

Water Quality Data Analysis and Detection of Ammonia Nitrogen Based on Nessler Spectrophotometric Method

【作者】 王成龙

【导师】 王双保;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 物理电子学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 水质氨氮检测是水质检测中必不可少的一项,常见的水质氨氮检测方法有分光光度法、电化学分析法和流动法,其中纳氏试剂法是氨氮检测的国家标准方法。本论文在简单介绍了分光光度法和朗伯比尔定律之后,从整体上介绍了基于纳氏试剂分光光度法而设计的一套氨氮浓度检测系统的组成和工作原理,然后详细阐述了信号采集系统以及氨氮浓度检测软件,数据采集系统由AVR单片机实现数据的采集和滤波,氨氮浓度检测软件是采用DELPHI 7.0编写的,并通过ACCESS数据库对信号采集与分析过程中的相关数据进行入库存储。详细叙述了信号采集系统中单片机通过控制电机转动驱动单色仪波长的选择,滤波器的设计。氨氮浓度软件按其功能划分为三个模块:系统设置,数据检测分析和数据存储,每个模块又包含几个子模块。其中,数据检测分析模块为软件的核心模块,包括最大吸收波长值寻找、不同浓度对连续波长光的吸光度的采样与分析、显色时间对溶液吸光度的影响、标准曲线的测定和氨氮浓度的测量。再通过实验对影响吸光度的相关因素进行分析,得出的结论符合纳氏试剂法的原理,验证了系统的正确性与可靠性。在文章最后,对全文所完成的工作进行了总结,并提出了未来发展方向。

【Abstract】 Ammonia water quality testing is an essential one of water quality testing, common ammonia water quality testing methods include spectrophotometry, electrochemical analysis and flow method, Nessler ammonia test method is the national standard method of Ammonia testing.This thesis describes a simple spectrophotometric method and the Lambert Beer law, the whole introduced Nessler spectrophotometric method based on the design of an ammonia concentration of the detection system components and the principle, and then elaborated data acquisition systems, and ammonia concentration detection software, data acquisition system by the AVR microcontroller data acquisition and filtering, ammonia concentration detection software is written using DELPHI 7.0, and through the ACCESS database, signal acquisition and analysis of relevant data in the storage memory. Described in detail in the single chip data acquisition system driven by controlling the motor rotation monochromator wavelength selection, filter design. Ammonia concentration function of the software is divided into three modules: system settings, data analysis and data storage testing, each module also contains several sub-modules. Among them, the data analysis module for the software detected the core modules, including the value of looking for the maximum absorption wavelength, different wavelengths of light concentration on the absorbance of continuous sampling and analysis, the color absorbance of the solution time, the standard curve and the determination of ammonia concentration measurements. Then through the experiment to affect absorbency correlative factors on the analysis, the conclusion conforms to the principle of Nessler test method, verify the accuracy and reliability of the system. In conclusion, the article on the work accomplished are summarized, and the future direction of development.

  • 【分类号】X832;O657.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】263