

Cultural Manipulation and Hegemony in Bestselling Translation

【作者】 兰莉

【导师】 王静;

【作者基本信息】 湖南科技大学 , 英语语言文学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 作为大众文化的一种主要形式,畅销小说在人们日常生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色。伴随着全球化浪潮以及各国间日益频繁的经济文化交流,畅销小说的流通也不仅仅局限于一个国家或地区。一本在本国畅销的小说并不一定能在他国畅销。因而,如何让一本畅销小说在另一个不同文化背景下的社会受到读者的好评,就涉及到小说翻译的方方面面。《狼图腾》自2004年由长江文艺出版社出版以来就受到广泛好评,并长期居中国畅销书排行版榜首。该作品英译本由著名汉学家葛浩文所译,自2008年发行后也成为了英语国家的畅销书。有鉴于此,本文试图在翻译操控理论及文化霸权理论框架内,对《狼图腾》英译本加以分析。翻译研究的文化转向为翻译研究提供了新方法,翻译不仅仅是语言间的转换更是一种文化现象,文学翻译实践活动与特定社会环境中的意识形态,权力紧密相关。本文试图通过对《狼图腾》英译本的研究来探讨畅销小说翻译中的文化操控及文化霸权。本文首先探讨了《狼图腾》英译本中的文化操控,从赞助人的权力,译者的干涉策略以及读者认同三个方面发掘《狼图腾》英译本成功的原因。其次,本文进一步发掘畅销小说翻译中文化操控中的文化霸权因素,其中,文化逆差及翻译中英美国家的我族中心主义都充分反应了翻译中的文化霸权。通过研究发现,《狼图腾》英译本的成功可以归结于赞助人,译者以及读者对译本意识形态以及诗学层面的操控。赞助人对译本的选择及对译者的要求,以及译者翻译策略的选择均以目的语读者为取向,因而能够满足目的语读者的期待视野,获得广大西方读者的认可。与此同时,《狼图腾》英译本的成功实质上是英美文化霸权的体现。译本的选取及翻译策略的选择是为了迎合西方读者的阅读习惯,因而给《狼图腾》刻上了英语价值观的印记。意识形态及诗学对原文文本的操控导致了译文文本的变异,其译文的诗学形式与原作己大不相同。有鉴于此,为有效抵制文化霸权,我们应当积极构建民族文化意识,提倡异化翻译以保存自己的文化特色。

【Abstract】 Bestsellers, as a main form of contemporary popular culture, play a more and more important role in people’s daily life. Due to the development of globalization and intensified intercultural communication, the circulation of bestsellers should not be confined to a certain region. However, a book which is a bestseller in its own country may not achieve the status of bestseller in other countries. To make a bestseller well accepted in other countries is closely related to translation.Jiang Rong’s novel Lang Tuteng immediately rose to fame after its publication in 2004 and becomes a bestseller in China. And the English version of Lang Tuteng, translated by Howard Goldblatt, also becomes a bestseller in English speaking countries after its publication in 2008. Accordingly, the present thesis tries to make a tentative study on the bestselling translation Wolf Totem within the framework of Manipulation Theory and Cultural Hegemony of Postcolonial School in translation.Cultural studies in translation provide new approaches to translation studies. So translation is no longer viewed as a simple transformation between languages but more a cultural phenomenon which is closely related to ideology, and power in a given society at a given time. In view of this, this thesis tries to explore the cultural manipulation and hegemony in bestselling translation with a case study on Wolf Totem. The present thesis first discusses the cultural manipulation in Wolf Totem. From the perspective of patronage’s power, translator’s interference, and reader’s identification, the author tries to explore the reasons for English translated version Wolf Totem’s success. Then, this thesis further develops the underlying reason for cultural manipulation in bestselling translation, that is, Cultural Hegemony. The imbalance in cultural communication and ethnocentrism in translation both reveal Cultural Hegemony in bestselling translation.This research shows that Wolf Totem’s success can attribute to the manipulation of patronage, translator and readers’identification under the constraints of ideology and poetics. Patronage’s selection of Lang Tuteng and translator’s selection of translation strategies in Wolf Totem are target reader-oriented, therefore Wolf Totem could well satisfy western readers’expectation. But meanwhile, Wolf Totem’s success reveals Cultural Hegemony in translation. Since the selection of Lang Tuteng by the patronage, the translation strategies adopted by the translator are catering for western readers’taste and reading habit, hence Wolf Totem is inscribed with English-language values. The ideological and poetical manipulation on Lang Tuteng results in variation in Wolf Totem and the poetics of the translated version are different from the original version. In addition, in order to fight against Cultural Hegemony in translation, translators should construct our own national culture and advocate foreignizing translation so as to preserve the characteristics and cultural identities of the Chinese.
