

Research about Cognitive Model of Rumors Based o Hopfield Neural Network

【作者】 张志余

【导师】 陈曦;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 控制工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 谣言是一种特殊的社会舆论现象,很容易引起人们的恐慌行为,对社会正常的生产和生活秩序有着很不利的影响。随着日新月异的互联网和无线通讯网的高速发展,谣言的传播范围更为广泛,因此对谣言内在传播机制的探索和研究就变得更为复杂和困难。目前,国内外的学者分别从社会心理学和信息科学角度对一般的社会谣言进行了研究,取得了一定的进展和成果,但效果并不十分明显,对谣言传播和蔓延的规律以及谣言产生的本质特征及内在机理仍未给出一个准确和可靠的结论。地震谣言作为一种特殊的社会谣言,具有一般社会谣言的基本特点,但由于其特殊的背景,成为社会公众中关注度高、影响力大的一种社会谣言,因此本文拟以地震谣言为背景来对谣言的产生机制和传播规律做一些研究工作。通过对一系列地震谣言事件的观察发现,个体差异性在谣言的形成及传播过程中表现得十分明显,不同的个体本身具有不同的特征属性,因此对同一信息的认知会有所差异,由此可见对个体的认知模型进行研究对研究个体的谣言传播行为是非常有意义的。Hopfield神经网络具有联想记忆的功能,而且相关生物学研究表明人脑负责联想记忆功能的海马CA3区中的突触连接和Hopfield网络神经元的连接具有相似的连接特性,因此本文采用Hopfield神经网络来对个体的认知模型进行了建模,通过Hopfield神经网络的联想记忆功能来模拟人脑的海马CA3区的联想记忆功能,从而实现个体对谣言信息的记忆和识别,最后本文通过C++编程对个体的认知模型进行了实现并进行了一系列的实验和数据分析。在实验阶段,本文通过让不同的个体学习不同的样本信息来表现个体本身的差异性,然后再观察不同个体对同一信息的识别结果有何不同,并与现实情况进行了对比分析。通过对实验数据的分析可以发现,本文所建立的个体认知模型与现实个体的认知基本相符。

【Abstract】 As a general public phenomenon, rumors usually disseminate in a face-to-face and word-of-mouth way, whose communication effect and range are somewhat limited. However, with the rapid development of the Internet and wireless networks, the rumors spread to wider range recent years, so the exploration and study to the rumors’inner spread mechanism become more complex and difficult. At present, the domestic and foreign scholars have done some researches to the general social rumors respectively in terms of social psychology and information science, and have made some progress and achievements, but the effect is not very obvious. An accurate and reliable conclusion is still not given out about the law of the rumors’spread and the essential characteristics and internal mechanism of rumors’engenderment.Earthquake rumors, as a special kind of social rumors, have the basic characteristics of general society rumors, but due to its special background, it attracts high attention and has a great influence in the social public. So this paper intends to do some research work to the generation mechanism and spread rule of the rumors at the background of earthquake rumors. Through observation to a series of events that of earthquake rumors, individual differences in the process of the formation and spreading of rumors fared obviously. Different individual has different characteristic attributes, so the cognition to the same information will vary, thus to study the individual cognitive model is very significant to the individual rumor spread behavior. Hopfield neural network has an associative memory function, and the biology research shows that the synapses’junctions in the hippocampus CA3 area, the part of brain responsible for associative memory function have similar characteristics with the neurons in the Hopfield network, and hence Hopfield neural network is adopted in this paper to individual cognitive model, through the associative memory function of Hopfield neural network to simulate the associative memory function of the human brain CA3, so as to realize the individual’s memory and identification to information of rumors. Finally, this paper realizes the individual cognitive model through c + + programming and conducts a series of experiments and data analysis, and gives a comparative analysis with the reality. Based on the It can be found, through analysis to the experimental data, individual cognitive model set up in the paper basic conform to the real individual cognition.

  • 【分类号】B842.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】195