

Small and Medium-sized Construction Enterprise Integrated Management Research

【作者】 罗足根

【导师】 张水波;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 工商管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 中小建筑施工企业是活跃在我国建筑市场上一个重要的群体力量,也是中小企业的一个重要组成部分,它具有规模小、分布广、专业化强、经营灵活、富有活力等优点,同时它又具有起步晚、制度不健全、管理不规范、获利能力弱、资源配置和整合能力差等弱点。随着国家对产业战略调整的展开,大力发展七大战略性新兴产业,中小企业越来越受益于国家政策扶持。因此,中小建筑施工企业必将有广阔的发展前景。如何打破传统的中小建筑施工企业的运营管理模式的束缚,建立一套全新的以信息化为基础平台的企业集成化管理系统,是本文研究的主要目的。本文研究的主要内容有:首先,从研究的政策、经济、行业背景出发引出问题的提出到参考国内外对集成管理领域的研究现状,以此确定中小建筑施工企业集成管理需要研究的核心问题和内容。其次,应用集成化管理基础理论,通过对中小建筑施工企业现存的管理模式和存在的问题进行分析,提出建立中小建筑施工企业集成化管理系统的可行性和必要性,并提炼出一套集中小建筑施工企业内部组织集成系统和外部组织集成系统于一体的综合集成系统。再次,运用案例分析的方法,分析中小建筑施工企业集成系统建立的成功案例来证实集成管理系统建立的可行性和可操作性。最后,得出主要研究结论和主要研究创新,并提出大力推广中小建筑施工企业集成化管理模式的几点建议。本文研究的方法,一是以理论分析为主导,结合文献研究和分析,二是采用案例分析的方法。本文研究的主要结论是中小建筑施工企业建立以信息化平台为基础的企业集成管理系统具有可行性和必然性,企业可以建立以内部组织和外部组织集成系统为一体的综合集成系统。本文研究的主要创新在于:一是将企业集成管理的理论和思想引入中小建筑施工企业管理模式,二是企业集成管理系统的建立注重在企业层面上而非在工程项目层面上的集成管理。

【Abstract】 Small and medium construction enterprises are active in construction marketpower of an important group, is also an important part of SMEs, it has small size,wide distribution, and professional strength and operating flexibility, dynamic, etc.,but it also Juyou late start, the system is not perfect, not standardized, low profitability,poor allocation of resources and ability to integrate vulnerability. Along with thestrategic adjustment of the industry started to develop seven strategic emergingindustries, more and more SMEs to benefit from national policy support. Therefore,small and medium construction enterprises will have broad prospects for development.How to break the traditional small and medium construction enterprises in theoperation and management model constraints, the establishment of a newinformation-based platform for enterprise integration into the management system isthe main purpose of this study.The main contents of this paper: first, from the study of policy, economy,industry background of the problem leads to the reference made to the integratedmanagement of domestic and international research in the field situation, small andmedium construction enterprises in order to determine need for integratedmanagement of the core issues and content. Second, the application of integratedmanagement basic theory, small and medium construction enterprises by existingmanagement and analysis of the problems, proposed the establishment of small andmedium construction enterprise integrated management system feasibility andnecessity, and extracted a small set of focused the internal organization ofconstruction enterprises integrated systems and external organizations to integratesystems in one comprehensive integrated system. Again, the use of empirical analysis,listing small and medium construction enterprises to establish an integrated system toconfirm the successful integration of case management system to establish thefeasibility and operability. Finally, draw the main conclusions and main research andinnovation, and proposes to promote small and medium construction enterprisesIntegrated Management Suggestions.In this paper, the method, first, led to theoretical analysis, combined withliterature research and analysis, the second is the combination of theoretical and practical analysis, the three is the use of empirical analysis.The main conclusions of this study is to establish small and medium constructionenterprise information platform-based enterprise integrated management system isfeasible and inevitable, businesses can establish the internal organization and externalorganizations to integrate the system into one comprehensive integrated system.The main innovation of this paper is: first, the enterprise management theory andideas integrated into small and medium sized construction enterprise managementmode, the second is the establishment of management system for enterpriseintegration at the enterprise level, rather than focus on the project level in theintegrated management.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期
  • 【分类号】F276.3;F426.92
  • 【下载频次】158