

Study on Chinese Ancient Agricultural Sacrifice

【作者】 许婕

【导师】 樊志民;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 科学技术史, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 中国是世界农业起源地之一,我国古代聪慧的先民在中国这片广袤的土地上创造了极富中国特色的农业文化。远古时期原始先民无法解释的各种自然现象以及人类的祈愿逐一的被他们幻想成了无所不通的神灵,从而产生了祭祀活动。农业活动是古代社会存在和发展的基础,贯穿于整个农业生产环节中的祭祀活动具有浓郁的农业文化色彩和丰富的农业文化内涵。本文从农业的角度出发,由远而近,以古代农事祭俗活动为研究对象,从不同视角去审视农事祭俗的发展,以期得到诸多关于农业祭祀活动与农事生产习俗之间的相互作用和联系,能够发现它们的诸多交融,发掘出来为现代农业生产提供借鉴。农事祭俗活动是民众基本生活层面的一种文化事象,本文着重描述农业生产祭祀与民俗之间的融合互动;对农事祭俗的起源、形成主体与特点、主要类分内容、个案分析以及农事祭俗之功能分析等,进行全方位、多视角、纵向与横向相结合来加以探讨;对农事祭俗活动范围界定和主体内涵予以明晰。在对农事祭俗活动进行系统研究中,首先从崇拜的角度来追溯农事祭俗萌芽的源头,并且分析岁时节日的形成、以及民众的报恩心理对农业祭祀活动的影响。农事祭俗活动的发展是随着社会的发展而发展的,春秋战国时期,农业祭祀与国家开始紧密结合,民间农事祭俗也迅速发展。它包含农业生产环节、岁时节令以及二十四节气,以兴平老婆会作为个案进一步的分析,其功能更渗透到社会的各个方面,不管是政治、文化、经济方面都产生了效应。目前国内关于农事祭俗活动的研究绝大多数是从民俗角度出发,或仅仅只是社稷祭祀方面的研究。而本文突破以往对农事祭俗活动研究的单一性,力求有所创新,即在社稷祭祀活动与农事生产习俗相融合的视角下,将农事祭俗投入到农业历史的大背景中去考察,从总体上把握,全方位、多层面的去探讨。

【Abstract】 China is one of the origins of agriculture country, ancestors of the ancient wise create a highly agricultural culture with Chinese characteristics in this vast land. Since ancient times, the low level of agricultural. The original people of various natural phenomena can not be explained by their illusions one by one into nothing unreasonable of the gods, when they encounter difficulties, they will be good wishes upon their faith in God, resulting in the festival. All activities on the ancient ritual of the mark with agriculture, because agriculture is the only priority in the agricultural society, because of ritual activities, ancient human beings that is a guarantee the agricultural production. Agricultural activities which is the existence and development of the agricultural basis of society, since the festival has become the protection of agriculture, then the application of such protection in the behavior in production was down from generation to generation. Therefore, this article from an agricultural point of view, So far Popular festival with ancient agricultural activities as the research object, from the elegant, ceremony, customs from different perspectives to examine the development of farming folk festival. In order to get a lot of sacrifices on agricultural activities and agricultural production practices and the interaction between the links can be found in many of their integration, able to discover them for reference for modern agricultural production.Popular activities are farming people offering the basic aspects of life as a cultural phenomenon, This article focuses on agricultural production, worship and folk fusion between the interaction that agricultural production in the festival as the main target of this study. Therefore, the origin of farming folk festival, with the formation of the main characteristics of the contents of the main sub-categories, case analysis, and agricultural customs of functional analysis, offering to conduct all-round, multi-angle, vertical and horizontal combination to be explored. This popular festival of farming activities to be defined and the main content of clarity, the situation on the domestic and foreign research and study the significance of this article, ideas and methods, innovation is given to description and analysis.Folk Festival on the activities of agricultural system, the first trace from the perspective of worship offering custom budding agricultural sources, and analyze the cognitive level is lowly, the formation of Festivals, as well as people’s psychology of Gratitude Agricultural ritual activities. Agricultural festival custom development of activities is the development of society and development, the Spring and Autumn period, agricultural ritual and countries are beginning to close integration of private agricultural festival customs is also developing rapidly, Based on the national agricultural ritual and private agricultural festival folk were studied and During the distinction between agricultural festival to further elaborate the main features of popular activities. This paper argues that farm folk festival includes agricultural production areas, seasons and twenty-four solar terms at the age of the agricultural festival in the popular activities were discussed in three aspects from farming folk festival activities to Xing Ping old ladies as a case analysis will be further discussed Popular activities in the agricultural festival in the people’s basic life embodied. Farming folk festival features activities permeate all aspects of society, whether political, cultural, economic aspects of the effect of its formation.Currently popular on the festival activities in agricultural research are from the vast majority of folk point of view, Or just the research boat. The paper focuses on agricultural breakthrough in the past, popular activities of the unity of sacrifice, and strive to be innovative, that the boat festival and the integration of agricultural production practices in perspective, the farming folk festival into the larger context of the history of agriculture to study, grasp the overall dimensions and multiple levels to explore.
