

A Corpus-based Contrastive Study between English Abstracts in Chinese and International Agricultural Journal Articles

【作者】 史亚菊

【导师】 王晓燕;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 如今,国际学术交流日趋频繁,重要学术期刊的论文都要求附有英文摘要,以简要说明文章的内容。好的英文摘要能迅速激发国外读者了解研究论文的兴趣。因此摘要翻译引起了国内外学者的广泛关注。目前有关摘要翻译的文章涉及各个专业领域,主要关注的是词,句子和语篇上的问题,以及在这些层面上的翻译策略和翻译原则。但是对于农业期刊学术论文摘要的系统的研究还不多见,而基于语料库的国内国际期刊论文摘要的对比研究也少之又少。随着描写翻译学的蓬勃发展,语料库研究的方法被不断的引入到翻译研究中,为翻译研究提供了新的视角。基于上述研究背景,本文针对以下问题展开研究:农科论文摘要译文和非译文的不同表现在那些方面,(一个语言特点的出现频率和分布情况)以及是否存在显著性差异?译文的平均句长与原文相比是否存在长短差异?不同长短的句子的分布情况如何?本研究旨在使译者深刻认识中英语言的差异,从而创造出好的译作。本研究采用彻尔斯曼(Chesterman)提出的翻译对比模式,即译文与非译文相似,作为基于语料库的对比研究的理论框架。选取国内农业基础学科最具权威的5种学术期刊中的30篇学术论文(各个期刊的前6篇)的英文摘要和以这些英文摘要的关键词为检索词得到的30篇国际期刊英文摘要,建成两个子语料库,并辅以Webcorp语料库来确证相关语料。利用如上研究方法,通过语料库的对比研究发现:1)译文和非译文的不同表现在语言的各个层面。如在主题相同的情况下,非译文摘要的篇长要高于译文,而且译文倾向于达到字数标准200-400要求的下限,而非译文则倾向于超过规定字数小于250的上限;非译文比译文使用更多的缩略语;相比非译文介词“of”在译文中使用更加频繁;非译文的语步比译文的语步多;非译文比译文使用更多的语义衔接; 2)译文的平均句长要高于非译文。但两者都在结果语步讨论居多。以上实证研究表明:译文和非译文差异的原因有:不同的国内国际学术环境和不同的刊物,不同的个人用词风格,以及译者相关专业知识的缺乏,英语语感的或缺,译者翻译目的不明确等。由此,本文认为摘要翻译首先要有明确的翻译目的,摘要翻译要有语步原则,语义衔接的手段要自然多样。实践表明相关专业的可比语料库是完善译文的最佳工具。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, with the increasing communication among international academic field, all key journals require an attachment of English abstracts (EAs) to every research paper. Good abstracts are concise and could quickly arouse the interest of international researchers and introduce them to the main idea of the research content. Since EAs are so important, they gained worldwide attention. The previous research of English abstract translating was mainly conducted in lexical, syntactical and discourse level of various professional fields, which were usually concerned with translation strategies and rules. However, the systematic investigation into the agricultural journal paper abstracts has been seldom studied, especially studies base on the corpus made of international and domestic EAs. The fast development of descriptive translation study made it possible to introduce the methodology of corpus study to translation studies, gradually, which provides unique perspective for translation study.Based on the research background above, this paper aims to investigate the following research questions: In what respects do translations tend to differ from non-translated texts? If there is a difference (for instance in the distribution or frequency of a given feature), is this difference indeed significant? Is the average sentence length of the translations shorter or longer than non-translated texts; the distribution of different sentence lengths about the same in the two groups of texts. The ultimate objective of this paper is to let the translators have an acute sense of the difference between two language systems, and give insight into translation practice.To answer the research questions, the comparative model TT(translated text)≈NTT(non-translated text) which was put forward by Chesterman was used. It is an effective translation model, which provides a key theoretical framework for this study. Two subcorpora were constructed. The first 6 abstracts of the latest copy from 5 agricultural journals which are considered domestic authorities, totally 30 made up subcorpus TT; 30 EAs with the same key words as translated text were chosen from international agricultural journals made up subcorpus NTT. The study was conducted through the analysis of the two subcorpora. Webcorp is used as a supplementary tool to subcorpus NTT to confirm related item. Webcorp is an online corpus made by UK from which one can retrieve English language written by people from any country.Through the study of comparable corpora, the major findings are: 1) The differences between TT and NTT represent in all levels. Under the same topic, the length of NTT is longer than TT. The average length of NTT goes over the maximum requirement of 250 ABSTRACT words by ISO. The average length of TT is close to the minimum requirement of 200 words by GB. TT uses fewer abbreviations than NTT; TT uses more“of,”less“moves”and semantic cohesion. 2) The average sentence length of TT is higher than NTT, but they both used more sentences for move 4-results.The study results indicate the differences between translated abstracts and non-translated abstracts are caused by the following reasons: their different academic environment; from the perspective of translators, personal choice of words, stylistic preference, the inadequate knowledge, the lack of sense of English language and translation purpose of translators. Therefore, this paper recommends translators should have a clear translation purpose, adopt“5-move”structure in abstract translation and use various ways of semantic cohesion. Obviously, comparable corpus is an ideal tool to translators.
