

A Study of Main Factors of Rural Land Abandoned-in China

【作者】 李维

【导师】 王克喜;

【作者基本信息】 湖南科技大学 , 农林经济管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我国农村耕地面积逐年递减,18亿亩耕地红线岌岌可危。同时,大量耕地抛荒,无人耕种,粮食安全面临严峻挑战。研究并有效解决农村土地抛荒问题具有较强的理论和现实意义。根据农村土地抛荒的相关研究,提出导致土地抛荒的诸多影响因素。在此基础上,构建农村土地抛荒的多元线性回归模型,用国家统计局公布资料结合笔者社会调查数据进行实证:在模型中,土地抛荒面积为因变量,粮食价格、生产资料价格、家庭支出、自然灾害、农业补贴、城乡二元结构、农村家庭结构等为自变量。实证结果显示影响农村土地抛荒的主要因素,按影响权重由高到低是粮食价格、农业生产资料价格、家庭耕地面积、农业补贴额、自然灾害成灾面积等。从市场、制度层面探讨农村土地抛荒的主要影响因素及其作用机理:人民公社旧体制解体(计划经济体制)和新体制(完备的市场机制)未建立引发的“搭便车”的严重现象,基础水利设施建设主体缺失,抵抗自然灾害(风险)能力弱;农业补贴机制总体有效但仍有改进之处;农民社保体系不健全和土地流转市场缺乏,导致土地流转率低,经营缺乏规模效应;粮食收购市场和农业生产资料市场存在垄断,扭曲农业生产成本,损害农民种粮积极性。以前文结论为基础,提出解决农村土地抛荒的主要对策:改革农村市场体系,打破生产资料和粮食收购市场垄断,并提高粮食最低收购价;稳定和保障土地承包经营权,建立土地流转市场,提高土地流转率,实现土地规模经营;加大财政支农力度和优化支农结构,提高农业补贴额效率;鼓励多种机制共同促进基础水利设施建设;扩大农村保障范围和提高保障水平;提供培训机会提高粮农生产技能。

【Abstract】 In China, rural arable land is reducing sharply and abandoned arbitrarily. Currently, the red wire of 1.8 billion acres is merely maintained. Policies favorable to farmers can effectively be to stir enthusiasm of farmers and eventually maintain food security. Researching this issue can be practical and theoretcial significance.Based on research of this issue, gets various factors influencing abandoned land. With this basis, establishes a multiple linear regression model, using statistics data from national bureau and author’s of social survey data. In the model, land abandonment area is as dependent variable, food prices, goods prices, household spending, natural disasters, agricultural subsidies, urban-rural dual structure and structure of rural households as the independent variable. Model results confirm that food prices, agricultural subsidies, agricultural labor’s arable land per capita, price of production and natural disasters are significant factors by weight.Next, analyzes rural abandoned land’s main factors and its mechanism:“free rider”by disintegration of the old commune system (command economy) and no establishment of new system (market economy), less transparent and effective mechanism for agricultural subsidies, lack of infrastruction, low capacity of resistance to natural disaster (risk), failure in farmers social security system; rigid management system of land resource, resulting in low land transfer and management and lacking of scale; for monopoly market of agricultural production, distorting the cost of agricultural production, damages farmers’enthusiasm to plant grain.With former conclusions, proposes measures of rural abandoned land: reform of the rural market system, break the monopoly of grain market, raise the minimum grain purchase prices; stabilize and protect the right to land contractual management, promote the transfer of land to achieve land scale; increase financial support for agriculture and optimize agriculture structure, improve the efficiency of agricultural subsidy; encourage various of mechanisms to jointly promote the construction of water conservancy facilities; expanding rural secure system’s coverage and raise it’s level; provide training opportunities and break the urban-rural dual structure.
