

Effects of Botanical-Derivated VFB on Growth of Tobacco and Tomato

【作者】 李林茹

【导师】 马志卿;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农药学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 VFB是西北农林科技大学无公害农药研究服务中心从甘草(Glycyrrhiza)、马齿苋(Portulacaoleracea)等几种植物材料中提取加工而成的一种植物源抗病毒剂。前期研究表明,VFB对烟草、辣椒等多种作物上的病毒病具有保护和治疗的双重功效。大田药效试验还发现,VFB处理过的烟叶颜色浓绿,长势明显优于对照,说明VFB可能对烟草的生长发育具有促进作用。为明确VFB对植物生长发育是否具有调控作用,本研究采用病毒A作为对照药剂较系统的研究了VFB对烟草、番茄的植株形态、生长生理和品质的具体影响,得出以下结果:在供试剂量下,VFB对烟草和番茄的生长发育具有刺激作用,且与施药剂量存在相关性,具体结果如下:(1)VFB通过调节内源激素的水平,从而调控烟草和番茄植株的形态构建。与空白对照相比,VFB 50倍稀释液处理后烟草叶片内IAA和GA含量分别升高12.12%和14.16%,烟草株高、茎围、总叶片数、节距和最大叶面积分别增加20.78%、2.29%、14.29%、6.56%和31.03%;番茄株高相对生长速率和茎粗分别增加7.69%和13.64%,最大叶片长宽比降低2.38%。(2)VFB能够增强烟草和番茄的抗病性。与空白对照相比,VFB 50倍稀释液能使烟草叶片中叶绿素和POD含量分别提高9.93%和41.97%;番茄叶片中叶绿素、POD、净光合速率、气孔导度和蒸腾速率分别提高15.00%、324.78%、26.67%、44.90%和12.86%。与空白对照相比,VFB 200倍稀释液使烟草叶片SOD、CAT、类黄酮、总酚含量分别增加7.55%、69.05%、47.73%和71.79%;番茄叶片SOD、CAT、类黄酮、总酚和胞间CO2浓度分别增加4.11%、122.26%、62.19%、76.31%和6.67%。与空白对照相比,VFB 100倍稀释液使烟草和番茄的根系活力分别增加45.79%和59.34%。(3)VFB能够提高烟草和番茄叶片中丙二醛含量,不利于提高生物膜的稳定性和完整性,但显著低于病毒A 400倍液。与空白对照相比,VFB 50倍稀释液使烟草和番茄叶片内丙二醛含量分别增加28.10%和50.12%,但与对照药剂相比,烟草和番茄叶片内丙二醛含量分别降低24.72%和37.52%。(4)VFB对烟草和番茄的品质有一定影响。与空白对照相比,VFB 50倍稀释液对烤烟中部叶的化学成分有极显著影响,而VFB 100倍和200倍稀释液则无显著性差异,其中VFB 50倍稀释液使烤烟中部叶内的总糖、还原糖、糖碱比和钾氯比分别降低0.74%、0.50%、1.69%、8.82%,使烟碱,氯,钾、总氮含量和氮碱比分别增加1.33%、12.82%、1.90%、5.50%和4.49%,但这些仍保持在优质烟规定范围之内;VFB能够改善番茄果实风味,使番茄果实中Vc含量和糖酸比增加8.68%和8.24%。上述结果表明,VFB在推荐剂量下对烟草和番茄具有刺激生长作用,值得进一步研究和推广应用。

【Abstract】 Botanical-derivated VFB was a kind of anti-viral agent mainly from Glycyrrhiza and Portulacaoleracea, which was developed by Research and Development Center of Biorational Pesticide, Northwest A&F University. The earlier research indicated VFB had the dual efficacy of protection and treatment to viral disease in tobacco and capsicum and so on. Efficacy test in Peanut Field found that the colar of leaves by Spraying VFB are deeper than ck. This show that VFB may can promote the growth of plant. In order to determine wether the VFB has the regulatory effect on the growth of plant or not, the thesis studiesthe concrete influences of VFB on plant morphology, growth physiology and the quality. The main results are as follows:Under tested dosage, VFB could stimulate the growth of tobacco and tomato, and have the Correlation among the application rate. Concrete results are as follows:(1) VFB could control the morphogenesis of tobacco and tomato by regulating the levels of endogenous hormones . Compared with the control, VFB 50×could increase IAA and GA of tobacco by 12.12% and 14.16%, height, stem thickness, pitch and Max.leaf of tobacco by 20.78%, 2.29%, 14.29%, 6.56% and 31.03%; the relative growth rate and stem diameter of tomato by 7.69% and 34.85%, and lower the length-width rate by 2.38%.(2) VFB could enhance the disease-resistance and stress-resistance of tobacco and tomato. Compared with the control, VFB 50×could increase chlorophyll and POD of tobacco by 9.93% and 41.97%; chlorophyll, POD, photosynthetic rate, conductance to H20 and transpiration rate of tomato by 15.00%, 324.78%, 26.67%, 44.90% and 12.86%,respectively. Compared with the control, VFB 200×could increase SOD, CAT, flavonoid, total phenol of tobacco by 7.55%, 69.05%, 47.73% and 71.79%; SOD, CAT, flavonoid, total phenol, intercellular CO2 concentration of tomato by 4.11%, 122.26%, 62.19%, 76.31% and 6.67%. Compared with the control, VFB 100×can increase the root activity of tobacco and tomato by 45.79% and 59.34%.(3) VFB can improve MDA content of tobacco and tomato leaves and damage the stability and integrity of biological membrane, but less than the virus A 400×significantly. Compared with the control, VFB 50×could increase the MDA of tobacco and tomato by 28.10% and 50.12%; compared with the virus A 400×, VFB could lower the MDA of tobacco and tomato by 24.72% and 37.52%.(4) VFB has impact on quality of tobacco and tomato to a certain extent. Compared with the control, VFB 50×has significant affect, but VFB 100×and 200×have no significant differences, VFB 50×could reduce the content of total sugar, reducing sugar, Reducing Sugar/Nicotine and Potassium/Chlorine by 0.74%, 0.50%, 1.69%, 8.82%, and increase the content of nicotine, chlorine, potassium, total nitrogen and total nitrogen/nicotine in flue-cured tobacco leaves by 1.33%, 12.82%, 1.90%, 5.50% and 4.49% , but these are still within the scope of quality tobacco; VFB can improve fruit flavor and increase the Vc content of tomato fruits and Sugar/acid by 8.68% and 8.24%, so it can.The results shows that, VFB could stimulate the growth of tobacco and tomato under the recommended dose. It said that can further study and application.

【关键词】 VFB烟草番茄生长发育
【Key words】 VFBtobaccotomatogrowth