

The Interactions of Verticillium Dah Liae in Hubei Province with Varieties of Cotton

【作者】 郝荷荷

【导师】 郭小平;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 棉花黄萎病作为一种由大丽轮枝菌引起的真菌性土传病害,在世界范围内对棉花生产造成严重的影响,因而有“棉花癌症”之称。湖北省作为长江流域棉花主产区之一,全国六大产棉省之一,棉花是全省除粮食外经济总量最大的农作物。但是近年来,由于气候的不稳定以及对种子调运检疫的忽视等因素,湖北省棉花生产的产量和品质因黄萎病发生而导致的影响有逐年加重的趋势,而且病害在田间表现出多种症状类型。为此,研究湖北省不同地区黄萎病菌与品种的互作规律,对于选育抗黄萎病品种从而防治棉花黄萎病具有重要意义。本实验对选自湖北省不同地区的32个代表性菌株与4个生产上抗性表现不同的鉴别品种之间的互作进行研究,以期寻找出湖北省棉花黄萎病菌不同致病力菌株与品种互作过程中的规律。其次,本实验主要以营养液漂浮育苗即水浮育苗技术为基础进行,对于水浮育苗壮苗培育也进行了研究,主要是为了找出助壮素处理最有效的壮苗浓度组合。所得主要结果如下:(1)根据5个非落叶型菌株1cd11-b、1cd3-2、1cd21-b、ve10及ve5在中棉所8号和冀棉11号上表现出的致病力分化现象,可将非落叶型黄萎病菌划分为三个类型。第1种类型:对中棉所8号致病力较弱,使其表现抗病,对冀棉11号致病力较强,使其表现感病,代表菌株如1cd11-b菌株。第11种类型:对中棉所8号致病力较强,使其表现感病,对冀棉11号致病力较弱,使其表现抗病,代表菌株如lcd3-2菌株。第111种类型:对中棉所8号和冀棉11号致病力均较弱,使其均表现抗病,包括1cd21-b、ve10、ve5三种菌株。选取两个鉴别品种的自交株行中棉所8号-3和冀棉11号-5为新的鉴别品种,从这两个株行材料与三种代表菌株互作结果进一步肯定了以上三种分类方式,更加明确地证实了非落叶型菌株与棉苗品种之间存在抗性分化。(2)根据不同地区的27个落叶型菌株与银瑞361、中棉所8号、豫棉21、冀棉11号4种鉴别品种互作的反应类别将落叶型菌株分为五种类型。第Ⅰ种类型,对四个鉴别品种致病力均较强,四种品种在其作用下均表现感病,包括1cd3-1、1cd3-33等蔡甸大部分菌株、麻城菌株、江陵菌株、石首菌株、天门部分菌株、农科院菌株、仙桃菌株。第Ⅱ种类型,对银瑞361致病力较弱,使其表现抗病,对其他三个品种致病力较强,使其表现感病,代表菌株如1hnw-1华农网室菌株。第Ⅲ种类型,对银瑞361和豫棉2两个品种致病力较弱,使其表现抗病,对中棉所8号和冀棉11号致病力较强,使其表现感病,代表菌株如4tm-52R1和4tm-52R2天门菌株的部分菌株。第Ⅳ种类型,对4种不同品种致病力均较弱,使其均表现抗病,代表菌株如1cd3-29菌株。第V种类型,对银瑞361和冀棉11号两个品种致病力中等,使其表现耐病,对豫棉21和中棉所8号两个品种致病力较弱,使其表现感病,代表菌株如1cd3-38菌株。(3)同一鉴别品种的不同株行对同一菌株的抗性表现出明显的差异,说明鉴别品种在抗病性的纯度方面有很大的差异,提高品种纯度,可以大幅度地提高品种对棉花黄萎病的鉴别能力。(4)利用助壮素对棉苗种子进行浸种处理和发芽后水培处理可以达到壮苗的效果。本试验通过对不同浓度助壮素溶液组合进行浸种处理和水培处理,观察、记录、比较、分析在子叶期、一叶一心期、两叶一心期(即移栽期)各处理棉苗生长状况。试验结果显示,仅仅在浸种时处理会导致棉苗矮化但仍瘦弱,浸种200ppm和水培200ppm对于壮苗有良好效果,其鲜重较高,各个节间长度较短,有利于棉苗后期生长。

