

The Integration Theory and Practice Research of Information Technology and TCSL Course

【作者】 李瑞

【导师】 刘根辉;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 汉语国际教育, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着中国经济实力的迅速提高,在全球化背景下,逐渐形成了一股世界范围内学习汉语的热潮。在过去,汉语学习主要集中在学术和教学领域,而如今汉语学习已经覆盖到了各国政府,走入了社会民间,进而渗透到了各个层面及主体。另一方面,随着信息时代的到来,现代教育技术已经在人们的生活、学习以及工作中发挥了重大影响,并且已经逐渐渗透到了教育改革领域之中,由此而引发了一场信息技术与学科课程的整合热潮,而这一热潮也逐渐将其影响力扩展到了对外汉语教学领域。本文以信息技术与课程整合理念为指导,在综合分析了国内外现有信息技术与课程整合研究成果以及信息技术与对外汉语课程整合现状的基础上,提出了信息技术、课程、整合等概念,探讨了信息技术与对外汉语课程整合的内涵与目标。接着,提出了传递——接受式与探究式两种宏观整合模式,具体分析了信息技术与对外汉语综合课及口语课教学的整合情况,并基于具体的整合情况提出了相应的激发兴趣、创设情境、强化操练以及问题探究等整合对策。然后,在对一个示范课教学过程进行了具体介绍的基础上,针对此示范课的优点与不足进行了具体评析,并对其中的某些不足之处提出了建议。最后,在文章结尾处总结了本文对信息技术与对外汉语课程整合的研究内容以及最终任务的完成情况,并对今后这方面研究工作的继续深入提出了展望。

【Abstract】 In the context of globalization, with China’s economic strength rapidly increased, there is a stream of worldwide learning Chinese boom gradually formed. In the past, Chinese learning was restricted to academic and teaching research. Now, Chinese learning expands its affected area, include every social folk. At the same time, with the advent of the information age, modern education technology has played a major influence in people’s life, study and work, and has gradually penetrated to education reform. And this sparked an information technology and curriculum integration boom. And this boom also deeply affects the teaching Chinese as a foreign language.In this paper, in the basis of drawing the existing research results at home and abroad, I discussed the connotation, the goal and basic mode of information technology and TCSL courses integration, made a concrete analysis of the information technology and the teaching Chinese as a foreign language integration’specific condition, put forward some corresponding countermeasures according to the integration’specific condition, such as stimulate interests, create context and strengthen practice etc.And then I analyzed a teaching case, analyzed its advantages and shortcomings, proposed some suggests for these deficiencies. At the end of the paper, I did some summary and outlook about the research of information technology and TCSL curriculum integration.

  • 【分类号】H195
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】130