

Research on Haikou Project Schedule of Zhonghong Real Estate Company

【作者】 沈勤

【导师】 毕星; 于庆军;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 项目管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 项目的进度计划在房地产开发项目中有着非常重要的意义,房地产开发过程中如果每项工作都能按计划完成,则对项目、对客户都是非常有利的。因为项目不管是大是小、还是什么项目,都不外乎表现为三个方面,时间、成本和质量。项目的最终目的是充分利用现有的资源,达到项目在一定的周期内,用一定的费用,获得符合要求地结果。然而,项目的时间、成本和质量这三个基本目标之间往往有一定的矛盾或冲突。通常,赶工期往往要花费更多的成本,而想要降低成本、压缩工期则往往可能会影响项目质量。因此,项目的实施过程实际就是确定如何这三个方面的需求上达到最佳平衡。在有许多目标的项目进程中,根据项目的不同特点,不同的项目目标就有不同的重要程度。例如,私人住宅装修项目,可能成本控制就十分重要;新型战斗机的研制,质量就放在第一位;对时间节点要求比较高的项目,时间目标则显得更为重要。在项目管理中,识别目标的优先顺序对于指导项目规则和实施是一项十分重要的工作,而在房地产开发项目中,时间节点就很重要,因此,制定好的项目计划并按计划执行,显得尤为重要。在本文的研究中,紧紧把握理论联系实际的原则,对中宏地产在海口长流起步区的项目进行了深入的研究,同时对项目的一些问题提出了自己的解决办法。另外,在写作本文的过程中,还查阅了有关项目计划与控制的文献,希望从中汲取经验,为更好的把理论应用于实践做准备。本文的研究成果是项目进度计划理论和具体的项目研究结合的结晶,在项目研究过程中,主要用到了工作分解结构体,网络图等理论,同时借鉴别人的成功经验,把项目计划与控制理论与具体的项目实践相结合,希望本文的研究成果可以为从事房地产开发相关行业的管理人员,提供一些管理上的帮助,能够起到抛砖引玉的效果,那正是我所期望的。

【Abstract】 The schedule of the project in real estate development projects has a very important significance, real estate development process if every job can be completed on schedule, then to the project, are very favorable to customers. Because project whether large or small, or what project, are nothing more than performance in three aspects, time, cost and quality. Project ultimate aim is to make full use of the existing resources and achieve the project in a certain period of the cycle, with a fee, accord with the requirement to get results. However, the project’s time, cost and quality between these three basic goals tend to be certain contradiction or conflict. Usually, drive to spend more time often cost, and want to reduce the cost, compression period then often may affect the quality of projects. Therefore, project implementation process actual is sure how to these three aspects to achieve the best balance on the demand. There are many goals in the process of the project, according to the project of the different characteristics of different project goals have different importance. For example, private residence decorate projects, may cost control is very important; The development of new fighter plane of quality in the first place; For the more demanding time node project, time goal will is more important. In project management, identifying target priorities for guiding project rules and implementation is a very important work, and in real estate development projects, time node is very important, therefore, make good project plan and carried out as planned, appear particularly important.In this study, grasp the principle between theory and practice in the macro real estate in Haikou QiBuOu ever-flowing the project studied, and some problems in project proposed his own solution. In addition, in the process of writing thesis , also refer to the relevant project planning and control of the literature, hope to learn experience, for the better the apply theory to practice preparation.The result of thesis is the project schedule theory and specific project research union crystallization, in the process of the project research, mainly use the work breakdown structure body, network diagram theory, and use other’s successful experiences, the project plan and control theory and specific projects in combination with practice, hope this research results can to engage in real estate development related industry management personnel, provide some help, on the management can have the effect of textbooks, that’s exactly what I expected.

【关键词】 项目进度计划WBS网络计划
【Key words】 Project scheduleWBSNetwork technique
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期
  • 【分类号】F293.3
  • 【下载频次】99