

Study of Nanchang Wangcity Motor City Construction Scheme

【作者】 张国庆

【导师】 秦夏明;

【作者基本信息】 华东交通大学 , 物流工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 中国经济的增长速度令世界瞩目,近十几年一直保持持续高增长的势头。在这样的大趋势中,现代化商业集群在衡量地方经济发展水平上占据越来越重要的作用,已成为现代国民经济的一个重要支柱。依托汽车贸易的现代化汽车城,作为这样的现代化商业集群,在全国各地纷纷崛起,全国汽车园区、汽车市场有520余个,分布在全国各大中城市,全国有700余家汽配、汽配用品市场。究其原因,其内在原因在于中国汽车市场是当今世界最具发展潜力的市场,汽车城的形式能够给消费者提供便捷和高档的服务;其外在原因在于汽车城对当地经济的巨大拉动效用,得到了政府的推崇。不仅发达地区,依托各具特色的汽车市场,使其现代服务业获得一次次飞跃,许多欠发达地区也靠汽车市场实现了现代服务业的跨越式发展。本文研究了南昌望城新区汽车城建设的背景,分析了国外汽车行业发达国家的整个汽车销售的模式;考察了国内汽车城的潜力、现状及发展,重点分析了南昌望城新区汽车城能够辐射到的江西省乃至中部地区的汽车市场;通过实地考察和实时的数据分析,辨析出望城新区汽车城的核心竞争优势,总结出现行发展中存在的优势、劣势、机会及威胁等各方面因素;在以实际为依托的基础上,进行价值链理论的突破与创新,科学合理的在汽车销售环节进行价值链延伸,让汽车城在汽车行业价值链上发挥更重要的作用;以价值链为依据,定位三种不同的建设方案,采用多种分析法对内外部因素进行综合分析,并从中选出最适合望城新区汽车城、最能抓住未来汽车城发展趋势的建设方案。相信通过本文的研究会对南昌望城新区汽车城建设提供有益的帮助。

【Abstract】 China’s economic attracted all attention worldwide, as it has maintained sustained high growth momentum recently ten years. So modern commercial clusters which is used to measure the level of local economic development has become an increasingly important weight, and has become an important symbol of the modern economy. Now, in the regional economic development, Motor City relying on the automobile trade cluster has become increasingly more. The number of car park and auto market distributed in a medium cities is more than 520, and more there are more than 700 parts and the auto parts supplies market. The internal reason is that the Chinese has the biggest potential automotive market in the world. The external reason is Motor City’s enormous pull on the effectiveness of the local economy, respected by the government. Developed areas and less developed regions both rely on distinctive automobile city to develop.This paper will study Nanchang Wangcity Motor City-building background and analysis the foreign automotive sales model in developed countries; study of the potential, current situation and development of domestic auto market, priorities of which is the market which the Nanchang Wangcity Motor City being in, it is may be the Jiangxi and even the central region of the automotive market; through field visits and data analysis in real-time, we summarized that Wangcity Motor City’s core competitive advantages, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and other factors. On this basis, crate the innovation according to the theory of value chain, reasonably and boldly enlarge the extent of the automotive value chain to make wangcity in the automotive industry value chain to play a more important role; on the basis of the value chain, design three different building program, give a comprehensive analysis of internal and external factors, and to choose the most suitable for wangcity car-building programs. I believe that this research will provide a useful model for Nanchang Wangcity Motor City Construction.
