

Research on Wireless Sensor Network Optimization Design Method for Particular QOS Requirements

【作者】 王兆波

【导师】 李全龙;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 计算机科学与技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Network,以下简称为WSN)的广泛应用,针对WSN的优化设计方法也得到了越来越多的关注。WSN由于其传感器节点自身能力以及无线传输方式的限制,在设计中很难使每个技术指标都达到最优。鉴于此,服务质量(Quality of Service,以下简称为QoS)被引入WSN的设计中,使得WSN的设计目标从技术指标最优化转向用户满意度最大化,但是,目前现有的研究大多只针对单个或少数几个QoS进行WSN的优化设计,并且这些设计主要集中在单个网络层上,而对于多个QoS,从网络整体进行设计的研究还比较少。在此背景下,本文提出了一种将用户的多个QoS需求进行分解,转换为底层技术指标并加以实现的WSN优化设计方法。首先,从用户的特定QoS需求出发,引入质量功能展开思想,对QoS需求进行层次分解,将QoS需求映射到具体的技术指标上,得到了各技术指标的重要度,在此基础上对用户满意度进行量化,建立了技术指标最优配置模型。通过求解技术指标最优配置模型便可得到各技术指标的量化值,从而指导整个WSN的设计。其次,在获得具体技术指标之后,着重针对WSN设计中的一个重要阶段——网络部署阶段进行了详细研究,提出一套满足覆盖度、可靠性以及连通度指标的部署方案。对于覆盖度指标,分别对同构传感器和异构传感器、确定性覆盖和随机覆盖进行了研究;对于可靠性指标,研究了同时考虑节点可靠性和传输线路可靠性时网络的可靠性;对于连通度指标,分别对确定性覆盖和随机覆盖下的连通度进行了研究。上述研究均通过理论推导或仿真实验获得了节点密度和各技术指标之间的关系曲线,从而对如何部署网络提供指导。最后,设计实现了一个WSN优化设计工具,该工具对本文的QoS分解优化方法提供了可视化支持,能够在网络部署阶段提出满足需求的详细部署方案。此外,该工具还实现了一个仿真平台,利用此平台可以对本文研究的可行性提供一系列验证。

【Abstract】 With the extensive application of Wireless Sensor Network (hereafter referred to as WSN), more and more attention are being focused on the optimization design of it. Limited by self-capability of sensor nodes in WSN and the wireless transmission mode, it is hardly possible to reach the optimal level on each technical target at the same time. Thus, the concept of Quality of Service (hereafter referred to as QoS) has been brought into the design of WSN, which transform the design objective from optimization of technical target to maximization of customer satisfaction. Unfortunately, existing studies from this angle mainly concentrate on single or a minority of QoS needs and focus on a single network layer. Only few of them try to integrate multiple QoS needs in the global design of the network. This study proposes an optimized design which first dismantles multiple QoS needs of customer and then transfers them into technical targets.Firstly, based on certain QoS needs of customers, this study brings the concept of Quality Function Deployment, dismantles customer QoS needs levels, maps them into specific technical targets and acquire the importance degrees of each technical targets. Customer satisfactions are quantified and a model of optimization of technical targets is built on this basis. By determining the model of optimization of technical targets, the quantized values of different technical targets are acquired, thus to guide the global design of WSN.Secondly, after acquiring the specific technical targets, the study put an emphasis on one stage----the stage of sensor placement, and then proposes a disposition plan which meets the targets of coverage, reliability as well as connectivity. On coverage target, the study researches on homogeneous sensor network, heterogeneous sensor network, deterministic coverage and random coverage respectively; on reliable target, it researches on the reliability of the network in consideration of the reliability of both sensor nodes and transmission link; on connectivity target, it studies the connectivity in deterministic coverage and random coverage situation respectively.Lastly, a tool in the optimization design of WSN is provided in this study and it offers a visualization support for a dismantling and optimization method of QoS proposed in this thesis so that a detailed disposition plan which meets the needs is put forward in the stage of sensor placement. Moreover, the tool also provides a simulation platform through which the feasibility of the study proposed in this thesis can be tested.

  • 【分类号】TN929.5;TP212.9
  • 【被引频次】1
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