

Marx’s Theory of the Ethical Dimensions of Productivity

【作者】 吴成达

【导师】 陈延斌;

【作者基本信息】 徐州师范大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 生产力是马克思主义的重要概念,是唯物史观的一个基础性范畴。马克思著作中生产力概念不外乎两种含义,一是作为政治经济学范畴的生产能力,一是作为唯物史观范畴的客观物质力量。但这两种含义不是彼此矛盾、相互分离的,它们在《资本论》中通过用经济学话语来表征哲学思维,完成了融合。然而综观国内外关于唯物史观生产力理论的研究,有诸多的理论视野和研究角度,但缺少从伦理向度研究和阐发生产力理论的成果,而伦理向度恰是马克思生产力理论的应有之意,是该理论的重要内涵。主要体现在:现实的人是生产力的伦理基础;生产力蕴含着人与人、人与自然之间的伦理关系;精神生产力及其对生产力发展的能动作用;人的全面自由发展是生产力发展的伦理归宿。从伦理向度认识生产力理论不仅有利于全面、准确地理解马克思生产力理论,而且能更好地指导社会生产实践,推动社会主义生产力发展、完善,指导社会主义和谐社会的建设。

【Abstract】 Productivity is an important concept of Marxism, is a basic category of historical materialism. Marx’s writings the concept of productivity is nothing more than two meanings, one as the productive capacity of areas of political economy, one area as the objective material forces of historical materialism. But the two meanings are not contradictory to each other, separated from each other, they are in the《On Kapital》by using words to characterize the philosophy of economics thought, complete fusion. Yet looking at productivity at home and abroad on the theory of materialism, there are many theories and research point of view, but the lack of research from the ethical dimension of the results and elucidate the theory of productive forces, while the ethical dimension is precisely the Marxist theory of the meaning of the productive forces. It is important connotation of the theory. Mainly reflected in: real people engaged in the ethical basis of productivity; productivity contains people, between man and nature, the ethical relationship; the spirit of productivity and its effect on the dynamic development of productive forces; people’s full and free development ethics is the development of productive forces home. From the ethical dimension of knowledge productivity theory is not only conducive to a comprehensive and accurate understanding of productivity theory, but also to better guide the practice of social production, and promote the development of the socialist productive forces, improve and guide the construction of a harmonious socialist society.
