

Simulation Research on Fault Detection Methods of Networked Control Systems

【作者】 符晟

【导师】 方华京;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 对任何一个实际的工业控制系统而言,在其生命周期内,故障总是不可避免会发生。故障检测技术作为提高系统稳定性和安全可靠性一种重要保障,历来就受到广泛的重视。由此,基于传统的集中式控制系统,人们提出并发展了一系列的故障检测方法。然而,随着系统控制技术和网络通讯技术的迅猛发展,现代的工业控制系统已经不再局限于一个集中式的本地系统,它往往是由许许多多的分散于不同区域的控制部件通过共享的数字通讯网络连接而形成的庞大的分布式系统。网络的引入带来了系统的灵活性和成本的降低,也带来一些不利因素,比如时延,丢包,在模数转换时带来的量化误差等等。在这种情况下,必然对系统的故障检测提出了更高的要求。本文首先简要介绍了进行仿真研究所采用的几个Benchmark的实例模型,故障检测系统的基本行为和性能评价指标,然后通过分别研究几种网络因素对传统的故障检测方法的影响,探索网络性能变化时故障检测系统性能变化情况并总结得到相应的规律;随后针对量化和随机丢包情形下的网络化系统的故障检测,研究并给出了满足H-infinity扰动水平的滤波器设计的充分条件,并在同等条件下与传统方法进行了对比数字仿真,同时给出了方法的适应性研究结果;最后我们对非线性条件下网络化系统的故障检测方法在Benchmark模型进行了仿真研究,同样考察了方法的适应性。

【Abstract】 For any real industrial control systems, failure always inevitably occurs in its life cycle. Therefore, the fault detection technology, as an important guarantee for improving stability and reliability of the system, have traditionally received wide attention. As a result, a series of fault detection methods have been proposed and developed based on the traditional centralized control systems.However, with the rapid development of the system control technology and network communication technology, modern industrial control systems is no longer confined to a centralized local system, it is often connected by the sharing digital network with many different control units spread many different regions, and become a large distributed system. The network induced has brought the system flexibility and reduced costs, but also brought some adverse factors, such as delay, packet loss, and quantization errors caused by the ADC(Analog Digital Converter). In this case, the fault detection system is bound to put forward higher requirements.Firstly, this thesis briefly introduced several benchmark models for simulation, basic behavior of the fault detection system and the assessments of its performance. Secondly, we studied the influence of some network-induced effects to the traditional fault detection methods by several simulations on the benchmark models in different case of network performance separately, and then concluded the results. Thirdly, we researched on the method of fault detection for NCSs subject to quantization and random packet dropout, and the sufficient condition satisfied the H-infinity disturbance level for the filter design was figured out. Then the comparing simulation with traditional method and the adaptability simulation of this method were also performed. Finally, some simulations for the method of fault detection to nonlinear NCSs on benchmark models were carried out, and the adaptability results were also showed.
