

Study on Berry Abscission of Thompson Seedless in Xingjiang

【作者】 宋军阳

【导师】 王西平;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 果树学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 葡萄是世界上栽培最早,分布最广泛的果树之一,占世界水果总产量的1/5,仅次于柑桔,居世界第二位。新疆是我国重要的葡萄生产区,面积和产量均列全国首位,无核白是新疆主要的葡萄栽培品种。葡萄采后果粒脱落是无核白鲜食葡萄生产中的常见问题,本研究针对新疆无核白葡萄落粒问题设计了综合营养液配方试验和施用方法组合试验,旨在为解决新疆无核白葡萄落粒问题,提高无核白葡萄浆果品质提供技术依据和方法。通过对新疆无核白葡萄在花期前后喷施3种植物生长调节剂、1种营养元素和1种修剪措施分别单独处理,研究了不同处理对无核白葡萄落粒的影响。结果表明,赤霉素在增加葡萄果实单果重方面的效果是明显的,此结论与前人的研究结果一致,与落粒相关的几个指标数据(耐拉力、耐压力、果刷、果梗)表明赤霉素对降低葡萄落粒率有一定效果,赤霉素最佳的处理时期是在葡萄花后2周之前。氯吡苯脲处理能够增加葡萄的单果重,同时也能增加与落粒有关的指标数值,吡苯脲降低落粒率的处理最佳时期是在花期到花后2周期间。多效唑处理能增加葡萄单果重,降低葡萄果粒的耐压力,减小葡萄果梗长度和粗度,降低葡萄果刷宽度。硝酸钙处理能够增加果粒的耐拉力,减小果梗的长度和粗度,增加葡萄的单果重,硝酸钙适宜喷施时期应该在花后6周以后。环剥处理能够增加单果重,增加单果重的最佳环剥时间在花前或花后,环剥会降低葡萄果粒耐压力,增加葡萄的耐拉力,增加果刷长度,增加耐拉力的最佳环剥时间是花后第20天。5个因素处理均对葡萄果型指数基本没有影响,均能不同程度增加单果重,降低落粒率,但5个因素的最佳处理时期各不相同。针对无核白葡萄落粒问题,自行研制出一种综合营养液,其成分共14种,分别是赤霉素、硝酸钾、硫酸铵、硫酸镁、磷酸二氢钾、氯化钙、硫酸锰、硫酸锌、硫酸铜、硼酸、碘化钾、氯化钻、柠檬酸、吐温,按特定比例和方法配置而成。通过对新疆无核白葡萄在花期前后喷施综合营养液试验,结果表明综合营养液对提高新疆无核白葡萄果穗重量、单果重、果粒耐压力、耐拉力、果梗、果刷指标、含糖量等方面具有一定效果,可大幅度降低果穗落粒率,尤其是在提高与葡萄贮运性能有关的指标方面效果比较明显。综合营养液的主要成分是赤霉素和其他矿质营养元素,多数研究表明,赤霉素在增大葡萄果粒方面效果显著,但是如果浓度和喷施时间不当,会造成果梗僵硬变脆,耐压力、耐拉力下降,落粒率增加,含糖量下降等问题,尤其是单纯喷施赤霉素往往会引起以上问题,本试验结果表明,配合其他营养元素,可以减轻赤霉素的副作用,提高葡萄与贮运有关的性能。试验结果的综合分析表明综合营养液施用的最佳处理为花前、花后10天、花后20天用100mg/L的综合营养液喷施3次;或者是在无核白葡萄的花后、花后10天、花后20天、花后30天用100mg/L的综合营养液喷施4次;在采前20天喷施1.5%的硝酸钙效果更好。采后1-MCP处理实验结果表明:无核白葡萄果实在贮藏期间果粒耐拉力和耐压力并非持续下降,中间有2次上升过程,其原因尚不清楚;1-MCP在提高葡萄果粒耐拉力方面有一定效果,0.1μL/L的1-MCP浓度是提高葡萄果粒耐拉力的最佳浓度;1-MCP可明显提高葡萄果粒耐压力,最佳浓度是1μL/L,其次是0.1μL/L;1-MCP在贮藏后期可提高葡萄可溶性固形物含量。

