

Study on the National Intangible Cultural Heritage Protective Functions of the Local Governmen

【作者】 易文君

【导师】 雷玉明;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 自2001年中国昆曲荣登联合国科教文组织首批“人类口头与非物质文化遗产代表作”榜首以来,中国政府对世界遗产的新类别—非物质文化遗产的保护逐渐重视起来。2005年,中国政府建立了“国家+省+市+县”四级保护名录,国家级非物质文化遗产成为了国家的重要文化财,中央政府统一进行宏观管理。但是,它的具体管理权却仍停留在地方,地方政府对其展开实际的保护工作。2011年2月,《中华人民共和国非物质文化遗产保护法》正式颁布,标志着中国的非物质文化遗产保护工作正式从民间保护走向官方保护。本文从梳理国家级非物质文化遗产的保护历程和地方政府保护职能入手,从保护政策、保护途径、保护模式三个层面探讨了国家级非物质文化遗产保护的现状和地方政府的职能,将其定位于委托代理管理职能、市场化和产业化监管职能以及社会参与协调职能。通过介绍国内外实施三种职能的具体经验,论证其可行性和有效性。再通过实证调研以湖北武当武术为个案,深入分析了三种职能实施的现状、分析存在的问题和原因、进行绩效评价。最后提出提高地方政府对国家级非物质文化遗产保护绩效的对策建议。具体说,本文从下面几个方面展开论述:第一章,绪论。本文以国家级非物质文化遗产保护中的地方政府职能为研究对象,以湖北武当武术为个案,分析当前国家级非物质文化遗产保护中的地方政府职能存在的问题,提出解决意见。第二章,国家级非物质文化遗产的保护与地方政府职能。梳理地方政府对国家级非物质文化遗产保护的演变历程,总结相关政策和申报制度中的地方政府职能规定,整理保存式保护、产业式保护、传承式保护和保护区式保护模式中的地方政府职能,归纳树立地方政府三种核心职能:委托代理管理职能、市场化和产业化监管职能、社会协调职能。第三章,国内外国家级非物质文化遗产保护中的地方政府职能。在国外经验方面,以日本为例,介绍地方政府保护机构的组织建置、重视传承人保护和培养群众文化自觉性三个方面。在国内经验方面,以浙江省为例,介绍浙江省政府规划机制、开展普查工作以及建立专门的“非遗”基地,进一步细化地方政府的非物质文化遗产保护职能。第四章,典型个案分析—以湖北武当武术为例。以湖北武当武术为例,分析其三种职能现状,以政策制定、政策执行和政策目标考核为三个参考因素,评析地方政府对武当武术的保护绩效,分析得出存在的重申报,轻保护;过度干预、越责管理;重经济,轻文化保护三方面问题,分析相对应的原因主要是申报制度不完善、监管体制不健全和发展观念不科学。第五章,提高地方政府对国家级非物质文化遗产保护绩效的对策建议。从申报制度、监督机制和政绩考核机制三个层面提出对策建议。并从完善法规建设、转变观念、健全组织结构和实现基层保护提出保障性对策。第六章,结论与局限。指出本文因为现实条件和研究视野上的局限,造成无法深入、全面诠释国家级非物质文化遗产中地方政府职能存在的问题,无法对地方政府职能进行量化评价的遗憾。相信国家级非物质文化遗产保护中的地方政府职能研究理论会逐渐丰富、实践会走向成熟及研究开展会持久。

【Abstract】 Since 2001,Kunqu in China has ranked the top in the first batch of Mankind Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage Masterpiece hold by UNESCO. The Chinese government have paid more attention to the protection on the intangible culture heritage. In 2005, the Chinese government have established four levels protection catalog, and the national Intangible Cultural Heritage have became a part of national fortune, the central people’s government started to exercise macrocontrol. However the concrete management rights are still belong to the local governments, they undertake major responsibility for protection. On February 2011, The Chinese government revised the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Intangible Cultural Heritage.In this thesis, we review the course of National Intangible Cultural Heritage protection and the functions of the local governments. Then we discuss National Intangible Cultural Heritage current protection status form three parts:protective policy, protective measures, protective modes. Finally we think the local government should have entrusted responsibility, as the supervisor of market and industry, and the coordinator and participants in community affairs. By introducing successful experience in these three functions of both China and overseas to prove them viability and efficiency. And carries on an empirical research on the Taoist Wushu in Wudang to take a deep analysis of these functions situation currently, problems and causes, and ended up with the strategies of promoting it. Concretely, this thesis developed over several parts as bellows:Chapterl, An introduction, we took the National Intangible Cultural Heritage protective functions of the local government as the object of study.Taking Taoist Wushu in Wudang as an example, find some problem on the protective functions of the local government, and propose resolutions.Chapter2, topic on its course, through the course of the National Intangible Cultural Heritage protective functions of the local government, introducing the relative policies and declaration system, form three modes:save-style protection mode, Industrial-type protection, heritage conservation and building protection areas mode to summary the local government three core functions:the local government should have entrusted responsibility, as the supervisor of market and industry, and the coordinator and participants in community affairs. Chapter3. topic on experice. introducing both China and oversea successful experice. Japan, for example, describes the organization of local government conservation agencies to build, emphasis on the Protection of Heritage and help people build up cultural awareness. And taking Zhejiang Province as an example, introducing its planning mechanism, survey work and establishing a special protective base. And make a further analyze of the local government functions of the intangible cultural heritage protection.Chapter4,topic on research, we carry on an empirical research on the Taoist Wushu in Wudang, to analyze the status of three functions. Making policy formulation, policy implementation and policy objectives as the three reference factors, assess local government performance on the protection of the Taoist Wushu in Wudang. We find there are three promble:focusing on declaration, neglecting the provtective job;excessive intervention;taking the intangible cultural heritage as economic resources, which are caused by the main declaration system is imperfect, the regulatory system is not perfect and the concept of development is not scientific.Chapter5, topic on development of the local government protection viability and efficiency. Mainly on the strategies to reporting system, the mechanisms of supervision and the mechanisms of performance evaluation. And from four parts:improving the laws and regulations; changing concepts; improving the organizational structure and playing the protective functions of the basic organizations, to make the measure into reality.Chapter6, topic on outlook. Because of the limitations of the real conditions and the view on this topic, which may cause no-depth analyze of the national intangible cultural heritage protective functions of the local government, and can not quantify the functions of the local government. However, I believe the theory on the National Intangible Cultural Heritage protective functions of the local government will be enriched gradually, and practice and research will be conducted to mature and last.

  • 【分类号】D625;G122
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】646