

Research and Design of Catenary Geometry Detection System Based ARM

【作者】 傅可佳

【导师】 陈剑云;

【作者基本信息】 华东交通大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 高速铁路是当今世界铁路发展的潮流,高铁以其独特的优势被许多国家列为重点发展的对象。接触网是电气化铁路和高速铁路牵引供电系统的重要设备,因此为了确保行车安全,铁路部门会定期检修接触网及其相关设备,使接触网始终处于良好的工作状态。而接触网的几何参数是接触网检修的重要内容。本文所设计的接触网几何参数检测系统是用于接触网静态几何参数检测的便携式设备,能同时检测接触网导高,拉出值,红线高度等十余项参数值。在传统接触网参数检测系统的基础上,通过对接触网参数和铁路的需求进行分析,提出了一种接触网几何参数检测系统的设计方法。本系统主要由激光测距传感器、光电轴角编码器、直线位移传感器、CMOS摄像头和TFT液晶屏等组成。由于本装置是便携式设备,系统还有自己的供电系统。本系统采用三星公司的S3C6410作为主控制器,通过激光测距传感器、光电轴角编码器、直线位移传感器等传感器计算出接触网导线的高度和拉出值,进而得到其他几何参数。并在液晶显示器上显示出得到的几何参数,实现电气化铁路接触网测量的全数字化。此外,通过CMOS摄像头和TFT液晶屏的图像瞄准系统,工作人员就像看电视画面一般就实现了对接触线的精确瞄准,增强了可视化程度。本文介绍了接触网各几何参数的基本概念,介绍了检测系统的基本工作原理,光电轴角编码器的原理,相位法激光测距的工作原理,详细分析了接触网导线几何参数的计算方法。给出了接触网几何参数检测系统的硬件组成方案,部分电路和驱动程序。经过实验,证实了本系统的合理性和可行性。

【Abstract】 High-speed railway is the world trend of railway development. Many countries do theirbest to develop high-speed railway on the development advantage of its unique high-speedrailway to be strong. The Overhead Catenary System is the power-supplying equipment forelectrified railway and high-speed railway. Therefore, in order to ensure traffic safety, railwaycatenary regular maintenance and related equipment, so that the catenary is always in goodworking condition. Catenary catenary geometry is an important part of maintenance.We designed the geometric parameters of catenary detection system is used for detectionof static geometric parameters of the portable device, it can detect more than ten commoncatenary parameters such as High Value and Lead Out. On the basis of conventionalcatenary’s parameters inspection system, the design and realization of small catenary’sparameters inspection system, by the analysis of catenary’s parameters and needs of customs,are given in the researeh paper.Catenary geometry detection system consists of laser distance sensor, optical shaftencoder, Linear displacement sensor, CMOS camera and LCD screen. As the device is aportable device, the system must have its own power supply system. The system usesSamsung S3C6410 as the main controller. The laser distance sensor, optical shaft encoder andLinear displacement sensor calculate the height and stagger of wire and other geometricparameters. Shown on the LCD monitor are the geometric parameters, which make electricrailway catenary realize digital measurement. Through the CMOS camera and TFT LCDscreen image targeting system, the staff is like watching TV images of the general line ofcontact to achieve the precise targeting and enhanced visualization.This article describes the catenary the basic concepts of geometrical parameters,introduced the basic principle of detection system, photoelectric rotary encoder principle, theprinciple of laser ranging applying phase and pulse. Detailed analysis of the catenary wire iscalculated geometric parameters. Geometric parameters are given catenary system hardwaredetection program, part of the circuit and the drivers. Experimental results confirmed that thissystem is reasonable, feasible.

【关键词】 接触网激光测距ARM
【Key words】 contact wirelaser distance sensorARM