

Study on the Influence on the Free Radical Metabolism of HLP Mice by Swimming in Low Temperature

【作者】 梁芳

【导师】 王禾;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳体育学院 , 运动人体科学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 研究目的:本研究通过观察不同形式及不同周期的游泳运动,对高脂血症(HLP)大鼠血清的MDA的含量和SOD、GSH-PX、T-AOC活性的影响。研究低水温游泳运动是否可以通过对高脂血症(HLP)大鼠体内自由基生成与清除的平衡调节来降低机体的脂质过氧化作用;从抗氧化的角度比较低水温游泳运动与常温游泳运动哪种运动方式对防治心脑血管疾病的作用效果更好;探讨多长时间的运动周期能够达到冬泳运动的运动适应。为高脂血症(HLP)症状的人群建立科学合理的冬泳运动处方提供科学的依据。研究方法:健康雄性Wistar大鼠64只,7-8周龄,随机分为正常对照组(16只)和高脂血症造模组(48只),高脂血症模型成功后,再将正常对照组分为,正常对造4周组(NC1)和正常对造8周组(NC2);将高脂血症组分为,高脂对照4周组(HC1)、高脂对照8周组(HC2)、常温游泳4周组(NS1)、常温游泳8周组(NS2)、低水温游泳4周组(LS1)、低水温游泳8周组(LS2)。用酶免法测定血清MDA的含量、SOD、GSH-PX、T-AOC的活性,用全自动生化分析仪测定血脂四项(HDL、LDL、TG和TC)。研究结果:1、高脂对照4周组、8周组的TG、TC、LDL均明显高于正常对照4周组、8周组(P<0.01) ,高脂对照4周组、8周组的HDL均明显低于正常对照4周组、8周组(P<0.05)。低水温游泳4周组的TG、TC、LDL低于常温游泳四周组(P<0.05)低于高脂对照四周组(P<0.01),而低水温游泳4周组的HDL高于常温游泳四周组(P<0.05)高于高脂对照四周组(P<0.01),低水温游泳8周组的TG、TC、LDL低于常温游泳八周组(P<0.05)低于高脂对照8周组(P<0.01)而低水温游泳8周组的HDL高于常温游泳8周组(P<0.05)高于高脂对照8周组(P<0.01)。低水温游泳8周组的TG、TC、LDL比低水温游泳4周组的TG、TC、LDL有降低的趋势,但无明显差异性(P>0.05),低水温游泳8周组的HDL比低水温游泳4周组的HDL有增高的趋势,但无明显差异性(P>0.05)。常温游泳8周组的TG、TC、LDL比常温游泳4周组的TG、TC、LDL有降低的趋势,但无明显差异性(P>0.05),常温游泳8周组的HDL比常温游泳4周组的HDL有增高的趋势,但无明显差异性(P>0.05)。2、高脂对照4周组、8周组的MDA均明显高于正常对照4周组、8周组(P<0.01),高脂对照4周组的MDA值高于常温游泳4周组(P<0.01),高脂对照8周组的MDA值高于常温游泳8周组(P<0.01),常温游泳8周与4周组MDA值比较,8周组有降低的趋势但无统计学意义。高脂对照4周组的MDA值与低温游泳4周组MDA值相比,低温游泳4周组MDA值有降低的趋势但两组之间无统计学差异;低温游泳4周组MDA值与常温游泳4周组相比略高,但无统计学意义;高脂对照8周组的MDA值高于低温游泳8周组MDA值(P<0.05),且低温游泳8周组MDA值低于常温游泳8周组值(P<0.05)。低温游泳8周与4周组MDA值比较,8周组低于4周组,且有统计学意义(P<0.05)。3、高脂对照4周组、8周组的SOD均明显低于正常对照4周组、8周组(P<0.01),常温游泳4周组SOD的活性高于高脂对照4周组(P<0.01),常温游泳8周组SOD的活性高于高脂对照8周组(P<0.01),常温游泳8周组SOD的活性略高于常温游泳4周组,但无统计学意义。低水温游泳4周组SOD的活性高于常温游泳4周组(P<0.05)和高脂对照4周组(P<0.01),低水温游泳8周组SOD的活性高于高脂对照8周组(P<0.01),低水温游泳8周组SOD的活性较常温游泳8周组有升高的趋势,但无统计学意义。低水温游泳8周组SOD的活性略低于低温游泳4周组,无统计学意义。4、高脂对照4周组、8周组的GSH-PX均明显低于正常对照4周组、8周组(P<0.01),低水温游泳4周组的GSH-PX高于常温游泳4周组(P<0.05)高于高脂对照4周组(P<0.01),低水温游泳8周组的GSH-PX高于常温游泳8周组(P<0.05)高于高脂对照8周组(P<0.01),低水温游泳8周组的GSH-PX比低水温游泳4周组的GSH-PX有增高的趋势,但无明显差异性(P>0.05),常温游泳8周组的GSH-PX比常温游泳四周组的GSH-PX有增高的趋势,但无明显差异性(P>0.05)。5、高脂对照4周组、8周组的T-AOC均明显低于正常对照4周组、8周组(P<0.01),低水温游泳4周组的T-AOC高于常温游泳4周组(P<0.05)高于高脂对照4周组(P<0.01),低水温游泳8周组的T-AOC高于常温游泳8周组(P<0.05)高于高脂对照8周组(P<0.01),低水温游泳8周组的T-AOC比低水温游泳4周组的T-AOC有增高的趋势,但无明显差异性(P>0.05),常温游泳8周组的T-AOC比常温游泳4周组的T-AOC有增高的趋势,但无明显差异性(P>0.05)。研究结论:1、高脂血症状态下,大鼠血清中MDA生成增加,SOD、GSH-PX、T-AOC活性下降,说明高脂血症状态下,自由基的脂质过氧化作用增强,促进动脉粥样硬化的形成。2、在高脂各组中,运动组较高脂对照组的血脂降低,MDA生成减少,SOD、GSH-PX、T-AOC活性增强,说明运动可以降低血脂,增强机体自由基的清除能力,降低脂质过氧化对机体的损伤作用。3、在建立运动适应后,高脂血症大鼠的抗氧化能力长周期运动好于短周期运动;低水温游泳组好于常温游泳组。此动物实验的结果在一定程度上提示长期坚持冬泳运动对预防高血脂以及心脑血管疾病的发生、发展有一定的作用。

【Abstract】 Objective:We Observed the effects of different forms and different periods of swimming exercise on hyperlipidemia (HLP)rat’s serum levels of MDA content and SOD,GSH-PX, T-AOC activity. Study whether the low water temperature swimming on hyperlipidemia (HLP) rats’s balance regulation of the free radicals of generation and scavenging to reduce the body’s lipid peroxidation;from the perspective of antioxidant to comparison which patterns of a low water temperature swimming or swimming at room temperature to prevent and treatment of the cerebrovascular disease’effect is better; Discussion that how long the period of exercise to adapt to the movement of winter swimming exercise. To provide a scientific basis for Hyperlipidemia (HLP) symptoms group to establish a scientific and reasonable winter swimming exercise prescription.Methods:Wistar male rats were 64,7-8 weeks old, randomly divided into the normal control group (16) and the model group of hyperlipidemia (48),Divided normal control group into normal control group of 4 weeks