

An Analysis of Evaluative Functions of Anaphor in English Editorials

【作者】 左琼

【导师】 杨晓军;

【作者基本信息】 湖南科技大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 自20世纪八十年代以来,对回指的研究逐渐成为语言学界的一个热门。语言学家们曾分别从句法、语用、认知和功能角度对回指进行过研究。然而鲜少见对回指的评价功能的研究。本文拟在评价系统的框架下,对英语社论中回指词的评价功能进行研究。作者分别从《纽约时报》和《中国日报》中选取二十篇英语本族语者所写的社论和二十篇非英语本族语者所写的社论,然后对其中具有评价性功能的回指词在评价系统的框架下进行标注和分类,通过定性和定量分析,旨在找出回指词在英语本族者所写社论以及非英语本族语者所写社论在实现评价功能方面的异同点。本文分析结果发现,回指词在英语本族语者所写社论中和非英语本族者所写社论中存在一些共同点:具有评价功能的人称回指词多于其他回指词;在态度评价系统中,具有鉴赏功能的回指词较多而具有情感功能的回指词较少;在介入评价系统中,实现对话扩展的回指词比实现对话紧缩的回指词多;在级差评价系统中,实现语势功能的回指词较多而实现聚焦功能的回指词较少。尽管如此,回指词在英语本族语者所写社论中和非英语本族者所写社论中仍然存在一些差异:英语本族语者所写社论中具有评价功能的人称回指多于非英语本族语者所写社论中具有评价功能的人称回指;在态度评价系统中,具有判断功能的回指词与表现肯定态度的回指词在非英语本族语所写社论中更为常见;在介入子系统中,实现对话紧缩的回指词在非英语本族语者所写社论中更常见;在级差子系统中,相对于英语本族者所写社论中具有评价功能的回指词,非英语本族语者所写社论中的回指词更明显的倾向加强正面态度评价和减弱负面态度评价。本文尝试用社论的功能和不同的社会文化因素解释这些异同。本研究对于扩大回指词的研究范围,帮助英语学习者了解在不同文化背景下实现的回指词的评价功能的差异具有重要意义。

【Abstract】 The study about anaphor has been an explosion since the 1980s. Many linguists have made studies on anaphor from different perspectives, including syntax, pragmatics, cognition and functionalism. However, the study on anaphor with consideration to its evaluative function is seldom. The thesis aims at studying the realization of evaluative functions of anaphor in English editorials within the framework of APPRAISAL System.The author chooses twenty English editorials written by native speakers from New York Times and twenty English editorials written by non-native speakers from China Daily respectively and then annotates and classifies the evaluative anaphors in the editorials. The study aims at finding the similarities and dissimilarities in realizing evaluative functions of anaphor in native-speaker editorials and non-native speaker editorials.This study has found out that there are some similarities in native speaker and non-native speaker editorials: there are more evaluative nominal anaphors than pronominal anaphors in both native and non-native English editorials; in attitude system, the realization of appreciation is common while the realization of affect is rare; in engagement system, the realization of dialogic expansion is more common than the realization of dialogic contraction; in graduation system, the realization of focus is rare while the realization of force is common.There are also some dissimilarities: there are more evaluative pronominal anaphors in native English editorials; in attitude system, the realization of judgment and the realization of positive attitude are more common in non-native English editorials; in graduation system, the realization of dialogic contraction by anaphors are more common in non-native English editorials; the anaphors in non-native English editorials tend to raise the positive aspect of attitude and lower the negative aspect, whereas there is not such obvious situation in native English editorials.In view of the similarities and dissimilarities between them, the functions of editorials and some social-cultural factors are cited to explain the similarities and dissimilarities.The study is signifieant for enriehing the methodologies on the study ofanaPhor.Moreover,it may be helPful for English leamers to know the dissimilarities onevaluative funetions of anaPhor in different eultural baekground.

【关键词】 回指词评价功能英语社论分析
【Key words】 anaphorevaluative functionsEnglish editorialsanalysis