

A Research for Committing Suicide Phenomenon of College Students and It’s Resolution

【作者】 刘婷

【导师】 张德鹏;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 思想政治教育, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 进入新世纪后,全国频繁出现大学生自杀事件。在2005年召开的一次会议上,教育部副部长袁仁贵指出,近几年来,大学生自杀人数逐年增多,呈现上升趋势。而据笔者不完全统计资料显示,在2010年的前8个月内,经报刊和网络报道的大学生自杀事件已逾20起。紧张的生活节奏、激烈的社会竞争、淡漠的人际关系、脆弱的心理素质……大学生自杀的原因越来越复杂。为了有针对性的减少大学生自杀事件的发生,本研究在搜集2008年—2010年部分大学生自杀案例的基础之上,对有可能导致大学生自杀的原因按照内部因素和外部因素两个方面进行了归纳,并提出大学生自杀的干预与预防的相关观点。马克思历史唯物主义观点认为,内因是事物的发展的根本原因,外因是事物发展的必要条件,因此,本研究认为针对大学生自杀的不同原因,应采取不同的方式预防与干预大学生自杀,具体说来即是:对大学生整体则应采取危机预防,防止大学生产生自杀意念;对有严重自杀企图或正处于紧急状况的大学生应采取危机干预,解除当事大学生当前的自杀危机。针对导致大学生自杀的不同原因,本研究从教育学的角度对如何预防大学生自杀进行了一番探索,认为可以对大学生进行生命价值教育、责任教育、人生规划教育、抗压受挫教育和增加“死亡教育”相关内容等方面着手,增强大学生对生命的认识,改变大学生对于生活无意义感的错觉,正确认识读大学的价值,学会与压力共处,并在对死亡的正确认知中体会生命的意义,减少自杀意念的产生,促进大学生健康、全面成长。

【Abstract】 With entering the new century, college students commit suicide frequently in our country. In a conference summoned in 2005, Gui-Ren Yuan, the vice-minister of Ministry of Education, pointed out that the number of college students committing suicide increased year by year and with the raising trend in recent years. According to the statistics we have collected, more than 20 committing suicide cases have been reported through newspaper and internet in the former 8 months of 2010.The reasons for college students committing suicide are complicated, including the intense rhythm of life, drastic social competition, indifferent interpersonal relationship, flimsy psychological diathesis and so on. In order to reduce the number of committing suicide cases, based on some suicidal cases occurred between 2008 and 2010, this research discussed the suicidal reasons classified into individual and social reasons. Furthermore, we put forward several opinions about the intervention and precaution for the college students’suicide.This research considered that we should adopt different intervention and precaution means according to the different reasons of college students’suicide. The concrete steps are shown as follows:For the students who have strong attempt to commit suicide or in an urgent condition, a critical interference must be done to free them from the crisis of suicide; for the whole students, the preventive measures should be adopted to free them from the attempt of suicide.Aiming at the reasons that could result in suicide, this research discussed the precaution for college students’suicide through the pedagogy. Meanwhile, it is believed that we could adopt the 5 education measures namely: life sanctity, value interference, the recollection of self-value, the reply to pressure and the envisaging to death. These 5 measures could strengthen college students’recognition for life, correct their confusion about the meaninglessness of life, help them to recognize the value of study in university and learn about the coexistence with pressure, and feel about the meaning of life with the correct recognition of life, reduce the thoughts about suicide and promote healthy, all-around development for college students.

【关键词】 大学生自杀预防干预
【Key words】 College studentsSuicidePrecautionIntervention
  • 【分类号】B846
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】598