

A Review of Listening Strategies at Home and Abroad in the Past Twenty Five Years

【作者】 刘玮华

【导师】 张再红;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 听力策略的研究最早开始于上世纪80年代,初期研究相对较少,但近年来研究者开始关注听力策略的使用情况,取得了很多成果。但是,对于听力策略的综述性研究自2000年以后出现空白,因此有必要总结二十多年里的研究成果以及不足,以便为以后的研究一定的启示。本研究以从1985年到2010年二十五年里在国内外核心期刊以上所发表的关于听力策略的文章为研究对象,试图分析国际国内者对听力策略研究的现状。通过对国内的66篇以及国外的79篇文章进行分类整理,从研究内容(描述性研究和策略培训研究)和研究方法两个角度,进行了综述。在描述性研究中,66%的研究者对成功与不成功的学习者进行了分析,对具体听力策略进行了总结,对听力策略与听力任务之间的关系进行了研究,一致认为:1)成功的学习者比不成功的学习者更能灵活运用听力策略,并能有意识的根据不同的学习任务进行调整;2)运用的听力策略总体上包括元认知策略、认知策略、社会和情感策略等,具体来说主要有选择性注意、计划、评估、笔录和问题解决等;3)使用的听力材料随着多媒体的运用,变得多样,包括录像,广播等视听材料。但是存在的不足包括:1)成功与不成功的学习者的研究主要侧重于策略与成绩的关系,对于其他的包括动机、态度、个性特征、学习风格等影响听力策略的因素的研究相对不足;2)在调查影响听力策略使用中,哪种策略在学习过程中占据主导地位出现了分歧。在策略培训研究中,90%的研究者一致认为:1)策略培训对于挺高学习者的学习的学习兴趣,动机以及学习成绩有明显帮助,并且对于提高学习者的自主学习能力有重要启示;2)研究的对象主要是以英语为二语的学生,另外还有中文、法语、西班牙语等为二语的学生;3)所使用的培训材料主要包括教材听力,听力测试以及BBC新闻等。存在的不足包括:1)应该教哪类听力策略以及怎样教听力策略这两个问题,研究者尚未达成定论;2)中国的研究主要侧重于大学生,研究范围相对局限。在研究方法的研究中,主要使用的方法包括问卷调查、访谈、测试、日记、有声思维以及内省法。其中,单独采用最多的方法是问卷调查和测试,使用最少的方法是日记和访谈。综合运用的方法包括问卷和测试、问卷和访谈、问卷和日记以及问卷和口头报告,其中,综合运用几种方法有利于克服单一方法的缺陷,使研究数据更精确。以上分析给以后的听力策略研究一定的启示:1)在描述性研究中,应增加对影响学习策略的因素包括动机、态度、个性特征、学习风格的研究;2)应该教哪类听力策略以及怎样教听力策略还需要进一步探索;3)听力策略的研究的深度和广度还需要进一步加强;4)综合运用多种研究方法应该进一步推广。

【Abstract】 The studies on listening strategies began in the 1980s, and researchers focus on them since then and a number of achievements have been made. Due to the important role of listening comprehension in second language acquisition, the researches on listening strategies attach great importance to strategy identification and strategy training studies. However, the review of listening strategies research is rare. In fact it is a blank since 2000. Therefore, it is necessary to review achievements and limitations in the past twenty five years.This research tries to analyze the status quo of listening strategies made by Chinese and foreign researchers in the past twenty five years (1985-2010), and it focuses on the articles released in the core journals both in China and abroad since 1985. By analyzing Chinese 66 and foreign 79 articles respectively, it will study from research content (descriptive studies and strategy training studies) and research method perspective.In the descriptive studies, 66 % researchers have made comparison between more and less effective listeners and summarized specific listening strategies, and relations between listening strategies and listening tasks are studied, which have some findings. 1) More effective listeners can use strategies more frequently and consciously with different tasks; 2) Metacognitive, cognitive and social/affective strategies are most widely used strategies for listeners. As to specific strategies, selective attention, planning, evaluation, note taking and problem solving are major used. 3) There is a variety of listening materials, including video, broadcast and so on. However, there are some weaknesses. 1) The main focus is on listening strategies related to levels of proficiency, but factors including motivation, attitude, individual difference and style of learning affecting listening strategies are seldom covered; 2) Which strategy plays critical role in listening is in debate in investigating the use of listening strategies. In the strategy training studies, 90% researchers have an agreement on the following findings. 1) Strategy training plays a significant role in arousing listeners’interests, motivation and their listening scores, and provides some implications for improving listeners’autonomous learning. 2) The informants are mainly EFL listeners, and students who take Chinese, French, and Spanish as foreign language; 3) The materials include textbooks, tests and BBC news and so on. There are also some weaknesses. 1) There is no agreement on two questions including which kinds of strategies should be taught and how to teach these strategies; 2) For Chinese researchers, university students are main focus, which is relatively narrow.The main methods for listening strategies are questionnaires, interviews, diaries, retrospection and think aloud. The most widely used methods are questionnaires and tests, and the least used ones are dairies and interviews. They have both advantages and disadvantages, so using them comprehensibly can make the data more exact.There are some implications for the researches. Firstly, in the descriptive studies, researches on factors including motivation, attitude, individual difference and style of learning can be paid attention to. 2) It is still worth exploring which kinds of strategies should be taught and how to teach these strategies; 3) The width and depth are worth strengthening; 4) It is worth putting comprehensive use of various methods into application.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】1
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