

Rob and Ethnic Origin of People in the Mongolian Ethnic Language Dialect Vocabulary

【作者】 斯哈娃特

【导师】 陶·布力格;

【作者基本信息】 新疆师范大学 , 中国少数民族语言文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文由三大部分组成即绪论、正文和全文总结。绪论中主要交代了选题缘由、研究理论和方法、研究思路、研究意义、材料来源等内容。正文部分由三章组成,第一章导论,第二章罗布人族源,第三章罗布泊方言中的蒙古语族语言词汇。第一章导论部分由引言、罗布人族源及其方言研究概况等两节组成。第二章罗布人族源部分内容分以下五节进行了阐释即一、史学视野下的罗布人族源;二、语言学视野下的罗布人族源;三、罗布人分布区域地名族名与东北亚族名之关联;四、罗布人与吐谷浑人之间的文化遗韵;五、罗布人的种性特征。通过以上五方面论证后得出,罗布人族源即吐谷浑人的观点。第三章罗布泊方言中的蒙古语族语言词汇部分又分四个小节进行了对比分析即一、罗布泊方言与土族之间的共有词;二、蒙古语族语言独有词;三、蒙古语族语言古旧词;四、蒙古语族语言和突厥语族语言共有词,通过以上四个方面的对比分析后得出,罗布泊方言中与蒙古语族语言音、义相同相近的词应属于蒙古语族语言词汇的观点。同时采用统计学、图例显示法对上述研究词汇的比重进行了说明。全文总结主要基于正文第二章和第三章内容的基础上进一步巩固了本文中心观点即罗布人的核心是以土族先民吐谷浑部组成,其方言里的与蒙古语相同或相近的词多数为蒙古语族语言词汇。罗布人的吐谷浑族源是罗布泊方言独特性的形成与其方言词语同蒙古语族语言同源的社会历史根源。从族源历史角度来看,操现代维吾尔语罗布泊方言的群体是由一部分东胡系鲜卑民族后裔吐谷浑人,在十世纪以后融入突厥语族语言群体后融合的结果。罗布泊自然地理环境因素对该方言独特性的形成以及吐谷浑语言底层的保留而言也是不容忽略的重要因素。通过本文研究笔者对下列问题有了新的认识:1.西域历史中的“仲云”族属和“康国人”的认识。通过本文研究,笔者认为“仲云”是吐谷浑万人部落的吐蕃之称是正确的,而“康国、康居”应该指的是融入吐蕃里的吐谷浑人后裔,也就是“藏族”名称来源,并非印欧人种。2.吐谷浑在蒙古语族语言民族、突厥语族语言民族和汉藏民族里均有融合。3.从满通古斯语族先民的族名、语言信息角度研究西域历史地名具有重要的意义。4.西域历史、语言、文化研究过程中少数民族英雄史诗、文献记的重要性。5.在古丝路研究中应重视蒙古语历史地位和重要性。

【Abstract】 This article consists of three major components. Chapter One: Introduction, ChapterⅡ: Rob Terran source, ChapterⅢ: Lop dialect of Mongolian ethnic language vocabulary.Introduction Overview of some of the main topics of reason by the research theories and methods, sources of material, Rob people of history, overview and significance of language study.Body in two parts, the first major historical source point from Rob who "Tuyuhun thousand tribes"; Second, the Linguistic Perspective Rob Terran source; three distribution areas Rob names of people with family name family name of the association of Northeast Asia; Fourth, Rob Tuyuhun between the people and culture of Rhyme; V. Rob caste characteristics of people demonstrated in five aspects namely, Robb Origin Tuyuhun people’s point of view. The second part of a Mongolian ethnic language unique to the word; Second, the Mongolian language family of old words; three Mongolian Turkic family of languages and language there are words such as Lop Nur demonstrated three dialects of the language and Mongolian ethnic sound, meaning the same as similar Mongolian ethnic language word is the word unique point of view. At the same time use statistics, legend display method shows the terms of the proportion of the study.Conclusion The combination of some of the major text of Chapters I and II on the basis of consistent results, and further consolidated the view that this center is the core of Rob Tuyuhun million people composed of the Ministry, the Mongolian dialect with most of the same or similar words unique words for the Mongolian language family.Further suggested that the formation of Lop Nur and its unique dialect of ethnic origin are closely related. Origin from the historical point of view, the modern Uyghur dialect is part of the Lop Nor Eastern descent Tuyuhun Hu, Department of Xianbei people, in the tenth century into the future into the Turkic language group after the integration of the results. Lop Nur can not be overlooked is the natural geographical factors also unique with the dialect of the language underlying the formation and retention Tuyuhun is inseparable.The author of a new understanding of the following questions:1. Rob Origin and dialects of people of Mongolian race a total of words.2. Western history, "Chung-Yun," Clan and "health people" know.3. Tuyuhun existing between Western and ethnic heritage and mutual integration of the historical relationship or Tuyuhun in the Western mysteriously disappeared.4. Western historical names in the history of the importance of research.5. Western history, language and culture of ethnic minorities during the epic, the importance of literature in mind.6. The ancient Silk Road of the Mongolian History
