

Manufacture of Finger-following Force/Tactile Display Device

【作者】 刘若蒙

【导师】 邓喜军;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 机械电子工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 当今世界,人机交互技术已经被广泛应用到遥操作、虚拟现实等领域。其中视觉和听觉的交互依然占据着主要地位,但是仅凭视觉和听觉的交互却无法满足人类日益提高的对人机交互沉浸感的要求。这种情况下,就需要发展其他通道的交互方式,比如力觉和触觉,力觉和触觉交互对提高人机交互的临场感有着非常重要的意义。本文分析了目前多种力觉和触觉的人机交互技术,在此基础上提出了一种利用压电陶瓷振子振动所产生的挤压气膜效应来改变摩擦力的手指随动式力/触觉融合主动触觉再现方法。在深入剖析了人类触觉产生机理的同时,陈述了基于挤压气膜效应的触觉再现平台的制造,并提出将其与一自由度力觉平台机器人结合形成空间范围的主动触觉再现平台,选择了圆盘状压电陶瓷片作为振子,并且设计装置结构、连接零件以及用于触觉输出和系统控制的各种电路。其次,根据流体力学的知识,对压电陶瓷片振动所产生的挤压气膜进行理论分析,计算圆盘状压电陶瓷薄片的挤压气膜承载力公式,对压电陶瓷片进行优化分析,最终选择合适的结构。再次,通过对压电陶瓷振子的摩擦系数标定实验,确定其对摩擦系数的改变能力,并得出摩擦系数和驱动电压信号的函数关系,根据函数关系设计了六种常见物体表面和九种较复杂物体表面的驱动电压信号。并且设计了装置的控制系统以及人机交互软件。最后,根据理论分析和设计,制造出装置,设计实验,通过对多名测试人员测试结果的统计分析,体现了本装置的功能。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, the HCI(Human-computer Interaction Techniques) have been widely used in the field of teleopertion, virtual reality etc. The HCI includes many human senses, in which the visual sense and the sense of hearing are mostly studied, but only by using those two kinds of human senses can’t make a person feels real in the virtual reality. To solve this problem, scientists are trying to find some new ways, such as using the sense of force and the tactile sense, these two could impove the HCI strongly.By analyzing and referring to the existing haptic/tactile devices, a device is designed in this thesis. It is a device which can display virtual tactile sense in a broad range and also has the ability of changing its tactile sense display following the location of the operator’s finger. This thesis shows that how a human could has tactile sense biologically, then a method of tactile representation using squeeze film air bearings generated by piezoelectric bending elements is presented. By combining the bending element to a 1 DOF robot, a prototype of this device is made.Then the bearing capacity of the squeeze film air bearing is caculated. A fuction is given to caculate the bearing capacity of the squeeze film air bearing generated by a thin bender ring.A experiment is taken to define the relationship of the friction coefficient and the driving voltage of the power source. Several driving voltages is designed in order to display the tactile senses of six commen objects and nine complicated objects. After that the control system is built and the HCI programme is composed.Finally, a prototype of the device is constructed and several experiments are performed, by analyzing the results, the availability of the prototype is proved.

  • 【分类号】TP11
  • 【下载频次】116