【Abstract】 Verticillium dahliae is one kind of fungal soil-borne diseases in the world spreading all over the cotton production areas, so it is called "cotton cancer". Hubei Province, as one of the main production areas of cotton in Yangtze River, is one of six major cotton-producing provinces, and cotton is the province’s biggest economic crops besides the main grain crops. But in recent years, due to the climate instability and neglecting of seed transporting quarantine and other factors, the effects on yield and quality of cotton production in Hubei Province occurred due to Verticillium wilt is increasing year by year showing a variety of disease symptoms in the field type. To do this, finding out the interaction rules between different Verticillium dahliae from different areas of Hubei and different kinds of varieties is important for the control of cotton Verticillium wilt.In order to find out the law of interaction between Verticillium wilt bacteria in Hubei Province with varieties of Cotton,32 representative strains from different regions of Hubei province and 4 different cotton varieties and their plant strains with different resistance to pathotypes were selected to do this research. Secondly, this study mainly based on nutrient water floating nursery seedling technology, and some research have been done about the strengthened seedling, mainly to identify the most effective combination of Mepiquat Chloride concentration. The main results are as follows:(1) According to the pathogenic changes represented on the interactions of the five non-defoliating pathotypes 1cd11-b、1cd3-2、1cd21-b、ve10 and ve5 with cotton varieties of Zhongmiansuo 8 and Jimian 11, the non-defoliating pathotypes could be divided into three types. TypeⅠ, the pathotype that performance resistance on Zhongmiansuo 8, and sensitivity on Jimian 11, represented by non-defoliating pathotype 1cd11-b. TypeⅡ, the pathotype that performance sensitivity on Zhongmiansuo 8, and resistance on Jimian 11, represented by non-defoliating pathotype 1cd3-2. TypeⅢ, the pathotypes that performance resistance both on Zhongmiansuo 8 and Jimian 11, including pathotypes 1cd21-b, ve10 and ve5. The interaction results between these three types of pathotype with t Zhongmiansuo 8-3 and Jimian 11-5, which seleced from the cross-strain lines of different kinds of varieties, further confirmed that classification and proved the resistance differentiation between non-defoliating pathotypes and cotton varieties.(2) According to the pathogenic changes represented on the interactions of the 27 defoliating pathotypes with cotton varieties of Zhongmiansuo 8, Yumian 21, Yinrui 361 and Jimian 11, the defoliating pathotypes could be divided into five types. TypeⅠ, the pathotypes that performance sensitivity on all of the four kinds of varieties, represented by pathotype 1cd3-33, 1cd3-1 and most pathotypes gathered from Caidian. TypeⅡ, the pathotype that performance resistance on Yinrui 361, and sensitivity on the other three kinds of varieties, represented by pathotype lhnw-1. TypeⅢ, the pathotype that performance resistance on Yinrui 361 and Yumian 21, and sensitivity on Zhongmiansuo 8 and Jimian 11, represented by pathotype 4tm-52R1. TypeⅣ, the pathotype that performance resistance on all these four kinds of varieties, represented by 1cd3-29. TypeⅤ, the pathotype that performance tolerance on Yinrui 361 and Jimian 11, and sensitivity on Yumian 21 and Zhongmiansuo 8, represented by pathotype 1cd3-38.(3) The variety purity could be improved since the adoption of cross-plant, and the disease index of cross-strain line generally change too large or too small indicating that resistance and sensitivity differentiation is apparent. Different strains of the same differential host have obvious different resistance and sensitivity performance on the same pathotype, indicating that there exists great difference on the purity of the differential host.(4) Seed soaking and hydroponics treatment after germination seedlings using Mepiquat Chloride could achieve the effect of strengthening the seedlings. In this research, seed soaking and hydroponics treatments with different concentration of Mepiquat Chloride could find the different effect during the time of cotyledon, one leaf and two leaves. The results showed that only treat on the soaking time processing could cause dwarfism but the seedlings still shin, and soaking and hydroponics treatment with 200ppm has a positive effect, having higher fresh weight, shorter length of each section, which is conducive to the late growth.

【关键词】 棉花黄萎病品种互作壮苗
【Key words】 CottonVerticillium dahliaevarietyinteractionstrengthen seedling
  • 【分类号】S435.621
  • 【下载频次】57