

The Research on Technology’s Application of Gather Effect and Mechanism in Tennis Event

【作者】 李博

【导师】 董传升;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要研究科技在大型网球赛事中所产生的聚散效应和聚散机制,在对聚合扩散以及聚散效应做出诠释的基础上通过科技在四大满贯赛事中的介入和应用,来概括聚合现象主要通过聚合现象来分析科技在大型网球赛事中产生的聚合效应。科技在网球赛事上聚合后必然连带的会产生扩散现象以及扩散效应,聚合效应和扩散效应都对网球赛事、网球运动以及网球文化产生了一定的影响。本文通过文献资料、案例分析、录像观察、社会调查等方法对科技在大型网球赛事发展历程中的变化革新过程做出分析,在技术分类的层面上来描述科技的聚合与扩散,把科技在大型网球赛事中的聚散现象、聚散效应、聚散路径和聚散机制作出了整体分析,形成全文。旨在了解科技的力量,通过科技在大型网球赛事上的聚散现象以及产生的聚散效应表现出科技对网球的影响,同时也映射出科技对体育的影响,科技与体育的关系以及科技与体育的契合。通过研究表明,科技以新材料技术、信息技术、生物技术为主在大型网球赛事中聚合,产生聚合现象,同样也是这三类技术在聚合后产生了扩散现象。这三类新技术在大型网球赛事中聚合产生了赛事效应,其中包括对赛事的规模、赛事观赏性、赛事技战术变化,聚合还产生了技术创新效应和产业效应。扩散也产生了三大效应分别是:赛事效应、网球运动文化效应、产业与社会效应。科技在大型网球赛事中是通过产业化路径、公共化路径和信息化路径产生聚散的,产生聚散效应并形成了市场机制、社会运行机制和自我完善机制。现代科技已经成为大型网球赛事的主导因素之一,科技在网球赛事上的应用及产生的影响对网球运动的推广以及网球文化的普及都做出了不可抹灭的贡献。但科技在扩大了网球赛事规模、提升了网球赛事影响覆盖率、推动网球赛事的发展延续的同时也为网球赛事带来了困境,生物技术中的兴奋剂滥用以及科技的过多投入相对降低了人的主体地位、科技的滥用导致竞赛公平程度下降。科技在大型网球赛事中体现的现象,产生的效应,通过的路径,形成的机制首先为大型网球赛事的成功举办、为竞技网球运动的发展、为网球运动和文化的推广普做出了重大贡献,其次为企业商家带来了大的市场展示平台和竞争平台。通过本文的研究科技对大型网球赛事所产生的效应是复合型多元化的效应,积极效应占主导。

【Abstract】 This paper makes a analysis of the technology in tennis events generated gather effect and gather mechanism. On the basis of making interpretation into polymerization diffusion and gather effect, through technology in intervention and application of four slam events, to generalize the polymerization phenomenon. Mainly to analysis of technology in tennis events generated polymerization effect by polymerization phenomena.After technology polymerization in tennis competitions will inevitable produce diffusion phenomenon and diffusion effects, Polymerization effect and diffusion exert an influence on tennis tournament, tennis and tennis culture. This article makes analysis of the innovation process of technology in tennis events development course through the literature material, case analysis, video observation, social survey methods. The perspective in technical classification describes technological polymerization and spread, made overall analysis into the technology in gather phenomena, gather effect, gather path and gather mechanism of tennis events. To understand the power of technology, through technology in gather phenomenon of tennis events and the produce of gather effect show the influence of technology for tennis, also mapped the influence of technology on sports, the relationship between technology and sports and the conjunction of technology and sports.According to the research, technology which bases on new material technology,information technology and biology technology causes polymerization in major tennis events. And the three kinds of technology cause diffusion after polymerization. The polymerization of the new technology cause competition effect in major tennis events, including the scale of the match the esthetics and changes of tactics. Polymerization also produces technological innovation effect and industry effect. And diffusion causes three effect: competition effect tennis culture effect and industry social effect. Technology cause polymerization and diffusion in major tennis matches by industrialization mechanism social running mechanism and self-improvement mechanism. Modern technology has become a dominant factor of major tennis matches. The applications and impact in tennis matches of technology has done the indelible contribution to the promotion of tennis and popularization of tennis culture. But technology brings dilemma while it expanded the scale,increased influence of tennis matches and promoted the developing of tennis matches. Stimulant abuses in biology technology and putting too much in technology has decreased the human beings position. Technology abuses lead to the decline of fairness.Technology embodied in a large scale tennis events, the effects, produced by the path, the formation mechanism made a significant contribution for the success of large-scale tennis tournament held for the development of competitive tennis for the tennis sport and culture, what’s further, bring great opportunity for enterprise to display and compete. Through this study, technology play a composite and diversity role in large scale tennis events, mostly positive.

【关键词】 科技网球赛事聚散效应机制
【Key words】 technologytennis eventsgather effectmechanism