

The Research of Scramble for Resources Strategy Based on the Supply Chain Management

【作者】 万雯

【导师】 张东生;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 企业管理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 最近几年铁矿石价格疯涨,国内众多钢铁企业陷入“资源之困”,中小钢厂陆续倒闭,大型钢厂的生存环境面临挑战。分析其原因,从宏观角度来看,铁矿石作为国际大宗商品,其定价机制是非常复杂的,不能简单地用供需关系来解释。国际铁矿石资源处于高度垄断的状态,铁矿石的定价权掌握在少数几个国家手中。我们不了解其中的游戏规则,不懂得如何进行资源的战略部署,不能够通过股权分红补偿损失,致使供应链下游的我国大量钢铁企业受制于人;从微观角度来看,与日本等钢铁强国相比,我国钢铁产业的成本结构不合理,吨钢能耗高,产品附加值低,国际竞争力不强,因此,要提高整体的竞争优势,企业必须依靠科技进步,提高产品的技术含量,建立一整套供应链的合作机制,实现资金流、物流、技术发展在各部门之间的流动和融合。更深刻的启示是,通过钢铁产业目前的困境,意识到“未雨绸缪”的重要性,按资源基础理论的说法是路径依赖性:先做了,后来者就很困难。透过中国钢铁企业所遭遇的资源之困、以及类似的案例能给我们带来什么启发,使我国其他的企业避免重蹈覆辙、并在未来的竞争中占据主导地位。通过钢铁产业的案例揭示一些规律,对国际贸易规则的深刻把握以及对未来趋势的准确判断,在现在和未来我国仍然有许多产业和企业会面临像目前我国钢铁企业同样的问题,启示未来我们的很多产业发展再不要做“马后炮”。通过此课题的研究总结出一些产业发展的规律、产业竞争局势演变的规律,总结出可被我国企业借鉴的成功经验与失败教训,使我国的企业在未来的竞争中处于主动地位。

【Abstract】 In recent years,the price of iron ore skyrocketing,many domestic steel companies struck into "a storm of resource", small and medium steel mills closing down one after another, challenged the living environment of large steel mills. Analysis of the reasons, from a macro perspective, as an international commodity, the iron ore and its pricing mechanism is very complicated, can not be explained by a simple supply and demand. The resources of international iron ore are in a high state of monopoly, iron ore pricing power rests in the hands of a few developed countries. We do not know what the rules of the game, and how the strategic deployment of resources, and can not compensate for losses through equity dividends, making the supply chain of large iron and steel enterprises controlled by others; From the microscopic point of view, compared with Japan and other power steel state, the structure of the steel industry of China is irrational, and high energy consumption per ton steel, and low value-added products, and the international competitiveness are not strong, to improve the overall competitive advantage, companies must rely on scientific and technological progress, improving product technology content, and establish a set of supply chain collaboration mechanisms to achieve cash flow, logistics, technology flows among the various departments and integration.More profound insights are that by the current plight of the steel industries, realized that the importance of the "rainy day", as the resource base said that the path dependence theory: do first, and the later were very difficult. Through the resources of the difficulties encountered, Chinese steel companies and similar cases how to avoid the same mistakes in the future to dominate the competition. Revealed some law by the case of the steel industries, and the profound grasp of international trade rules and accurately determine the future trends. In the present and future of China, there are still many industries and enterprises will face the same problem as the iron and steel enterprises faces in China, inspired that the future development of our industries can not be the "belated effort". From the research of this subject, we can conclude some laws of industrial development, and industrial competition law evolution of the situation, and we can sum up some experience and business failures of China’s enterprises, so that our enterprises can compete with others in the driving position in the future.

  • 【分类号】F426.31
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