

The Research of Staircase Affect on Structure Seismic Performance and Its Seismic Design Method

【作者】 刘强

【导师】 顾磊; 刘畅;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 土木工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 一直以来,人们都认为楼梯是结构的附属部分,在主体结构的计算和设计中不考虑楼梯的斜撑作用,仅将楼梯作为竖向荷载施加到楼梯间周边构件上,对楼梯间进行开洞处理。在地震灾害中发现大量楼梯遭到破坏,有些主体结构完好,而楼梯却损坏严重甚至坍塌了,说明人们需要重新认识楼梯与主体结构的关系。楼梯是结构必不可少的一部分,特别是在灾害来临时,楼梯是人们逃生的主要通道,因此在抗震设计中必须保证楼梯结构的安全。本文首先介绍了现阶段国内外在楼梯方面的研究成果,由于我国刚经历了汶川特大地震,因此对楼梯的研究比较活跃,本文主要对国内的研究成果进行了归纳,为下一步的研究提供参考。本文根据工程实例设计了三种结构形式的算例,对有楼梯和无楼梯的情况进行对比分析。在假设材料弹性的条件下,运用振型分解和反应谱理论,对比分析楼梯对结构整体抗震性能的影响;对框架结构进行了楼梯不同布置位置对结构的影响分析;对框架结构楼梯间构件内力进行了分析;还采用弹性时程分析法对框架结构进行补充研究,使弹性阶段的分析更加完善。研究发现楼梯对框架结构的影响很大,在设计中有很多需要特别注意的地方。其次,在基于材料塑性损伤的条件下对框架结构进行罕遇地震作用下的抗震性能分析,研究了楼梯的斜撑作用对主体结构的影响及楼梯本身的受力情况,分析了楼梯及其周边结构出现混凝土损伤和钢筋塑性变形的部位和程度。最后,总结研究成果,提出考虑楼梯参与结构整体计算的设计建议。

【Abstract】 For a long time,people think staircase is just a subsidiary part of structure so the bracing effect of staircase dose not been considered at calculating and designing procedure, only to punch hole in the floor slab where staircase is located, and apply vertical load of staircase to its surrounding components. A large number of staircases were destroyed in earthquake, showing that people need to recognize again the relationship between staircase and main structure. Staircase is an essential part of building structure, special when disaster comes in. Staircase is the main channel by which people escape, therefore its security must be guaranteed.This article firstly reviews the achievement in domestic and international in this field. Because WenChuan had just experienced a violent earthquake, therefore the research of staircase is a very active field at present, so the induction mainly about the domestic research results and provides reference for next research steps.This article designs three kinds of analyzed examples according project examples, and does comparative analysis between the situation with and without staircase. Under the supposition of material elastic condition, utilizing mode analysis method and response spectrum theory, this article contrasts and analyzes the influence caused by staircase to the seismic properties of main structure; This article contrasts and analyzes the influence caused by the different arrangement position of staircase to seismic properties of frame structure; This article analyzes internal force of the stair hall components; This article also utilizes elastic time history analysis to conduct the supplement research to the frame construction, causing the analysis at elastic stage to be more perfect. Research finds staircase have an important influence on frame structures, so many aspects need to be paid special attention in design.Next, based on the damaged plastic materials, this article analyzes the seismic performance of frame structures under action of rarely met earthquake; This article analyzes the bracing role of staircase on main structure and internal forces of itself; This article analyzes the location and degree of concrete damage or reinforced plastic deformation of staircase and its surrounding structures,Finally, summarizes the research results, proposed the design proposal about how to consider the staircase participated in the working of building structure.

  • 【分类号】TU229;TU352.11
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】315