【Abstract】 Grape is one of the fruit trees with earliest cultivation and widest distribution in the world, accounting for 1/5 of the total fruit output in the world, only second to orange, ranking the second place in the world. Xinjiang is China’s major grape production area, with the largest area and output in China, and Thompson Seedless grape is the major grape variety in Xinjiang. Abscission after grape picking is the common problem in production of Thompson Seedless fresh grape, in this study, the author designs the comprehensive nutrient solution formula test and application method combination test aiming at the problem of abscission of Xinjiang Thompson Seedless grape, and aims at providing technical basis and method for solving the problem of abscission of Xinjiang Thompson Seedless grape and improving the quality of Thompson Seedless grape.Through respectively applying 3 plant growth regulators,1 nutrient element and 1 pruning measure on Xinjiang Thompson Seedless grape before and after the flowering stage, the author studied the influence of different treatments on the abscission of Thompson Seedless grape. The results show that the effect of gibberellin on increasing the single fruit weight of grape is obvious, and this conclusion is consistent with the study result of the predecessors; and indicators (tensile resistance, pressure resistance, fruit stalk and fruit stem) related to abscission show that the gibberellin has certain effect on reducing the abscission rate of grape, and the best treatment period of gibberellin is before 2 weeks after the blossom of grape. Forchlorfenuron treatment can increase the single fruit weight of grape, and also increase the value of the indicator related to abscission, and the optimal treatment period for forchlorfenuron to reduce the abscission rate is from the flowering stage to 2 weeks after the blossom. Paclobutrazol treatment can increase the single fruit weight of grape, reduce the pressure resistance of grape fruit, reduce the length and thickness of grape stem, and reduce the width of the grape stalk. Calcium nitrate treatment can improve the tensile resistance of fruit, reduce the length and diameter of stems, and increase the single fruit weight of grape, and the suitable applying period of calcium nitrate shall be 6 weeks after the blossom. Ring peeling treatment can increase the single fruit weight of grape, and the optimal ring peeling time for increasing the single fruit weight is before the blossom or after the blossom; and ring peeling will reduce the pressure resistance of grape fruit, improve the tensile resistance, and increase the length of fruit stalk, and the optimal ring peeling time for improving the tensile resistance is the 20th day after the blossom. The 5 treatments basically have no influence on the grape fruit type index, and can increase the single fruit weight and reduce the abscission rate to different extents. However, the optimal treatment periods of the five factors are different.A comprehensive nutrient solution is developed to solve the problem of abscission of Thompson Seedless grape, and contains 14 components, namely gibberellin, potassium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, magnesium sulfate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, calcium chloride, manganese sulfate, zinc sulfate, copper sulfate, boric acid, potassium iodide, cobalt chloride, citric acid and tween respectively, which are mixed according to certain proportion and method. The result of the test of applying the comprehensive nutrient solution on Xinjiang Thompson Seedless grape before and after the flowering stage shows that the comprehensive nutrient solution has certain effect on increasing the bunch weight, single fruit weight, fruit pressure resistance, tensile resistance, fruit stem, fruit stalk index, sugar content, etc. of Xinjiang Thompson Seedless grape, and can greatly reduce the abscission rate of bunch, especially has obvious effect on improving the index related to the grape storage and transport performance. The main components of comprehensive nutrient solution include gibberellin and other mineral nutrients, and most studies show that gibberellin has obvious effect on increasing the size of grape fruit, however, the improper concentration and application time will make the fruit stem stiff and crisp, reduce the pressure resistance and tensile resistance, increase the abscission rate, reduce the sugar content, etc., especially, the pure application of gibberellin will cause the aforesaid problems. This test result shows that the side effect of the gibberellin can be reduced and the grape storage and transport performance can be improved by being matched with other nutrients. The comprehensive analysis of the test result shows that the optimal treatment of applying the comprehensive nutrient solution is to apply 100mg/L comprehensive nutrient solution for 3 times 10 days before and after the blossom, and 20 days after the blossom; or apply 100mg/L comprehensive nutrient solution for 4 times after the blossom of Thompson Seedless grape,10 days after the blossom,20 days after the blossom and 30 days after the blossom; and the application of 1.5% calcium nitrate 20 days before harvest will have better effect.Postharvest 1-MCP treatment test results show that:during the storage period, the fruit tensile resistance and pressure resistance of Thompson Seedless grape are not continuously reduced, there are 2 rising processes, and the reason is unclear yet; 1-MCP has certain effect on improving the grape fruit tensile resistance, 0.1μL/L is the optimal concentration of 1-MCP to improve the grape fruit tensile resistance; 1-MCP can obviously improve the grape fruit pressure resistance, with the optimal concentration of 1μL/L, followed by 0.1μL/L; and 1-MCP can increase the content of soluble solid of grape.

【关键词】 无核白葡萄落粒新疆
【Key words】 Thompson seedlessGrapeBerry abscissionXinjiang