

Buildings Energy Efficiency Analysis System Based on Thermal Parameters Measurement and On-line Reconstruction

【作者】 刘长青

【导师】 高伟; 杨涛;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 热能工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 据统计,目前建筑能耗已占我国能耗总能耗的26.7%。随着能源供求关系的紧张,降低建筑能耗已不仅是经济问题,更是关系到国家战略的问题。因此,对建筑节能的研究显得十分重要。本文针对现阶段建筑节能的研究方法的不足提出了一种基于物理模型实测和热工参数场重建的方法,试图找到建筑的能耗规律,为降低建筑能耗做出贡献。本文首先介绍了课题的背景情况和意义、建筑节能研究的发展现状,阐明了建筑节能重要性和迫切性,介绍了传统建筑节能的几种方法和研究现状,流场数值重建技术的发展现状及在建筑节能领域的应用情况。以此为背景,开展基于建筑物理模型热工参数场实时重建建筑节能诊断研究。随后本文完成了在线实时监测系统的设计,介绍了系统总体方案设计、系统软硬件功能、系统的实现过程和系统数据库设计。在此基础上,利用计算流体力学的方法对建筑模型内的热工参数场进行数值重建。基于传热学知识建立房间热平衡模型,在建筑模型内模拟不同天气环境进行实验分析研究,得出能量流动与传递规律,指出热工缺陷部位,完成对建筑能耗分析与诊断工作。最后对工作进行了总结,指出了研究过程还存在的问题,为进一步的深入研究提出建议。

【Abstract】 According to statistics, China’s building energy consumption accounts for about 30% of total energy consumption. As the tension between the energy supply and demand, reduce building energy consumption is not only an economic issue, but also a problem related to the national strategy, Therefore, the research on building energy efficiency is very important. In this paper, building energy conservation methods at this stage less than the physical model is proposed based on thermal parameters of field measurement and reconstruction method, trying to find the energy consumption of building law, make contribute to improving building energy efficiency.This paper introduces the background and significance of the subject,development of building energy efficiency,describes the traditional method of building energy efficiency research,the development of the numerical reconstruction and the application to building energy saving,then introduced a online monitoring for building diagnose. After that,to carry out building energy diagnose research based on the building model and real-time thermal parameters reconstruction.Then the paper design an online real-time monitoring system, describe system hardware and software,system implementation process and the system database design. Base on this, using methods of computational fluid dynamics model to simulate the thermal parameters field,then establish a heat transfer model to describe the room heat balance. Try to find the rule of building energy transfer and find a way to improving building efficiency.At last, this thesis summarizes the paper, pointed out the problems may exist and indicate what else we can do in following phase.