group (NC1) and the normal control group of 8 weeks group (NC2) ,divided the model group of hyperlipidemia into hyperlipidemia control 4 weeks group (HC1),hyperlipidemia control 8 weeks group (HC2), swimming at room temperature 4 weeks group (NS1), swimming at room temperature 8 weeks group (NS2), low-temperature swimming 4 weeks group (LS1), low-temperature swimming 8 weeks group (LS2), After the successful model of hyperlipidemia;measured content of serum MDA by ELISA; measured activity of serum SOD, GSH-PX, T-AOC by ELISA, measured four lipids (HDL, LDL, TG and TC). By automatic biochemical analyzerResults:1、Hyperlipidemia control 4 weeks,8 weeks group of TG, TC, LDL were significantly higher than the normal control group 4 weeks,8 weeks (P<0.01), hyperlipidemia control 4 weeks group, 8 weeks group of HDL were significantly lower than the normal control group 4 weeks, 8 weeks group (P<0.05). 4 weeks of low temperature swimming group,s content of TG, TC, LDL below the swimming at room temperature4 weeks group (P<0.05) lower the hyperlipidemia control 4 weeks group (P <0.01),while the low-temperature swimming 4 weeks group,s content of HDL higher than 4 weeks of swimming at room temperature group (P<0.05) higher than that of hyperlipidemia control 4 weeks group (P<0.01), low-temperature swimming 8 weeks group,s content of TG, TC, LDL less than eight weeks of swimming at room temperature group (P<0.05) less than 8 weeks of hyperlipidemia control group (P<0.01) while low temperature swimming 8 weeks group,s content of HDL higher than 8 weeks of at room temperature swimming group (P <0.05) higher than the 8 weeks of hyperlipidemia control group (P<0.01).8 weeks of low temperature swimming group ,s content of TG, TC, LDL than the group of low temperature swimming of 4 weeks had decreased, but no significant difference (P>0.05), 8 weeks of low-temperature swimming group’s content of HDL than the group of low temperature swimming of 4 weeks had tended to increase but no significant difference (P>0.05). Swimming at room temperature of 8 weeks group TG, TC, LDL than at room temperature of 4 weeks group content of MDA p TG, TC, LDL had decreased, but no significant difference (P>0.05), swimming at room temperature of 8 weeks group HDL than swimming at room temperature of 8 weeks group has tended to increase, but no significant difference (P> 0.05).2、Hyperlipidemia control 4 weeks, 8 weeks group’s content of MDA was significantly higher than the normal control 4 weeks, 8 weeks group (P<0.01), hyperlipidemia control 4 weeks group’s content of MDA higher than Swimming at room temperature of 4 weeks group ( P <0.01), hyperlipidemia control 8 weeks group’s content of MDA higher than Swimming at room temperature of 8 weeks group ( P <0.01), Comparison of swimming at room temperature of 4weeks and 8 weeks, swimming at room temperature of 8weeks group had tend to decreased but no significant difference(P>0.05).Comparison of hyperlipidemia control 4 weeks group’s content of MDA and the low temperature swimming of 4 weeks, low temperature swimming of 4 weeks had tend to decreased ,but no significant difference(P>0.05); Comparison of low temperature swimming of 4 week group’s content of MDA and swimming at room temperature of 4weeks ,slightly higher, but no significant differenc(eP>0.05); hyperlipidemia control 8 weeks group’s content of MDA ,higher than low temperature swimming of 4 weeks(P<0.05), low temperature swimming of 8 weeks group’s content of MDA lower than swimming at room temperature of 8week(P<0.05). low temperature swimming of 8 weeks lower than low temperature swimming of 4 weeks group’s content of MDA(P<0.05).3、Hyperlipidemia