

The Research of Skiing’s Teaching Difficult Points and Influencing Factor of College in Harbin

【作者】 祝汉祯

【导师】 于同;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 东北地区是我国适合滑雪的主要省份,哈尔滨市更是以“冰城”著称,得天独厚的自然资源为滑雪教学实践提供了优越条件。近些年来,诸多滑雪场的开发与建设逐渐完善,为哈尔滨市各普通高校开设滑雪教学课程大开方便之门,使之有了基础条件和可能性。本文针对哈尔滨市普通高校开设滑雪课的教学难点与开设滑雪课程的影响因素等方面进行分析研究,调查了解哈尔滨市普通高校开设滑雪课程的教学内容、开课形式等内容,找出滑雪课教学的难点,分析相关的影响因素与存在的问题,并提出解决教学难点相应的对策。本文研究的对象为哈尔滨市五所开设滑雪教学的普通高校,采取文献资料法,调查研究法,专家访谈法,数理统计法,逻辑分析法进行研究。哈尔滨市的多数普通高校滑雪课程起步较晚,还处于发展中阶段。师资队伍初具规模,还需稳定、提高、发展。各普通高校滑雪课程的组织形式基本相同、授课内容重点基本相同。课程目标应适当调整,开课形式需加强灵活多样性,教学方法和组织需进一步改进和完善。在滑雪教学中学生的心理素质造成滑雪教学的难点,心理因素导致学生在滑雪时具有畏惧心理,当屡次遭受失败的情况下还会产生挫败感和焦虑的情绪,使学生意志品质下降、缺乏自信心。学生体能的下降导致滑雪技术的学习受到很大的阻碍,也易导致伤害事故的发生。滑雪教学环境场地设施不健全,标准场地相对较少,没有自己滑雪场地,滑雪设备短缺,资金不足,严重制约着滑雪教学的质量。所以政府应出面管理、协调滑雪运动的总体趋势,为高校的教育教学提供强有力的保障。培养高校大学生的滑雪兴趣,提高对滑雪运动的积极性;帮助学生克服对滑雪恐惧的心理障碍,树立学生的自信心;加强体能锻炼,提高学生滑雪的专项素质。还应加大滑雪课教师专项业务提高的培训力度,请专家讲学指导,举办定期培训,与有滑雪课教学的院校交流授课经验,这不仅提高了教学实践能力,还提高了理论课的教学、加强培养了安全意识。改善滑雪课教学环境,选择雪场宽阔、雪质厚实松软、安全系数较高的雪场,加大对滑雪场地器材的投资为学生提供一个适合滑雪学习的场地和器材。加强对滑雪辅助教学器材的研发,提高滑雪技术的掌握,突破滑雪课教学难点。

【Abstract】 The northeast region in our country is the main provinces for skiing, and Harbin is known as“ice city”, in which abundant natural resources for the skiing-teaching practice are provided. In recent years, Harbin has developed the basic conditions and possibilities to open the ski teaching college courses with the gradual improvement development and construction of many ski resorts.This paper investigates teaching contents, course content such as form, based on which to find out the difficulty of ski courses teaching, analyze the influencing factors related with the existing problems, and puts forward the solution to teaching difficulty corresponding countermeasures through analyzing the studying teaching difficulty and the influencing factors of Skiing Course.This paper takes five average colleges which open skiing courses of Harbin as research objects, and adopts the literature material law, the investigation methodology, the expert interview law, the mathematical method of average, the logical analytic method to conduct the research. Ski course in most of the colleges in Harbin is still in a developing stage because of later starting. Teachers’team took shape, but still need to be stabilized, improved and developed. The ski course of the average colleges has the same organization form and key teaching content. Course objectives should be adjusted to strengthen flexible diversity on the classes form, and teaching method and organization needs to be improved and perfected. In the process of ski teaching, middle school students’ psychological quality becomes the difficult point of teaching. Psychological factors lead to students’fear in the skiing program. When students often suffer from failed cases, it will be generated to frustration and anxiety emotions, so that the students will become quality declining and confidence lost. The fall of students’ physical ability in skiing study make learning a great obstacle, and also lead to injury accidents easily. There are many factors which restrict to the quality of ski teaching, such as not completed skiing teaching environment facility, small standard skiing ground, equipment shortages, insufficient funding.Therefore the government should act to manage and coordinate the overall tendency of skiing, for providing powerful guarantee for university’s instruction. These measures, such as developing undergraduates’ interest and enthusiasm of skiing, helping students overcome the mental block of skiing, building up one’s self-confidence, and strengthening students’ physical training to improves special quality of skiing, can improve the quality of skiing education. In addition, universities should highlight the special abilities. of skiing teachers. In order to attain this objective, college can invite the experts to launch into lecture, and conduct regular training, exchange teaching experience with academies which has the ski class teaching experiences and so on. And these activities not only help teachers sharpen up their teaching ability of practice and theory, but also raised the safety consciousness in the process of teaching. In order to provide a appropriate ground and equipment for students, teaching environment should be improved, and the skiing field which is large, and have heavy and soft snow and should be safe enough and make more investment in skiing field and equipment. At last, what we need to do are strengthening the research and development of the auxiliary teaching equipment of skiing, improving technical of skiing, and making a breakthrough in teaching difficulty of skiing.

  • 【分类号】G863.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】129