

Study on A~2/O Process with Two Suspended Carriers Treating Municipal Wastewater

【作者】 吴韵瑕

【导师】 陶涛;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 市政工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近十几年来,厌氧-缺氧-好氧(A~2/O)工艺在我国城市污水厂中广泛应用,但该工艺仍存在一些固有问题,如自养菌与异养菌的泥龄不同、反硝化和释磷存在碳源竞争、除磷效果不稳定、脱氮除磷难于同时达到理想效果等,阻碍着A~2/O工艺的进一步发展。随着城市管网的日益完善,部分武汉市城市污水厂面临着超负荷运行与将原有的出水从国家一级B标准提高到一级A标准的双重压力。本课题就是在这个背景下,受武汉市水务集团排水公司委托,以武汉市龙王嘴污水厂为例,进行两种悬浮填料的A~2/O工艺对比小试研究,通过向缺氧、好氧段投加悬浮填料,增加污染物去除效果,达到提高出水水质指标、提升处理水量的目的。三组对比试验分别采用1#试验装置缺氧段投加20%,好氧段投加30% K1型悬浮填料;2#试验装置缺氧段投加20%,好氧段投加30% K3型悬浮填料;3#试验装置不投加填料的方式进行。试验结果表明:投加填料后,工艺COD、NH4+-N、TN的去除率分别为85%、94%、52%,达到国家一级A排放标准,但两种填料处理效果差别不大。在研究DO对工艺处理效果影响中发现,当缺氧段DO为0.4mg/L时,投加填料后工艺出水TN依然能保持在11mg/L左右。通过正交实验确定最佳运行条件为:好氧段DO为2~3mg/L、采用K3型填料、内回流比为100%。根据稳定期间的实验数据,推导出K3生物池COD降解动力学方程为:缺氧段S=S0exp-0.0002577XT,好氧段S=S0exp-0.0001190XT。

【Abstract】 In the past dozens of years, anaerobic - anoxia aerobic (A~2/O) process is widely used in wastewater treatment plants of China. However this process exist some problems, such as the sludge age in heterotrophic bacteria and heterotrophic bacteria is different, and the denitrifying and phosphorus release have the competition of carbon source ,and the removal of phosphorus is unstable, and it’s difficult to achieve at the same time removal of nitrogen and phosphorus etc.All of this hindering the development of A~2 / O processWuhan dragon king mouth wastewater treatment plant modified type A~2 / O process, namely, the original A~2 / O process before adding a anaerobic choose pool. With the increasingly perfect urban pipeline, now already more than when dealing with water design to the amount of water. And wastewater treatment plant is now facing DiBiao transformation of pressure. This topic is in this premise, use to biological hypoxia, aerobic pool dosing suspended packing removal efficiency, increase pollutants. Research shows that:With the development of urban pipelines,some of the wastewater treatment plants in Wuhan are against the problem of over weight working.Their effluent need to reach the Level A from Level B.In this background ,we are authorize by Wuhan Water Bloc,and take the Longwang Zui wastewater treatment plants for example,we make the contrast study of two suspended carriers A~2/O process .We add suspended carriers in anoxia and aerobic plant to improve the removal efficiency of pollutants.Then it will incress the effluent level and water yield.We add K1 in 1# anoxia plant for 20%, aerobic plant for 30% and K3 in 2#,and none in 3#.The results shows that :According to the experimental data, we find the degrading dynamic equation of K3 treatmet pool is : anoxia pool S=S0exp-0.0002577XT ,aerobic pool S=S0exp-0.0001190XT

  • 【分类号】X703
  • 【被引频次】3
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