

On Construction of Quitting Mechanism of Well-known Trademarks in China

【作者】 张兵

【导师】 梁木生;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 驰名商标制度本来可以有效的制止搭便车行为,保护高商誉商标。然而,我国驰名商标制度被严重异化,驰名商标泛滥、驰名商标不驰名、驰名商标过度宣传等现象,使得驰名商标只是企业争相获取的宣传资源。有些驰名商标已经不再驰名,却仍以驰名商标的名义进行宣传。我国没有建立驰名商标撤销机制,无法规制这种行为,因此国家商标局提出了建设驰名商标撤销机制的构想。在综合前人成果的基础上,笔者也试图提出驰名商标撤销机制的架构方案,故此选择了这一研究内容。论文共分5章。第一部分,驰名商标基本问题。论文从驰名商标的概念出发,归纳出驰名商标的三大要素,从零散出现、体系化、快速发展三个阶段对各个时期的立法进行总结;在借鉴已有成果的基础上,系统归纳出驰名商标异化的原因、表现和危害;最后,从使驰名商标制度实现价值回归、保护高商誉商标、保护商标秩序三个层面论述了驰名商标撤销机制的必要性。第二部分,我国驰名商标撤销机制的缺失。分别分析了撤销机制缺失原因、危害,并进一步论述了驰名商标撤销机制的必要性。第三部分,驰名商标撤销行为。从司法认定行为和行政认定行为来讨论驰名商标的可撤销性。对撤销驰名商标的含义进行深挖,得出撤销驰名商标有两个含义:一种是撤销当时的司法认定或者行政认定,一种是不撤销该认定,只是否定驰名商标驰名的状态。国内学者并没有讨论驰名商标是否具有可撤销性,但笔者认为即便其定性为事实认定,但基于以下四个原因仍具有可撤销性:之前的认定会对之后的商誉产生积极的影响;商誉的下降是一个缓慢的过程;认定后该商标会出现在驰名商标名单中。能被撤销的是状态还是行为?笔者在这一部分对该问题进行研究后,得出了一个结论:状态也能被否定。第四部分,我国驰名商标的撤销认定标准。我国并没有建立驰名商标撤销制度,也没有提出撤销标准,这一标准主要包括这样几个方面:①商标被撤销、②因虚假诉讼而获得认定、③商品质量出现严重问题、④市场占有率严重下降、⑤相关公众的知晓程度严重下降。第五部分,我国驰名商标撤销的程序。国内只有商标撤销的程序,并没有驰名商标撤销的程序,因此对对驰名商标的撤销程序提出了建议:将驰名商标的撤销分为主动撤销和被动撤销,其中被动撤销又分为法院撤销和行政撤销。法院撤销只能是通过审判监督程序,并且要建立案外第三人申请撤销驰名商标制度。最后在结束语部分探讨了驰名商标撤销后的效力。驰名商标被撤消后,不能再获得特殊保护,也不能再以驰名商标的名义进行宣传,撤销对之前的驰名商标使用行为不具有追溯力。

【Abstract】 The well-known trademark system could have effectively stopped the act of hitchhike and protected the trademark which has high reputation. However, this system in our country is seriously denatured. That well-known trademarks are everywhere, well-known trademarks become infamous, well-known trademarks are over promoted has made the well-known trademarks become a kind of promoting resources which those enterprises are fighting for. Some trademarks are still promoted in the name of well-known trademarks although they are no longer famous. We cannot stop this kind of action as a quitting mechanism of well-known trademarks is not established in China, so the State Trademark Bureau put forwards an assumption of establishing quitting mechanism. Based on the achievements made by those previous people, the writer tries to pose a framework plan for the quitting mechanism of well-known trademarks.This essay is divided into five parts.The first part: the basic issues of well-known trademarks. Based on the concept of well-known trademark, the writer summarizes the three elements of well-known trademark。Then, the writer gives a review of the legislative process of well-known trademark and makes a summary of legislation of each period which includes the stage of appearance, systematization and rapid development. In the aspects of denaturalization of use and promotion, the writer analyses the reason, phenomenon and harm of the denaturalization of well-known trademark. Finally, this essay discusses the necessity of a quitting mechanism for well-known trademarks in three levels: realizing the return of value of well-known trademark, protecting the trademarks of high goodwill and protection trademark order.The second part of the revocation mechanism of the lack of well-known trademarks. Analysis of the missing were the reasons for revocation scheme, harm, and further discussed the need for well-known trademark cancellation mechanism.The Third part: the action of revocation of well-known trademarks. The writer discusses the revocability of well-known trademarks in the aspects of judicial and administrative identifications. The revocation of well-known trademarks can be divided into two kinds: one is the revocation of judicial or administrative identify action, and the other is the revocation of the famous state of well-known trademark. Based on the following four reasons, a well-known trademark can be withdrawn: the pre-identification have a positive influence on the goodwill, the declination of goodwill is a slow process, the trademark will appear in the list of well-known trademarks after the identification.The fourth part: the quitting standard of well-known trademarks. When a trademark quits from the market, the following situations should be taken into consideration:①trademark has been withdrawn,②the trademark is identified because of false litigation,③the product have serious quality problems,④the market share declines seriously,⑤the degree of popularity by related people declines seriously. The fourth part: quitting procedure of well-known trademarks. The revocation of well-known trademarks can be divided into active and passive revocation. Moreover, the passive revocation can be divided into the revocation of court and the revocation of administration. The revocation of court can only be complied through trial supervision procedures, and to establish a system that the third party outside the case applies for the revocation of well-known trademarks is necessary.The fifth part, the procedure of revocation of well-known trademarks. China only trademark cancellation proceedings, and no revocation procedures well-known trademarks, so the revocation procedures well-known trademarks recommendations: the well-known trademark revocation revocation divided into active and passive withdrawal, which is divided into passive withdrawal and administration of the court revoked Revoked. Can only be revoked by the court for trial supervision procedures, and to establish a case of third party outside the well-known trademarks for the revocation system.The conclusion: the effect of well-known trademark after quitting. After the revocation, the well-known trademarks are not protected any more; neither can the well-known trademarks be promoted in the name of famous trademark, but the revocation of well-known trademarks does not have retroactivity.

  • 【分类号】D923.43
  • 【下载频次】101