

The Analysis of Causes for Military Interferences in Thailand

【作者】 陈方玺

【导师】 钟杨;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 政治学理论, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 泰国是当今世界上军人干政及政权交替最为频繁的国家之一。本文以军事政治学中关于军人干政原因的理论分析作为基础,在对泰国军人干政史进行梳理的基础上,较为客观的分析了泰国军人干政的原因。泰国军人干政的产生有其外部原因,也有内部原因。在外部,无论是宪政的脆弱,还是政党体制的低落,抑或是选举制度的混乱,文人统治的失败,都证明了民主政体在泰国的软弱;而泰国根深蒂固的传统文化,成为泰国民主化过程中的绊脚石;而二战后给予泰国军方的国际援助,全方位的提升了泰军在政治格局中的地位。在内部,泰军或是为了维护国家利益、本阶级利益、自身利益,或为了争取更多的利益,而进行干政,这是泰国军人干政的动机;而泰军拥有干政的传统优势、政绩优势、组织优势、财力优势,这是其干政的能力,这些能力可以促使泰军将干政的动机落实到行动上。

【Abstract】 Thailand is one of the countries confronted with remarkably frequent military interferences and regime changes. This paper, on the basis of theoretical analysis for the causes of military interventions according to Military Political Science, has had a brief retrospection on the history of military interferences in Thailand and then has objectively analyzed a series of causes, both externally and internally, for military interventions.From an external perspective, the democracy in Thailand is obviously feeble, which could be marked by the weak constitutional government, the underdeveloped political party system, the unordered electoral system and the frustrated literati regime. Secondly, the Thai traditional culture is deep-rooted which, in some degree, has presented as an obstacle during the democratization. Besides, the international aids on Thai military after WWII have completely improved its political status.As for the internal reasons, the motivation of interference is always to safeguard all kinds of interests, i.e. national interests, class interests, their own interests, or to seek more interests. Furthermore, the military indeed has a wide range of superiorities, for example, the traditional advantages, political advantages, organizational advantages, and financial advantages, which have efficiently enhanced their capabilities, thus supported to realize their motivations.

【关键词】 军人干政原因
【Key words】 military interferencescauses