

The Simulation and Experimental Study on the Power Generaion of the Cantilever Piezoelectric Energy Harvester

【作者】 岳国强

【导师】 谢涛;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 机械电子工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着微机电系统、便携式电子设备及无线传感器的广泛应用,如何向微电子产品供能已经成为当前研究的热点问题。由于传统的化学电池供能方式有明显的不足,比如电池能量有限,使用寿命短,环境污染以及需要定期更换等,迫切需要新的供能方式。研究人员开始致力于寻求在环境中提取能量为微电子产品供能的方法。压电发电装置具有俘能效率高、发热小、环境友好,无电磁干扰、易加工,便于微型化和集成化等诸多优点,具有良好的应用前景,逐渐成为研究热点。其中悬臂梁式压电俘能器结构简单,谐振频率低,与环境中的振动频率相接近,一般工作在谐振状态下,能输出较高的能量,因此本文以悬臂梁式压电俘能器为研究对象,针对其俘能性能进行了仿真分析和实验研究。首先对悬臂梁式压电俘能器进行了仿真分析,把压电俘能器等效为一个包括理想电压源、电阻、电感和电容的电源,并得出不同频率下的参数值。在此基础上,进行了负载阻抗的仿真分析,分析了负载阻抗为匹配的电阻、电容和电感时压电俘能器的最优输出功率;然后进一步分析了阻尼比对悬臂梁式压电俘能器俘能性能的影响。接着建立了单悬臂梁式压电俘能器、多悬臂梁式压电俘能器和多模态宽频压电俘能器的有限元模型,并分析了末端质量块对俘能性能的影响。然后通过ANSYS和Multisim仿真分析比较了三种悬臂梁式压电俘能器的俘能性能。最后,为了验证仿真分析的正确性,制作了多套悬臂梁式压电俘能器装置并搭建了实验系统。并利用激光测振仪和阻抗分析仪测量了各类压电俘能器的振动模态和阻抗特性,测量结果与仿真分析结果基本吻合。对各类压电俘能器进行了能量采集实验,求出了各类压电俘能器的匹配阻抗并比较分析了各类压电俘能器的俘能性能。

【Abstract】 With the wide utilization of MEMS, portable electronic equipment and wireless sensors, how to supply sufficient energy to the microelectronic products became a hotspot in research community currently. Traditional chemical battery has a huge amount of drawbacks, such as limited energy storage, short battery life, environmental pollution and periodic replacement requirement. Therefore, researchers start to find a method which can harvest the energy from the environment in order to support microelectronic products. An alluring prospect of piezoelectric power generator has been showed in front of us, because of its high efficiency, low hear emission, environment friendliness, non-electromagnetic interference, processing simplicity, microminiaturizing and integrating easiness. This paper will mainly describe the research of cantilever beam piezoelectric energy harvester because of its simple structure, low resonant frequency, closeness to the environmental frequency, and good performance in resonance condition.In this research, cantilever beam piezoelectric energy harvester is initially analyzed through the ANSYS simulation. Piezoelectric energy harvester is equivalent to a power source including an ideal voltage source, a resistance, an inductance and a capacitance. Through the simulation, the parameters of various frequencies are obtained. Based on this equivalent circuit, this paper analyzes the optimal power output while the load impedance is the matching resistance, inductance and capacitance. Then, the impact of the damping ratio on performance of piezoelectric energy harvester is analyzed.The finite element simulation models of single cantilever beam, multiple cantilever beam and multi-mode broadband piezoelectric energy harvester are developed and the impact of tip mass on harvester output performance is analyzed. Then through the ANSYS and Multisim simulation, three different piezoelectric energy harvesters’output performances are compared.Finally, cantilever beam piezoelectric energy harvesters’experimental system is established to verify the results of simulation analysis. The laser vibrometer and impedance analyzer test the vibration modes and impedance of harvesters, and the results basically match the simulation analysis. Then, the experiment does the energy harvesting research on different piezoelectric energy harvesters, gets the matching impedance and compares the output performances of different piezoelectric energy harvesters.

  • 【分类号】TM619
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】355