

Public Domains of Interactive Feedback Network Asked Administration Model Construction

【作者】 王悦生

【导师】 余红;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 传播学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 网络问政作为政府部门与公民进行政务沟通和情感沟通的新途径,体现了公权机关执网能力的水准和高度,中国网络问政历经十年的发展,目前已发展成为互联网时代一道亮丽的风景。公民通过政府官方网站、官员微博、网络新闻发言人等平台发表自己对公共事务的意见和建议,对于促进现代民主、实现政府职能再造具有重要的变革意义。本研究通过对中国网络问政发展历程的盘点分析,以议程设置理论、政策网络理论、政府再造理论和传播学的互动反馈理论为基础,分析了影响网络问政效果的因素除了网络问政参与主体、课题之外,还受到网络信任的维度、互动反馈的时机以及当代数字鸿沟的加深等因素影响。通过对具体案例的盘点分析,本文构建了常态意见流和突发公共事件下的官民互动模式,前者为常规的线性反馈模式,特点是单向的线性传播,公众接受信息较为被动;后者的特点是信息传播的回环性强,沟通反馈能较及时。同时,本文从传播反馈的时机、技巧等角度对如何加强现代网络问政的实际效果、如何实现网络问政主体和客体的良性互动提出了针对性的政策建议。

【Abstract】 Network asked political government agencies and citizen as communication and emotional communication e-government, reflects the new way of public rights authority for the level of holding nets ability height, China network asked political development of a decade, has developed into the Internet age beautiful scenery. Through the government’s official website, citizens micro bo, network news officials to speak out on the platform such as, a spokesman for public affairs opinions and Suggestions for promoting the modern democracy, and realize the important functions of government reengineering change meaning.By researching the development of China’s network asked the government to inventory analysis, policy network theory, government reengineering theory and communication interactive feedback theory as a foundation, analyzed the influence factors of network asked political effect except network asked political participation body, subject, but also by the network trust outside the dimensions, interactive feedback of movement and the deepening of contemporary digital divide etc. Influence.This article through to the specific cases, constructing the inventory analysis flow and the normal opinions of public emergencies, the former official and interaction model for the conventional linear feedback mode, the characteristic is one-way linear transmission, the public accept information more passive; The latter is characteristic of the information dissemination loopback sex strong, communication can be timely feedback. Meanwhile, the paper discusses how to realize network asked political effect maximization, puts forward the constructive Suggestions.
