

Research on Rescue Helicopter Route Planning

【作者】 陈通

【导师】 潘卫军;

【作者基本信息】 中国民用航空飞行学院 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 航迹规划是民用直升机在执行搜救任务前的一项重要飞行准备工作。特别是在山区等地形条件较为复杂的地区,人工规划航迹效率低下,且不尽合理,所以本文提出并研究了救援直升机的航迹规划问题。旨在快速合理地规划出一条既保证飞行安全,又能最快到达目的地的飞行航迹。本文在对数字高程模型以及数字等高线地图研究的基础上,采用数学形态学图像处理技术,对以等高线形式表示的障碍物图进行处理,从而得到航迹搜索空间。在此基础上,选用启发式最短路径搜索算法,在二维平面上搜索得到最短航迹。对于三维航迹规划问题,本文采用分层策略,将三维空间航迹规划问题按照精度要求分解为多个二维平面,在各平面上分别得到可行航迹搜索区域,并进行水平栅格划分,然后将各高度层的可行航迹栅格组成三维可行航迹搜索空间,利用蚁群搜索算法,进行三维最短航迹搜索。对于多机多目标的协同搜救问题,本文采用可行度评估方法,根据各目标点任务特点,评估其对于指定直升机的任务执行的可行度,然后将目标点任务指派给合适的直升机。将多机多目标协同问题简化为类似旅行商问题,采用遗传算法进行多目标点的航迹规划。本文对于上述三种航迹规划问题,结合数字地图处理软件Global Mapper,均在MATLAB平台上进行了仿真实现,证明方法具有可行性。

【Abstract】 Route planning is one of the key pre-flight preparations for the civil helicopters with the search and rescue missions. Especially in the complex mountainous terrain, it is often hard to find a proper route for the helicopters quickly. So the route planning problem for helicopter with rescue missions is proposed in the thesis, aiming at finding a proper route for the helicopters to fly safely and reach the destination in the shortest time.Based on the study on the digital elevation model(DEM) and contour map, obstacle map in the form of the contour is processed using mathematical morphology image processing technology to get the route planning space. On this basis, the heuristic search algorithm is selected to search for the shortest path in the two dimensional space.In the case of route planning in the three dimensional space, the space is divided into several levels with different altitude which decomposed the three dimensional planning space into many two dimensional planes according to the precision requirement. Feasible route area is acquired at each level. All the feasible grids on every level are then combined to compose the three dimensional planning space before the route planning using ant colony algorithm.The multi targets search and coordination for multiple helicopters problem is also studied. First, according to the characteristic of mission on each target, the availability of the helicopter for the target is assessed, and then the missions on the targets are assigned to proper helicopters. At last, the multi targets route planning is transformed into travelling salesman problem and solved using generic algorithm.Simulation results of all the approaches mentioned above are presented on the platform of MATLAB, with the help of digital map processing software Global Mapper. So the feasibility of these approaches is proved.
