

Design Analysis of the TCMZ110KV Transmission Project

【作者】 张显东

【导师】 胡宝民; 高杰;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 项目管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着唐山市经济社会快速发展,以及曹妃甸港区“四点一带”高新工业区建设工作的逐步推进,唐山电网已经由过去的送电电网转变为受电电网,用电负荷大幅增长。根据唐山市2002年到2020年总体规划,唐山电网用电量和负荷仍将保持较快的增长趋势,预计2010年唐山全社会用电量将达到560亿千瓦时,年均增长10.59%。为保证唐山市充足的电力保障,根据《唐山地区“十一五”及2020年电网规划》和地区网架结构的现状,为满足唐山丰润南部地区用电需求,提高CMZ及周边地区供电负荷及可靠性,需要建设TCMZ110kV输变电站工程。根据国家电网公司“两型一化”变电站建设设计导则,本文首先在研究分析110kV变电站设计中关键问题的基础上,针对TCMZ110KV变电站的实际情况进行了110KV变电站设计分析并选择了相关主设备,确定了一个可行的技术方案;其次,将确定的技术方案与国家电网公司110-A-2与110-B-4典型方案对比分析基础上,提出了TCMZ110KV输变电工程的投资估算并进行了论证。

【Abstract】 With the rapid economic and social development of Tangshan City,and the development of the high-tech industry in the CaoPorts,the grid in Tang shan which has substantial growth in ecectricity load has become receive power from others. Based on the master plan which development by Tangshan, the speed of the electricity consumption and load will maintain a rapid growth, and all the electricity comsumption of Tangshan will reach 56 billion kWh until 2010, increased of 10.59% in a year.according to the design guidelines of the substation construction in state grid corporation, we first analyse and design 110kv substation with the actura situation of the TCMZ110KV substation based on the key issuse in the design process of the 110KV substation, and decide a feasible technical program.the second, compared the program with 110-A-2 and 110-B-4 progarm of state grid corporation,the paper propose and demonstrate the estiamed investment of TCMZ110KV substation project.

  • 【分类号】TM72
  • 【下载频次】122