

Distributed Model and Numerical Calculation of Lunar Surface Physical Temperature

【作者】 廖翼

【导师】 李青侠;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 电磁场与微波技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 探测月壤厚度是探索月球的重要目标之一,反演月壤厚度需要建立准确的微波辐射亮度温度模型。月球表面物理温度分布是模型的关键参数。月球表面物理温度是随月球表面经纬度、深度和时间变化的函数。本文从热传导理论出发,结合之前学者提出的多种计算月表温度的物理模型,提出改进的求解月表温度的热传导模型。随后精确地推导和计算模型中的太阳辐照度、地球辐射和月球内部热流等各参数,详细地阐述了求解热传导方程数值计算的方法和过程,分析了热导率、热容、月壤密度等各参数对模型计算温度所产生的误差。通过与Apollo着陆地区实测结果及文献中结果的比较,表明此模型的计算结果能够较好地反映全月表温度分布情况。针对月表地形起伏会产生互相遮挡而影响太阳辐射,使月球表面温度发生剧烈变化的情况,本文提出两种利用月表地形起伏修正物理温度的模型。最后结合实测的激光高度计数据进行了初步的温度计算。结果表明:月表地形起伏会对月表物理温度造成不可忽略的影响。

【Abstract】 Detecting the lunar regolith depth is one of the most significant aims of lunar exploration. Exact lunar surface microwave transfer model is fundamental in retrieving the lunar regolith depth. The critical factor in this model is the distribution of lunar surface physical temperature. The lunar surface temperature is a function of lunar latitude, longitude, depth and time.Firstly, the basic theory of thermal conduction is introduced. Considering the former researchers’kinds of physical model of lunar surface temperature, this paper proposed an improved transient model to simulate the temperature. The parameters such as solar irradiance, earthshine and heat flow in this model are accurately deduced and calculated, meanwhile, the approaches and processes in numerical calculation of lunar surface temperature are elaborated. The errors caused by thermal conductivity, density and heat capacity in calculating temperature are also discussed. Compared with Apollo landing sites’measurement and previous studies, it proves that this model could accurately calculate the lunar surface temperature.Moreover, shading caused by the lunar surface topography would induce a obvious change of temperature, so this paper suggests two kinds of approaches to revise the temperature. Finally, considering the measured laser altimeter data, raw calculation is accomplished. The results show that topography would cause a significant change in calculating the lunar surface temperature.
