

Study on Information Technology Teacher’s Professional Development of Urban Junior High School in Yanbian Area

【作者】 侯晓飞

【导师】 董德森;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 教育学原理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 初中信息技术教师专业发展在我国社会是一个新的研究领域,涉及到信息技术教育和教师专业发展。随着我国基础教育信息化的推进和新一轮课程改革的深入,信息技术教育在我国基础教育领域的地位日渐凸显,而信息技术教育成败的关键就在初中信息技术教师是否能够得到专业发展。在我国,有关教师专业发展的研究相对于国外起步较晚,而初中信息技术教师专业发展的研究更是薄弱。本文对初中信息技术教师专业发展这一课题的研究深化了这一领域的研究工作。延边州自1998年起逐步把信息技术教育列入中小学课程计划,多年来,延边州初中信息技术教育有了很大发展。目前,全州所有初中全部将信息技术课作为必修课开设,信息技术教师队伍以及教师个人也在不断成长、发展之中。本研究首先制定了《延边地区初中信息技术教师专业发展现状调查问卷》和《延边地区初中信息技术教师专业发展影响因素调查问卷》,对延边州8个县市84所初中学校,共117名教师进行了问卷调查,调查结果应用SPSS17.0进行统计分析。分析延边地区初中信息技术教师的专业发展现状,比较城市与农村、朝族与汉族信息技术教师在各个维度的差异,分析不同阶段初中信息技术教师专业发展的影响因素,分析不同阶段各因素对初中信息技术教师专业发展影响的差异,探索适合不同发展阶段的初中信息技术教师专业发展的促进措施。通过问卷调查并对所得的数据进行统计分析,得到如下结论:1、延边地区初中信息技术教师专业发展总体水平接近较高水平。2、延边地区初中信息技术教师专业发展态度接近较高水平,但专业发展行为水平不高。3、城市与农村、汉族与朝鲜族信息技术教师专业发展水平存在差异。4、延边地区初中信息技术教师的专业知识、专业能力、专业发展行为水平存在显著差异。5、个人、家庭、学校、专业组织和社会等因素对各阶段信息技术教师专业发展有不同程度的影响。根据各阶段信息技术教师专业发展的主要影响因素,本文针对各阶段提出如下建议:1、对于新手阶段的信息技术教师,学校应因地制宜地选取行之有效的入职培训形式抓好新手阶段教师的职前教育,为教师的顺利发展奠定基础。另一方面,学校要充分发挥名师的榜样作用,可采用师徒带教的方法帮助新手阶段的教师在专业水平上得到发展。2、对于熟练新手阶段的信息技术教师,可通过对给予教师来自工作环境的激励和来自成果的激励促进其专业发展。3、对于胜任阶段的信息技术教师,要特别重视家庭对其的重要影响作用;对于胜任阶段教师的家人,处于胜任阶段教师的家人也应该重视自身对教师专业发展的影响,为教师专业成长提供方便。4、对于业务精干阶段的信息技术教师,要创造机会使其与州内或市内几校联谊合作或与大学合作进行教学研究,使其专业水平提升;可通过参与专业会议的方式促进其专业发展。

【Abstract】 IT teacher’s professional development is a complete new concept, which involves in both IT education and teacher’s professional development. On the one hand, with the development of the information of basic education and deepening of the new round of course reform, IT education has become more and more important in basic education in our country. The most important case is IT teacher is the key to developing IT education. On the other hand, the research on the teacher’s professional development started later than other countries, there is seldom research on IT teacher professional development. So, it is very important and urgent to make some research on it.Yanbian area gradually had the information technology education listed in the middle and primary school plan since 1998, for many years, the information technology education of junior high school had a very big development. At present, all the middle school in the area have made the information technology lesson as a compulsory course, the group of IT teachers as well as individual teacher continue to develop.This study first formulated the "The question of Information Technology in Yanbian area junior high school teacher professional development present situation"、"The question of the factors which impact the Information Technology in Yanbian area junior high school teacher professional development". For promoting the 84 junior high schools of 8 cities, a total of 117 teacher has carried on the questionnaire investigation, the result applied SPSS17.0 were statistically analyzed. Analyzes the differences between the professional development of junior high school IT teacher which work in urban and rural area as well as Korean and Han., analyzes the influencing factors of junior high school IT teachers’professional development according to different stages, analyze the differences of each factor which influences different stages of junior high school IT teachers’professional development.At last, looking for some great needs in different stages, and explore measures which could help them to promote professional development.Through the survey and the data of statistical analysis, we get the following conclusions:1、The level of the IT teacher’s professional development tends to above normal.2、The level of the IT teacher’s professional development attitude tends to above normal, while the level of the IT teacher’s professional development behavior is not high enough.3、There are differences between the professional development level of junior high school IT teachers which work in urban and rural area as well as Korean and Han.4、There are significant differences between the junior high school IT teachers’ Professional knowledge、Professional ability and Professional development behavior in Yanbian area.5、The influences of personal factors、family factors、school factors、the professional organizations factors and social factors which impact the IT teacher’s professional development is different in different stages.According to main influencing factors to each phase of IT teachers’professional development, this paper offers following suggestions:1、For Beginner stage IT teachers, the school shall adjust measures to local conditions to select effective forms of pre-service education, to lay the foundation for teachers’smooth development.On the other hand, schools should make full use of the famous exemplary function, can use the method taught help with mentoring to the teacher to get development.2、For Skilled beginner stage IT teachers, to inspire them by working environment and achievements to promote their development.3、For Competent IT teachers, they should pay special attention to the importance of their families, meanwhile, the families of Competent teachers should concern with their influence to the teachers,and provide convenience for the teachers’professional development.4、For Capable IT teachers, to create opportunities to cooperate with a few schools within the city or the state for networking, or cooperate with the university to do teaching research can also promote their professional development by participating in professional meeting.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期