

The Research on Prepackaged Bankruptcy

【作者】 张铃

【导师】 韩长印;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 民商法, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我国现行重整程序耗时长,成本高,对企业的负面影响大,企业要么望而却步,要么不负重荷,使得重整制度的目标和价值难以实现;而单纯的庭外重组虽然形式灵活,耗时短,对企业的负面影响小,但是难以克服私人谈判所固有的“钉子户”问题,破产预防制度由此面临新的挑战。预重整制度作为美国司法实践中成长起来一项新制度,既借助了司法的干预能有效解决少数债权人、特别是个别债权人的“钉子户”问题,又能延续私人谈判的优点,耗时短,成本低,商业影响小,企业的控制权大,给陷入困境的企业提供了新的解决方法。通过分析我国建立预重整制度的必要性、重要性,本文认为预重整制度不但是解决目前传统重整和庭外重组困境的需要,也是完善我国多元化破产预防制度的需要。此外,大量庭外重组经验的累积、重整制度的确立、破产法官及合议庭的出现为预重整制度在我国的确立和实施提供了现实的可能性。因此,本文在借鉴美国预重整制度立法和司法经验的基础上,在预重整的立法目的、破产原因、信息披露、申请主体、申请程序、预重整方案的批准和效力等方面提出了建议。

【Abstract】 The prevention from bankruptcy is faced challenge by the problems of traditional reorganization and out-of-work. The problem of traditional reorganization in our country can be summarized as: time consuming, high costs, bad commercial effects; meanwhile,out-of-work cannot overcome the holdout problem. Prepackaged bankruptcy as a solution to those problems emerged in American in 1986. Through the analysis on the necessity,importance and the feasibility of prepackaged bankruptcy in our country, this paper gave some advises on the purpose of establishing prepackaged bankruptcy in our country, the bankruptcy course of prepackaged bankruptcy, disclosing adequate information, the person who can file prepackaged bankruptcy, the process of prepackaged bankruptcy, the confirm of prepackaged bankruptcy plan and the legal effect of the confirmed prepackaged bankruptcy plan.

  • 【分类号】D922.291.92
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】148
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