

Research on Stable Jumping of Frog-inspired Biomimetic Robot

【作者】 朱翔宇

【导师】 蔡鹤皋;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 机械电子工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 仿生跳跃机器人在越障和运动的敏捷性上具有突出优势,但由于可控时间短,腾空阶段具有不确定性,跳跃的稳定性对于其运动性能至关重要。姿态稳定性影响机器人能否安全着陆和连续运动,轨迹稳定决定能否到达预设的地点。本文以仿青蛙跳跃机器人为研究对象,对后足起跳、前足着地的间歇式跳跃机器人进行稳定性的研究。机器人的跳跃稳定需要可靠的机械和控制系统的支持,并具有感知自身姿态和外部环境的能力。本文通过分析已有机器人样机在结构和性能上的不足,对起跳机构和驱动系统提出改进方案,建立多传感器平台以提高机器感知姿态的能力。结合青蛙跳跃过程的特点,针对跳跃机器人的轨迹和姿态的获取方法进行研究,利用加速度和角速度数据,求取机器人各阶段运动姿态,提出起跳速度和机器人运动轨迹的获取方法,对机器人四肢末端相对于质心位置进行求解以进行碰撞预测。现阶段仿生机器人的稳定性研究方法,多从几何结构出发,辅以能量和力的分析,进而提出稳定判据。本文通过对实际青蛙跳跃模型的观察,归纳影响跳跃稳定性的因素,分析造成跳跃失败的原因。从起跳过程角度和摩擦力的影响,腾空阶段收腿的作用和落地后震荡情况等因素分析机器人的稳定性。运用零力矩点法和能量稳定边界法提出了稳定着陆的判据,并对机器人跳跃的稳定性过程进行综合探讨。设计基于多传感器的机器人控制系统,构建无线通信指令集,编写上位机人机交互程序和DSP机器人控制程序,建立实验平台。对不同情况下机器人的跳跃进行实验,研究起跳角、地面摩擦等参数对稳定跳跃的影响,验证稳定性判别条件。

【Abstract】 Biomimetic jumping robot has outstanding advantages when facing obstacles and agile movement. As a result of the uncertainty of flying phase and with short-time controllable, the stability of jump performance is critical for a movement. Posture stability of the robot decides whether a safe landing and continuous movement is performed, while trajectory stability determines how accurate a landing location is. In this paper, a frog-inspired biomimetic jumping robot, which uses leg to take-off and arm landing, is studied as an example to solve the stable landing problem.Jumping stability of the robot requires a reliable mechanical and control system, and the capability to perceive itself and the environment. Based on the limitations of the existing robot, some suggestions to improve the structure and performance are proposed. A multi-sensor platform is also built to enhance the ability of collecting information.With the characteristics of real frog jump, methods to obtain the trajectory and posture of jumping robot are studied. The posture of a specified moment can be calculated with the equations of kinemics transform using the data from accelerometer and gyroscopes. The position of the ends of legs can be calculated for prediction of the impact.Methods to study the stability of biomimetic robot usually start from the geometric structure, supplemented by energy and force analysis to build the stability criterion. Based on the observation of actual frog hopping model, this paper summarized the factors affecting the stability of jump and reasons resulting failure. From the take-off angle and friction factor of the ground, movement of legs during flight phase and the impact when landing, stability of robot is analyzed. ZMP method and energy analysis are used for the stability criterion when landing.A control system based on multi-sensor with wireless communication is built. We establish a platform for experimental including a control interface on PC and embedded program in DSP. Jumping processes with different factors such as friction factor and initial angle to verify the stability criterion conditions are experimentized.
