

The Countryside Homestead Right of Use Dissension

【作者】 张小明

【导师】 郑丹丹;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 社会学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 随着国家新农村战略的推进以及农村近年来经济的快速发展和社会的急剧变迁,农村出现了许多新型现象或新型问题,而农村宅基地纠纷就是诸多现象或问题中的一种。宅基地对农民的生存生活至关重要,由宅基地引发的纠纷便成为农村社会稳定和经济发展的重要制约因素。因此,探讨农村宅基地纠纷问题不仅对解决纠纷本身具有意义,也关乎农村社会稳定和发展问题。本文以河南省J市农村宅基地纠纷的具体案例和相关数据为材料,探讨农村宅基地纠纷的现状、性质、特点、发展态势、影响因素,以及政府治理的路径、方法、优化路向等问题。具体而言,本文基于作者日常所从事的行政复议工作,以作者所接触的案例为准,共获取了35个土地纠纷行政复议案例。本文按照纠纷发生地区、纠纷类型、纠纷原因、纠纷处理方式等对各纠纷案例进行定量化编码并进行归纳分析。结果表明,J市目前的农村土地纠纷主要包括边界纠纷和土地权属纠纷两种类型,主要是邻居之间因边界问题引发纠纷。通过对相关数据的回归分析表明,在我们纳入模型的诸多因素中,除了执法状况这一因素具有显著影响外,其他因素如经济发展水平、人们受教育水平等与宅基地纠纷量的关系均不显著。目前,政府制定的相关法律法规如《土地管理法》、《物权法》等对农村宅基地纠纷问题进行了规定,不过,目前相关法律法规仍然不够完备,宅基地纠纷中出现的新型问题法律没有规定或规定不明或规定失效。除了法律缺乏外,在宅基地治理方面,也面临着纠纷类型和主体多元化、复杂化,宅基地纠纷执法方式单一、效果有限以及宅基地纠纷的痼疾性、长期性等困境。因此,对于宅基地纠纷的政府治理而言,需要多管齐下,并作为一种长期性任务,在制定和完善相关法律、改进执法方式等方面有所作为。

【Abstract】 Many new phenomena or problems are appeared in rural areas with the advancement of the new rural strategy, and the rapid social changes. Now, he rural housing dispute is one of the new problems in rural area. The dispute caused by the homestead will become rural social stability. Therefore, the research about rural housing disputes is important.This paper discuss the status of rural residential land dispute, the nature, characteristics, development trend, impact factors, and the path of governance, methods form the case and data of J City, Henan Province.This paper obtained 35 cases of administrative reconsideration from the daily work. This paper analyzes the case on the basis of the dispute area, type, reasons and the treatment. The results show that the current rural land disputes including boundary disputes and land ownership disputes. And the regression analysis shows that the level of law enforcement have an important influence on the rural housing dispute.The law which formulate by the government is incomplete. There is no law to solve the problems. In addition, there are many problems in homestead management. Therefore, the government needs to do something such as formulating relevant laws and improving law enforcement.

【关键词】 农村宅基地使用权土地纠纷
【Key words】 Rural HousingThe using rightLand disputes
  • 【分类号】D922.3;F301
  • 【下载频次】185