

Research on Legislation of China’s Agricaltrual Genetic Resources

【作者】 兰晓秋

【导师】 李旭霞;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 经济法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 一个基因影响一个国家的经济命脉,一个物种关系到一个国家的发展前途。随着人类对农业野生动植物基因资源,尤其是濒危野生动植物的基因资源潜在的巨大经济价值认识的不断加深,各国的农业遗传资源成为世界关注和争夺的焦点。我国是世界上生物多样性最丰富的国家之一,也是世界上重要的农作物起源中心之一还是多种特有畜、禽、鱼类品种的原产地。我国不但拥有丰富的农业遗传资源,并且还在开发利用农业遗传资源的过程中发展出世界著名的中国传统医药及其相关传统知识。这是许多相关产业珍贵的创新资源。然而我国在农业遗传资源保护和利用上,由于法律制度上的失衡与缺失导致了农业遗传资源大量的自然丧失与人为流失。农业遗传资源作为我国的战略性和基础性资源,这种流失将会影响我国的经济安全和粮食安全。严峻的现实警示我们必须加紧立法保护农业遗传资源。本研究正是基于此背景,着眼于法律生态化这一发展趋势,在生态文明背景下进行我国农业遗传资源保护和利用的立法考量。本研究融合生态学、环境资源学、生物保护学、经济学等学科领域知识。研究致力于分析我国农业遗传资源的总体情况、其在保护和利用中的现实境遇、当前农业遗传资源保护法制状况、阻碍农业遗传资源立法的困境和原因等问题,并结合考察域外国家和国际组织的相关立法情况及实践效果,总结我国农业遗传资源立法能够借鉴的经验和教训,提出相关立法建议,为我国农业遗传资源立法提供参考。在农业遗传资源立法的理论基础层面:界定我国农业遗传资源的内涵和分类;通过对农业遗传资源价值和特性的认识,结合我国当前农业遗传资源及其保护利用的总体情况分析我国当前进行农业遗传资源的必要性和可行性。在农业遗传资源立法的现实背景层面:首先,考察分析我国农业遗传资源保护和利用的法制现状,总结现行分散的法律规范在管理农业遗传资源的保护和利用过程中的经验教训。用现实情况说明农业遗传资源立法应当重视的问题。其次,考察域外国家和国际组织的相关立法情况及实践效果,可以看出国际立法趋势和农业遗传资源保护和利用的重点走势,通过这些国家实际的立法例并结合其实践效果,可以很清楚地看到农业遗传资源立法模式和立法形式上的优缺点,这些能够借鉴的经验和教训为可以为我国农业遗传资源立法提供可参考的依据。再者,对我国我国当前农业遗传资源立法保护的困境和原因进行分析,能够更清楚的认识到我国农业遗传资源立法所要面临的重点和难点问题,为我国农业遗传资源立法指明确切的方向。

【Abstract】 A gene can affect a nation’s economic lifeline, and one species is related to country’s development. As human deepens the cognition of the economic potential of wild animal and plant genetic resources, especially for those endangered species, national agricultural genetic resources have draw attention all over the world. China is one of countries with richest biodiversity and one of the most important crop birthplaces on the world, which is the original place of many endemic live-stock, poultry and fish. China is not only rich in agricultural genetic resources, but has the world-famous Chinese traditional medicine and its related knowledge in the development and utilization of agricultural genetic resources which is valuable creative resources for related industries. However, the imbalance and lack of legal system led to an abundance of natural loss and man-made erosion in the conservation and utilization of agricultural genetic resources.As strategic and fundamental resources, the loss of agricultural genetic resources will affect economic and food security. The critical reality warns us to step up legislation on the protection of agricultural genetic resources. Based on this background, this research is intended to the legislation in the conservation and utilization of agricultural genetic resources in the context of ecological civilization, focusing on the trend of the ecological tendency towards law. The research incorporates ecology, environmental resources, biological protection, economics and other disciplines of knowledge, intending to analyses the overall situation of agricultural genetic resources in the process of conservation and utilization, the current condition of legal system in conservation, and the difficult position and causes in the legislation of agricultural genetic resource. Based on the lessons from the legislation of genetic resource in agriculture and the investigation of legislation in relevant countries and international organizations, we will put forward the legislation on agricultural genetic resource as reference.On the aspect of theoretical basis in the legislation of agricultural genetic resources, this study defines the meaning and classification of agricultural genetic resources. Through the understanding of the value and characteristics of agricultural genetic resources, the study discusses the legislation necessity and feasibility in our country currently, based on the review on the overall situation of agricultural genetic resources in conservation and utilization.On the background of legislation in agricultural genetic resources, firstly, this study analyzes the legal status of agricultural genetic resources conservation and usage, and summarizes experience and lessons from the existing legal norms in decentralized management of agricultural genetic resources conservation and utilization, based on which puts forward those problems should be given attention to in agricultural genetic resource legislation. Secondly, the study examines extraterritorial legislation of national and international organizations related to the situation and practical effects, summed up the trend of international legislation and agricultural genetic resources conservation and utilization. The investigation of legislation and its practical effects in these countries makes it clear of the advantage and disadvantage of different legislative patterns and forms on genetic resource, which can provide us reference for China’s legislation on agricultural genetic resource. Finally, the study on the plight and its reasons of China’s current agricultural genetic resources legislation helps to recognize the important and difficult issues and define an exact direction for China’s agricultural genetic resource legislation.
