
火棘果(Pyracantha fortuneana)资源化学及其抗氧化作用研究

The Bioresource-chemistry and Antioxidation of Pyracantha Fortuneana

【作者】 李三杰

【导师】 赵春芳; 余龙江;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 生物化学与分子生物学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 火棘果(Pyracantha fortuneana)是一种药食两用、储量丰富的野生植物资源,除营养成分丰富外,还富含多种类黄酮成分,具有美白、降血脂、增强免疫力、促进消化等多种功效。但目前国内外对火棘果的资源化学研究并不深入,缺乏科学有效的成分分析及活性评价方法等问题,致使火棘果产品开发缺乏资源特色,产业化发展仍未成气候。本文围绕火棘果皮肉资源化学成分分析、动态变化规律及其体外抗氧化活性等方面展开了系统研究,为火棘果资源的产业化利用提供了理论基础和科学依据。现已取得如下研究成果:1.建立了一套火棘果资源化学成分的分析方法。包括火棘果多种类黄酮成分的分组分析方法;火棘果HPLC指纹图谱的整体性评价分析方法;基于体外抗氧化活性评价火棘果提取物功效的分析方法。该分析方法可从成分分析和活性评价两个角度对火棘果资源化学成分进行评价,为火棘果原料及产品的品质分析及质量监控提供了有效手段。2.研究了火棘果中的资源化分成分特征,利用LC-MS技术并参考文献报道,对火棘果HPLC指纹图谱中部分指纹峰进行归属,包括:绿原酸、二聚儿茶素、矢车菊素-3-葡萄糖苷、矢车菊素-3-半乳糖苷、芦丁、金丝桃甙、异金丝桃甙等;火棘果提取物的体外抗氧化活性明显优于模式抗氧化剂BHT,可广泛作为抗氧化功能性保健品、化妆品、植物药等原料。3.研究了火棘果发育成熟过程中资源化学成分的动态积累规律,不同时期各成分含量均有所差异,并存在一定的贮失规律,该研究对火棘果资源的综合利用和最佳采收期的确定具有很大的指导意义。4.优化了火棘果抗氧化成分的提取工艺:乙醇浓度为71%;提取液pH=3.2,提取温度为51℃。火棘果醇提液在弱酸性体系、低温避光条件下稳定性良好,外源添加适量的绿原酸、茶多酚等黄酮类化合物可起到辅助效果,提示火棘果中原有的黄酮成分与花青素、原花青素间也存在辅色作用和协同增效作用。

【Abstract】 Pyracantha fortuneana, a kind of abundant wild plant resource, is usd as both food and medicine. It is not only rich in nutrients, but also contains abundant isoflavonoid components with lots of health maintenance efficacy, such as excellent whitening effect, antiatheroscloresis, increasing immunity and facilitating digestion. But some bottlenecks, for example, few study in the resources chemistry of P. fortuneana, lacking in scientifically effectively methods about component analysis and bioassay evaluation, resulted in its products lacking in resource characteristics and its industrialization has not been a noticeable trend. In this paper, we analysed the bioresource chemistry constituent of P. fortuneana, and studied their dynamic change law and vitro antioxidant activity. This would promote the industrialization development and efficient utilization of P. fortuneana. Some results were obtained as follows:1. We established serial analytical methods about P. fortuneana bioresource chemistry compounds.Established the fractional analysis method of multiple isoflavonoid components by spectrophotometry; Established the overall evaluation method of group characteristics of phytochemical compounds using HPLC finger-print; Established the activity-evaluation method of P. fortuneana extracts by vitro antioxidant activity.This method could be used to study the components and activity of bioresource chemistry compounds, which supplied an efficient method for the attributional analysis and quality monitoring of P. fortuneana and its products.2. We researched the characteristics of bioresource chemical components of P. fortuneana systematically. After analysis of LC-MS results and comparison with published reports, some major common peaks were identified as chlorogenic acid, dicatechin, glucoside, galactose, rutin, hyperoside and isohyperoside;The antioxidant activity of P. fortuneana extracts were better than BHT obviously. It can be used as the raw material for functional products, cosmetic and botanical drug.3. We monitored the dynamic changes of bioresource chemical components of P. fortuneana and found that their contents are different during ripening period. This provide theoretical basis for the comprehensive utilization of P. fortuneana and the determination of optimal harvesting time.4. We optimized the extraction process of antioxidant components of P. fortuneana: ethanol concentration 71%, pH 3.2 and extracting temperature 51℃. The extract was more stable in acid condition and low temperature evades under light, adding some flavonoid compounds such as chlorogenic acid and tea polyphenol could increase the stability, which indicated that there were intermolecular co-pigmentation and synergistic effect between its internal flavonoid and anthocyanin components.
