

A Company Building Materails JIT Purchasing Research

【作者】 曹硕浩

【导师】 张玉清;

【作者基本信息】 华东交通大学 , 物流工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 面对经济全球化、市场多样化、顾客需求不确定化、产品的生命周期越来越短,企业的竞争压力日益增大。如何降低采购成本一直是企业关心的问题,在20世纪八十年代以来,国际上许多大公司为了减少采购的成本,提高客户供货的快速反应能力和服务水平,他们已经使用了准时化采购(Just-In-Time JIT)模式。JIT采购给他们带来的效益是明显的,例如施乐欧洲公司采用了JIT采购后,他的交货准时率达到98%,材料总成本减少了40%,运输费用减少了40%,产品质量不合格率从17%降到0.8%。库存量下降到只有15天。这些情况给A建筑公司的成本控制,特别是在物资采购方面的成本控制带来巨大的机遇和挑战, A公司建筑材料费用占到总成本的70%以上,而库存费用又占总成本的20~40%。对A公司来说,如何降低相关成本关系到企业的生存和发展。如果他在物资采购、资金周转率、成本控制方面充分利用JIT采购的思想,并结合本企业的实际情况进行创新,那么他在降低成本方面还有很大潜力可挖的。本文第一部分:第一、第二章,作为文章的理论部分。分别阐述了研究A公司建筑物资采购的背景、意义;对JIT采购研究现状作了一个简单叙述,给出了本文的研究思路;同时,对建筑物资与JIT采购相关理论进行了介绍。本文第二部分:第三、第四、第五章。首先,介绍了A公司的情况以及JIT采购现状;其次,通过JIT采购评价体系的各项指标的建立及其在A公司建筑物资采购中的运用;最后,通过对A公司运用JIT采购情况进行分析,提出了公司在下一步的物资采购的改进措施。本文第三部分:总结和展望:总结了A公司运用JIT取得的成效,并指出了本文研究的不足之处。希望通过本文对A建筑企业运用JIT采购模式的研究,能够为中国建筑行业运用JIT战略,减少企业的采购成本,提高供应商的准时交货能力和服务水平,提供一定的借鉴作用

【Abstract】 In the face of economic globalization, market diversification, uncertainty of customer demand, product life cycles getting shorter, increasing the pressure of competitive situation, How to redue the purchase cost has been enterprise concerns .The eighties of the 20th century, In order to reduce the cost and improve the purchase of customers rapid response capability and the service level, they have started to use the just-in-time purchasing mode.The benefits JIT procuremen giving to them is very obvious. such as xerox European company adopted JIT procurement, his timely delivery rate reached 98%, materials total cost reduced by 40%, transportation cost reduced the rate of 40%, product quality is not from 17% to 0.8%. Stocks down to only 15 days. Manufacturing, services, other industries such as iron and steel industry, have got the benefits of the JIT procuremen model. So it is time for the construction industry to change his traditional management model. construction of enterprise A has the huge challenges, particularly in terms of cost control, because cost of raw materials 70% of the total cost, and inventory costs accounted for more than 20% ~40%of total cost. For A business that is how to reduce the cost of relations in the survival and development of enterprises. If he were material purchasing, fund turnover and cost control to fully utilize JIT purchasing management thinking, and combining with the actual situation of our enterprise innovation, there is still great potential.The paper first part: the first and the second chapter, the theory as part. Respectively expounds the construction material purchasing A study the background, significance; The current research on JIT purchasing a simple narrative, gives this research ideas; At the same time, to building materials and JIT procurement related theory were introducedThe second part is composed by third, fourth and fifth chapter. Introduces A company’s situation and JIT purchasing the status ;Second, through the JIT procuremen system evaluation indexes of procurement scheme to A company optimized; Finally, Through the examples to company A detailed analysis of the situation of using JIT procuremen.The third part is summary and forecast. Summarize the A company using JIT procuremen achievement, and points out the deficiency of this study.Through the study of the using of this mode of JIT procuremen to construction of enterprise A , this paper hopes to provide a reference for the using of JIT procuremen for the Chinese construction industry strategy to reduce enterprise purchase cost and improve the supplier delivery ability and the supplier’s customer service levels, reducng business costs.

【关键词】 建筑物资JIT采购成本
【Key words】 Building materialsJIT Procurementcost