control 4 weeks, 8 weeks group’s activity of SOD was lower than the normal control 4 weeks, 8 weeks group (P<0.01), swimming at room temperature of 4weeks group’s activity of SOD higher than hyperlipidemia control 4 weeks(P<0.01), swimming at room temperature of 8weeks group’s activity of SOD higher than hyperlipidemia control 8 weeks(P<0.01), swimming at room temperature of 8weeks group’s activity of SOD slightly higher than swimming at room temperature of 4weeks, but no significant difference(P>0.05). low temperature swimming of 4 week group’s activity of SOD lower than swimming at room temperature of 4weeks(P<0.05),and hyperlipidemia control 4 weeks(P<0.01). low temperature swimming of 8week group’s activity of SOD higher than hyperlipidemia control 8 weeks(P<0.01),low temperature swimming of 8week group’s activity of SOD slightly higher than swimming at room temperature of 8weeks, but no significant difference(P>0.05)low temperature swimming of 8week group’s activity of SOD slightly lower low temperature swimming of 4 weeks group, but no significant difference(P>0.05).4、Hyperlipidemia control 4 weeks, 8 weeks group’s activity of GSH-PX was lower than the normal control 4 weeks, 8 weeks group (P<0.01), low temperature swimming of 4week group’s activity of GSH-PX higher than swimming at room temperature of 4weeks(P<0.05)higher than hyperlipidemia control 4 weeks(P<0.01), low temperature swimming of 8 week group’s activity of GSH-PX higher than swimming at room temperature of 8weeks(P<0.05)higher than hyperlipidemia control 8 weeks group(P<0.01), low temperature swimming of 8 week group’s activity of GSH-PX slightly higher than low temperature swimming of 4 weeks group, but no significant difference(P>0.05)swimming at room temperature of 8weeks group’s activity of GSH-PX slightly higher than swimming at room temperature of 4 weeks group, but no significant difference(P>0.05).5、Hyperlipidemia control 4 weeks, 8 weeks group’s activity of T-AOC was lower than the normal control 4 weeks, 8 weeks group (P <0.01), low temperature swimming of 4week group’s activity T-AOC of higher than swimming at room temperature of 4weeks(P<0.05)higher than hyperlipidemia control 4 weeks(P<0.01), low temperature swimming of 8 week group’s activity of T-AOC higher than swimming at room temperature of 8weeks(P<0.05)higher than hyperlipidemia control 8 weeks group(P<0.01), low temperature swimming of 8 week group’s activity of T-AOC slightly higher than low temperature swimming of 4 weeks group, but no significant difference(P>0.05)swimming at room temperature of 8weeks group’s activity of T-AOC slightly higher than swimming at room temperature of 4 weeks group, but no significant difference(P>0.05)Conclusions:1、The contion of hyperlipidemiat ,the generating of rat’serum content of MDA has increase, rat’serum activity of SOD, GSH-PX, T-AOC has decreased, indicating that at the condition of hyperlipidemiat, free radicals‘s lipid peroxidation increased and promote the formation of atherosclerosis. 2、Each group of hyperlipidemia , exercise group reduced the level of blood lipid, the formation of MDA decreased, the activity of SOD, GSH-PX, T-AOC increased, indicating that exercise can reduce blood lipid, increased the capacity of the body’s Clear free radical and Reduce the damage to body.3、After the establishment of Adaptation to Exercise, the antioxidant capacity of hyperlipidemia in rats, Long period Exercise better than the short period Exercise; low temperature swimming group better than t swimming at room temperature group. To a certain degree,winter swimming can prevent the happening and development of hyperlipdemia and CCVD.
