatments due to the appropriate root temperature. Therefore, photosynthetic capacity and output of tomatos planted in mini root cultivation system with low density and infiltrating irrigation were better than others. In addition, the highest water use efficiency was got in treatment PDL. People could improve water use efficiency by reducing water amount and irrigation times in mini root cultivation system.4. The model for LAI, dry matter producing and partitioning was built based on data of different cultivation systems, irrigation methods, densities, and compared the simulated and measured results among 4 treatments. The results showed that the model could simulate tomato LAI and dry matter distribution appropriately under different treatments and the correlation coefficients were all more than 0.9. LAI was closely related to plant growth rate and final yield. The sequence of 4 treatments in LAI, total dry matter accumulation and fruit dry matter accumulation and relative growth rates was the same: SFH > SFL > SDL > PDL. Through the comparison between different treatments, we found LAI, dry matter production and distribution of tomatos planted in mini root cultivation system with high density and infiltrating irrigation were better than others. It could provide theory basis in reasonable density irrigation methods for factory production of tomato.
